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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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Hi all!


First post here for me....I recently picked up Warframe on the recommendation of my nephew, who likened it to an MMO Space Marine "but using space ninja's."  He was right, and so far I have not been disappointed.


I've come to a place where I plan on playing this game regularly (about 2-4x/week, mostly on Tuesday/Wednesday when the wife is out, but sometimes late in the evening PDT before I head to bed) and would like a group of casual-friendly folks to interact with.


I've read the creeds, and I'd like to join if you'll have me.  The day after I saw the recent CMC episode I found this thread.  I figured it had to be fate.

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Nooo, i was too creative and forget the actual important part. Heh, can happen.


Then, i will try again.


The reason to join this is clan is to leave the random pups behind me and to share and to learn from the more experienced players.

Much appreciated for getting back to us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.


Hi all!


First post here for me....I recently picked up Warframe on the recommendation of my nephew, who likened it to an MMO Space Marine "but using space ninja's."  He was right, and so far I have not been disappointed.


I've come to a place where I plan on playing this game regularly (about 2-4x/week, mostly on Tuesday/Wednesday when the wife is out, but sometimes late in the evening PDT before I head to bed) and would like a group of casual-friendly folks to interact with.


I've read the creeds, and I'd like to join if you'll have me.  The day after I saw the recent CMC episode I found this thread.  I figured it had to be fate.

Hey there, ShakeyMac.


Glad to hear that you're enjoying yourself so far. My apologies for the terse reply.


Invite sent. Welcome Crusader.

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I want to join the clan I have read and understand the Creed and Rules, as why i want to join this clan.i want to enter in your clan because I play for fun    And because i am a little NOOB

Hey there, Tinytheo5.


Much appreciated for giving the rules a look over, but I'm afraid your reason is not sufficient. There are many clans out there that "play for fun".

At this moment, your application must be denied.

Take care.

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This seems like an amazing noob-friendly clan, (I always need a noob friendly clan, read my name) and I would LOVE to join. The idea of the clan overall seems interesting, and I like how you have crests and a complex ranking system since I've been in complex communities in other games and I think I'll fit in pretty fast. Please also note that I'm still a bit of a newbie, (MR5) and I make mistakes, like everyone.


It'll be wonderful if you accept my request. Thanks!

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This seems like an amazing noob-friendly clan, (I always need a noob friendly clan, read my name) and I would LOVE to join. The idea of the clan overall seems interesting, and I like how you have crests and a complex ranking system since I've been in complex communities in other games and I think I'll fit in pretty fast. Please also note that I'm still a bit of a newbie, (MR5) and I make mistakes, like everyone.


It'll be wonderful if you accept my request. Thanks!


Howdy N00B4L1F3


From the fact that you've read through our crests and ranking system, I assume you've read our creeds. But, being as I cannot work off of assumptions, I'm going to need confirmation that you've read and understand our rules before you're invited.

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Howdy N00B4L1F3


From the fact that you've read through our crests and ranking system, I assume you've read our creeds. But, being as I cannot work off of assumptions, I'm going to need confirmation that you've read and understand our rules before you're invited.

And in what way? Is there an application form? 'Cause that isn't mentioned.

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Ayy I read the rules. I wanna join cause I already was in this clan a while ago but couldnt play warframe for a bit and was kicked for inactivity but now I miss some of the people and Im playing warframe again.


Howdy again YukariSendo.


We would be glad to have you back.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.



And in what way? Is there an application form? 'Cause that isn't mentioned.


Howdy again, N00B4L1F3


It is very much mentioned. On the first page, in fact. Perhaps you have not read it.

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I vow to not tarnish the name of CMC.

I vow to keep adult-talks out of the clan chat.

I vow to be against any racism, bullying, discrimination, or vitriolic behavior.

I vow to respect the wish of others.

I vow to be charitable.

I vow to try and help who ask for help.

I vow to keep my swearing under control.

I vow to not complain in the clan chat. (at least not too much)

I vow to not spam trades in the clan chat.

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I don't consider myself a complete beginner, although I've been only playing for 4 days, I've been spending a lot of time on the wiki figuring out the game mechanics and found out you need to be in a clan to trade and get some things othervise unobtainable. I asked a friend (jakubik25) if he knew any clan and decided to apply too, I read all the rules and I vow to follow every single one of them. Also, tomorrow is my 17th birthday. :3


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Hello CMC,


    I am Dracomodon with a couple aliases. I have read over the guidelines as-well as the Creed. I got a referral from Luna_Enserric. I would like to join because I am a casual gamer looking to grow and learn. I would also like to make some new friends. If, this isn't sufficient enough info please let me know more and I will be gladly willing to share more.

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I vow to not tarnish the name of CMC.

I vow to keep adult-talks out of the clan chat.

I vow to be against any racism, bullying, discrimination, or vitriolic behavior.

I vow to respect the wish of others.

I vow to be charitable.

I vow to try and help who ask for help.

I vow to keep my swearing under control.

I vow to not complain in the clan chat. (at least not too much)

I vow to not spam trades in the clan chat.


Howdy again N00B4L1F3


Thank you for getting back to us. I hope you can keep true to your words.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.



Good evening,

after long time I am playing Warframe again and i would like to join you again. As before, I wish to join you with intention to find nice community of people, who likes same things like me. Hope to see you soon. :)


Howdy jakubik25.


You are missing one very important part of your application here. Please go back to the first page and find out what you missed.




I don't consider myself a complete beginner, although I've been only playing for 4 days, I've been spending a lot of time on the wiki figuring out the game mechanics and found out you need to be in a clan to trade and get some things othervise unobtainable. I asked a friend (jakubik25) if he knew any clan and decided to apply too, I read all the rules and I vow to follow every single one of them. Also, tomorrow is my 17th birthday. :3



Howdy DingierWeEvil44.


Happy early birthday.


Due to past complications, we don't accept reasons for wanting to join like "I have a friend in the clan / I was recommended by X". If you would still like to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I'll ask that you supply a reason for wanting to join us specifically over another clan and not influenced by having a friend that is a member/applying as well.



Hello CMC,


    I am Dracomodon with a couple aliases. I have read over the guidelines as-well as the Creed. I got a referral from Luna_Enserric. I would like to join because I am a casual gamer looking to grow and learn. I would also like to make some new friends. If, this isn't sufficient enough info please let me know more and I will be gladly willing to share more.


Howdy Dracomodon.


I hope we can live up to your expectations.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I read all the rules and I was just wondering if I could Join I am an active player and I was looking for an active clan like this 


Howdy deadman572.


Your reason for joining is not sufficient enough, so I'm going to have to deny you.


Stay safe.



I would like to rejoin the clan.  I read the rules and clan tenents.  I was kicked due to inactivity but am getting back into the game.


Howdy MrTophats.


We're always happy to see a returning member.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Howdy deadman572.


Your reason for joining is not sufficient enough, so I'm going to have to deny you.


Stay safe.



Okay let me elaborate more. I just wanted to join because Ive been getting really into the game again and thought this community would be great to make friends who can help each other out. I used to be really into it so after I relearn about all the new stuff I can promise you Id be a very valued member of the clan :)

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Hello, my name is Casper. I have read and understand the creed and rules of the clan.  I would like to join to try and extend my knowledge of the game. So I think being in a clan would help me with that. Also, this being an mlp themed clan is a bonus since i'm a fan of the show. :)

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Okay let me elaborate more. I just wanted to join because Ive been getting really into the game again and thought this community would be great to make friends who can help each other out. I used to be really into it so after I relearn about all the new stuff I can promise you Id be a very valued member of the clan :)


Howdy again deadman572.


Thanks for getting back to us. This is a much better reason, as it now makes me confident that you will enjoy your time with us. Happy to have you aboard.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.



Hello, my name is Casper. I have read and understand the creed and rules of the clan.  I would like to join to try and extend my knowledge of the game. So I think being in a clan would help me with that. Also, this being an mlp themed clan is a bonus since i'm a fan of the show. :)


Howdy caspergage.


We would be happy to have you. I should let you know though, that even though we are an MLP themed clan, we do have members that are not particularly fans of the show. As long as you keep that in mind and respect that, there should be no issues. If you do have one however, be sure to either let myself or Haldos know.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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ingame name- Hunt2kil

MR- 11 almost 12=p

Hello, my ingame name is Hunt2kil im kinda new to this game really addicted i came from csgo this game was recommended by a friend tottally loving it so far! XD

my Mr is 11 almost 12=p

I want to join this because it looks like a fun community clan i really love the helping other players part and the creed is just awesome=p

We will not tarnish the name of the CMC

sounds like a boss or something=p

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ingame name- Hunt2kil

MR- 11 almost 12=p

Hello, my ingame name is Hunt2kil im kinda new to this game really addicted i came from csgo this game was recommended by a friend tottally loving it so far! XD

my Mr is 11 almost 12=p

I want to join this because it looks like a fun community clan i really love the helping other players part and the creed is just awesome=p

We will not tarnish the name of the CMC

sounds like a boss or something=p

Hey there, Hunt2kil.


"Kind of new to this game" and nearly at Mastery Rank 12? That's impressive commitment.


Sounds like the CMC would be a good fit for you, however, it appears you are already in a clan.


If you would still like to join, please disband yourself from your current clan and get back to us.

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