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[Allregion&casual] The Cutie Mark Crusaders!


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I've had a look over the creed and I agree. They're definitely solid ground rules for any clan.


Howdy again Octarare.


Thanks for getting back to us. Everything seems to be in order.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.




Wonderbolt-Spitfire contacted me personally, informing me that they were removed for inactivity. I have confirmed that they have read and still agree to uphold our creeds and an invite has been sent to them.


Please welcome back this Crusader.


Edit: Formatting

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Hello. I was kicked for inactivity but now im back to warframe. I've read the rules/creeds and i'd like to re-join. I had fun with this clan and made few friends so, i'd like to have you by my side once again.


Howdy again Hypomanic.


Always glad to see a returning member. Thank you for going over our creeds again.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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IGN: DatProtagonist



I was in the clan a while back, but do to some family circumstances had to take a break for about a year and a half.

I'd like to get back in since I have recently started back playing, thanks for your time

Good to see you again, DatProtagonist.

Life and family matters always come first and you are, of course, welcome to rejoin.

Before your invitation, please give the rules a read, as a lot has changed since you've been gone.

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Good to see you again, DatProtagonist.

Life and family matters always come first and you are, of course, welcome to rejoin.

Before your invitation, please give the rules a read, as a lot has changed since you've been gone.


Quite a bit has changed since I was last here, The rules are re-read and thanks for getting back to me so quickly

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hi I would like to join the CMC Im looking for a fun clan and mlp is a huge bonus! (I just got back into Warframe recently)


Howdy Koyichan.


It seems like your application here is missing a small, but important part. Please read over our "Wanna join?" section on the first page carefully.




Quite a bit has changed since I was last here, The rules are re-read and thanks for getting back to me so quickly


Howdy again DatProtagonist.


Always glad to see returning members.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.





I MarkMintMan abide by the creeds of the CMC. I wish to join this clan because i have heard much about you and also know your current member Fluttershy750. I plan on being very helpful with future research and events.
    - MarkMintMan



Howdy MarkMintMan.


Agreeing to abide by the rules certainly is appreciated, but to say that you know someone within our ranks doesn't really tell us anything. We want to make sure that all of our aspiring members join under their own will, with their own reasons so that they will be truly happy spending their time with us. If you are still interested in joining us, please, in your own words, explain why you would like to join us specifically over any other clan. If you only wish to join because your friend is with us, I'm sorry to say that is not a sufficient reason.




active player!! 

name: hermantofu

rank 6

use to play it 24/7 back in beta but then stop awhile, now with all these awesome update im back in game >:))) please let me be one of you!



Howdy hermantofu.


You are missing a bunch of information in your application here in order for us to consider you. Please go to the front page of this thread and read over the "Wanna join?" section. If you wish to join us, please follow those guidelines when making your post.

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I've reread the rules  my ign is Koyichan 

I'm sorry for forgetting to add all this info I was greatly overzealous in my endeavor to join the CMC please forgive my brash thoughtlessness on the rules.


Howdy again Koyichan.


No need for such an elaborate apology. Everything is fine. I thank you for reading our creeds. As long as you agree to uphold them, then you will always be welcome with us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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I was once in the clan but was kicked due to inactivity could i come back again? :)

I have read the new rules and really wish to be back again, i miss the players and the lovely emblem!


Howdy again jimpen.


It's always nice to see returning members. i appreciate you taking the time to read over the creeds again.


Invite sent. Welcome back, Crusader.

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Hey there, Crusaders!


Just wanted to update you all on a few things.


First and foremost, the "Outside of WF chat" survey has concluded. The Crusaders have spoken, and after some manual reading, the official CMC Discord chat is now active! With Discord, we now have access to chat rooms and even voice chat.


Before we go further, please note:


Discord Chat will fall under the same rules as Clan chat:
-No fighting, antagonism or put downs. (Racism etc included)

-No inappropriate discussions. Keep it clean and PG-13.

-Swearing still okay, but keep it contained.


-Do NOT share your invite code with anyone else. It is for you as a Crusader and no one else.


To access the chat:

-Download Discord here: https://discordapp.com/

-Send JTBoogie14 or myself a PM on the forum to receive your invite code.

-You're all set!




That's not all, Crusaders!


We have a new survey up for your attention!


This survey is focused on Clan Tiers and the Inactivity limit. Please give it a look and give us your feedback!




As always, thank you for your time, Crusaders. JT and I appreciate it.

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I've read the rules and i would like to join the clan, I'm a semi new player, I use to play in the past and wanted to start playing again regularly and to have a group of people to talk and play the game with, learn some new things and have a good experience with some new people

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Just got back into this game about a week ago, and decided it's about time to get into a clan of sorts.

While I'm not much into MLP anymore, I really like the way this group comes off. 

seems laid back yet, well-maintained. Nice set of basic rules. I would not mind joining if you would have me.


Howdy R-01mK.


While we are MLP themed, we do have a number of members that aren't a part of the My Little Pony "fandom", shall we say. That said, everyone here respects others' opinions, so I hope that you can do the same. As long as you can uphold our creeds, you will always be welcome with us.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.




IGN : Smile1703

MR : 18

I would like to join :)


Howdy Smile1703.


Denied. None of the information you've provided, do we need.




I've read the rules and i would like to join the clan, I'm a semi new player, I use to play in the past and wanted to start playing again regularly and to have a group of people to talk and play the game with, learn some new things and have a good experience with some new people




I appreciate you taking the time to read the rules and I do believe that we can provide the experiences you're looking for. That being said, so can other clans, especially those of the same size. What I would like to know is why you chose us specifically over another clan. We do this check to ensure that we will be the best fit for you.

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I like the vibe this group gives off, after reading some of the forum post I like how this community of people act, they seem like they'd be a great experience of meeting people and learning to play


Howdy again GEAR_EFFECT


Very well said. This is exactly what we are looking for.


Invite sent. Welcome, Crusader.

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Hey just got back into the game. You guys kicked me out. :( Please re-invite. IGN: SmallPaws


Good to see again, SmallPaws.


I'm afraid you were removed for inactivity, but you are welcome to rejoin. Please head back to the front page and give the rules a good looking over. A lot has changed in your absence and we want to be sure everyone is on the same page.

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Hi, I've been getting back into the game recently and I was a member of the clan previously, however I was kicked for inactivity. I'm eager to rejoin as I remember the folks in CMC being a friendly bunch and I'd love to play and chat with you guys again.


I acknowledge that I've read over the rules again.

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Hi, I've been getting back into the game recently and I was a member of the clan previously, however I was kicked for inactivity. I'm eager to rejoin as I remember the folks in CMC being a friendly bunch and I'd love to play and chat with you guys again.


I acknowledge that I've read over the rules again.

Greetings, Shinoa-.


Strangely enough, I'm not seeing the name Shinoa- on our list of previous members, nor mention of you in this thread at any time using the search result. I also went through the first 100 pages of this thread and was unable to find your name. If you can find your post in this thread, then do let me know where it is so we may review it.


Until this time, I'm going to have to ask you to head back to the first page and give the "Wanna join?" section a good looking over, as we must process you as a new applicant and there is one last thing we need to confirm.

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