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Feedback Prime - Warframe Specific Edition


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This is going to be long. Again.


Power strength, duration, efficiency, and to a lesser degree range, are all broken statistics. That would be all of the ability statistics, mind you. All broken. You can't possibly balance with such crude use of percentile increases. If AP items in League of Legends just gave ability damage % increases the game would be so amazingly broken that south korea would spontaneously combust upon reading the patch notes. This game needs to bite the bullet – and I honestly don't know which bullet that is. Each ability having a set of maxes and reduction rates for each stat? Or scrap the percents entirely, and go for a LoL style AP system? Those are actually kind of the same thing but one is clunky and feels like it used to and the other is clear and a dramatic cosmetic change. Yeah, I don't know how this one can get fixed. But there's going to be a lot of rage no matter what happens.


Some warframes also have odd stats. Why does ash have 150 health? Zephyr having 150 health AND shields, rhino having 150 shields but only 100 health, frost the same. Zephyr is obviously not in line with the frame itself. Is it just a little apology for making her cost so damn much oxium?


Also, why do abilities have such weird scaling? I don't really get why abilities have such a huge jump between level 2 and max, while the upgrade from unranked to 1 is negligible, and in a few cases non-existent. Warcry melee speed gets +5%/+5%/+25%. This is weird, and yet the standard for this game.



Frame specific feedback only for frames that I have played significantly.




I don't really have much to say about Ash except that he looks. . . off. Can't say why. Other than that, high power efficiency and a bit of power siphon makes Ash invulnerable due to infinite bladestorms. Why is invulnerability necessary with this ability at all? Enemies can't target in the time it takes for him to hit the next marked enemy. Make him invulnerable to knockdowns and such during the ability, but he needs to keep taking toxin/slash proc damage that he's taken, AoE damage, and stray bullets. The stealth is also stupid, but to a lesser degree than loki's.




One of the better frames by no small margin. Sound quake is a lazy and boring AoE baddies-b-gone button. Sonic boom is fun but not a $&*&*#(%& nuke button, but I think that it should be slanted more towards guarenteed staggers and knockbacks, with only chances for knockdowns. Also, it shouldn't go through walls. That's just dumb. Sonar is one of the best abilities in the game design-wise. Does no damage and deals no procs, but sets you up to deal massive damage if you follow up on it. Interactivity like this should be your gold standard, though the damage increase scales too fast, especially paired with power strength. I like silence and never use it. Maybe if the game ever gets hard and stealth means something people will use it.




Definitely not an original design concept, but more importantly, nothing interesting is done with it. Fireball, dump gasoline, fire circle, set everything on fire. Everything is AoE, so would normally be used in every game because of how this game pretends that doing area damage shouldn't do less, cost more, or have really any drawbacks. But, nova exists, so there's no reason to play ember.


Excalibur feedback pending


Frost feedback pending


Hydroid feedback pending




Permanent invisibility is stupid. Absolutely nobody can see you no matter what you do. On top of the absolute impossibility of any detection, you can instakill almost anything with melee. This is really stupid. Thermal imaging, radar, sonar, or electroreceptive sensors – why does no one have them? Why does no one notice if you run right into them? So much fails. Radial disarm is also way too powerful. Infinite duration is a bad idea in almost every circumstance, and it's downright stupid when the effect in question is removing all ranged attacks. At least pressing 4 to make everything harmless is less outrageous than pressing 4 to make everything die. Compared to these, switch tele is worthless and decoy is marginally useful only on defense as a meatshield.




Nothing wrong with pull or polarize. Bullet attractor is worthless in comparison. Crush is yet another copy/paste AoE clear button. Would be really strong, if it wasn't overshadowed by leagues by nova.




Hitting multiple targets with soul punch feels impossible, like the soul projectile thing has no width. Does anyone use this, ever? Barely any damage with awful targeting. Terrify doesn't have a chance to resist, it works against robots and powerful enemies at full health about to roll over you. Really strong CC. It shouldn't have a target limit, but should have a success rate that increases if enemies are lower health, but be reduced against stronger unit types. It shouldn't work on rollers and ospreys. And... desecrate. Well, this thing is just a pile of awful. Is there anything about this ability that is even slightly good for the game? Nope. Demand: desecrate must not spawn personal life support pods. Suggestion: scrap the ability and think up a new one. SotD is fine, just buggy.




The Beast herself. Doesn't feel antimatter themed at all. Singlehandedly breaks every mission type by pressing 4. Null star is alright, but feels really low damage and unresponsive. Particles should be able to attack multiple different targets immediately. Antimatter drop is a really cool concept with terrible controls and exploit potential that still doesn't measure up to the power of pressing 4. The orbs shouldn't damage eachother or it can't be recast until the orb is used, so that it doesn't become the next thing once MP actually gets fixed. Wormhole. Is this really supposed to be an antimatter frame? Because it isn't. It really isn't. And there it is, molecular prime itself. It's like desecrate, but instead of no redeeming qualities, it has a mountain of gamebreak hidden under it. Everything about this ability makes it completely unbalanceable. It isn't a numbers problem. This ability needs to be removed in its entirety for the sake of a game with a mere semblance of balance. This is not one of those “use a scalpel” moments. Get your battleaxe and your BFG and go to town – before all is lost.




Mind control is fine except that it never actually ends up doing anything. Your squad will just immediately blow the unit apart of chop it into tiny pieces. Give them invulnerability with a lower duration than the control, a map marker, and a more distinctive particle effect. At least two of those things. Psychic bolts needs its energy cost switched with mind control, then made not totally sucky. Wonky targeting and low damage make it currently useless. Chaos is conceptually good, if boring, but provides far too much CC power, especially at high levels. Far too much range and duration for the power it provides. Absorb provides invulnerability, and normally I'd rage about that, but it also prevents nyx from performing any actions whatsoever. So, make nyx's shields and health not regen while invulnerable and that particular point would be balanced. It would still be way too stupidly strong against infested though. For starters, the absorbed damage should not be dealt to enemies – it should be distributed. Turning one incoming hit into ten outgoing doesn't make sense, but throwing that one hit back out certainly does. It would also make it useful against ranged units, because those few that stray in would really take the brunt of it. On top of that, maybe ancient disruptors' magnetic attack could also burn off some of that absorbed damage. Suitably nerfed, it could then benefit off of power strength, but definitely not the whole value or it's back to OP town.




Oberon is certainly one of best frames in the game, design and concept wise. Smite, hallowed ground, and renewal all make sense together, feel fun, and don't break the game. Unfortunately, reckoning is another bland AoE CC/clear spell. Bonus health orbs are interesting, though. But compared to how OP many other frames are, oberon is incredibly weak. Don't buff. Nerf everything else. Unleash your inner nerflord. Do it.




Rhino charge is fun. Sucks compared to the stomp. Roar is incredibly bland and often goes completely unnoticed even for how powerful it is. Also, what the hell is with that scaling? Did someone up at DE have a seizure while coding this thing and it never got fixed? Iron skin is incredibly overpowered. It would be overpowered if it did nothing but prevent all CC until X damage was taken, but did not block any of that damage. You can't have an ability that blocks CC like this when CC is the only thing that takes anyone down. If mobs ever get some real damage and knockdowns stop being the only way to die it could actually get balanced, but as it stands now it's near deathproofing. Stomp is pretty much good. However, I do find it odd that someone had the presence of mind to prevent it scaling off of duration, but nobody ever made a fuss about blessing invulnerability scaling off of duration, and therefore being permanent.




Cool name: check. Looks badass: check. Cool concept: check. Just can't measure up to the OP tanks: check. Saryn: the slightly off drain tank that eventually found out that she couldn't. Venom is a really awesome ability concept with a great implementation except that nobody ever decided to put the real numbers in. The numbers are just awful. Nobody has the time to wait around for 15 seconds while a unit very slowly takes damage when you can kill that unit very quickly with a gun, which also invalidates the spreading mechanic. Make all spores pop and spread when the enemy they are on dies, and then buff the damage rate into something not totally worthless. Molt is similar. Compared to loki decoy, molt has lower duration, can't be cast at range, has double the energy cost, more than double the mod equip cost, and has less health. The only advantage is the very low damage toxic damage explosion when it dies. I'm not even going to compare it to iron skin, that would just make me sad. Contagion is really weak and boring. I feel like hitting someone with it should make them immediately explode into a festering mass of open wounds on tumourus masses ala WH40K. Instead, they just get a bit of tetanus. And miasma, another boring, forgettable AoE room clearing button. The ults in this game really need overhauls.




The Beast herself: electric boogaloo edition. Well of life lifesteal % should not scale. If you have a level 30 gun with any reasonably modding, you are maxing out the heal cap in an instant anyway. Remove the hovering enemy thing, it's weird and annoying. Get rid of the health multiplication so that this stops being 400 instant free health to everyone paying attention, and you actually have to hold back some shots to let your allies receive their own healing. Likewise, energy vampire should not be doing any stunning. Also, this skill is garbage unranked and when maxed results in +100 energy for allies and +50 energy for trinity, without any power strength. Why is there a skill that creates energy for no cost? There shouldn't be. Link. We all know that it's broken. Remove the damage reduction entirely and stipulate that it redirects damage received to enemies, and not just incoming damage. Blessing: making you invulnerable forever without exception. That is $&*&*#(%&. I don't know why there wasn't a patch the day after players got her hands on her that prevented it from being effected by duration mods. How to fix blessing: remove the invulnerability completely, change the instant full health into a flat amount per second over a short duration. Congratulations, trinity is now only OP and no longer breaks the game by her mere existence.




Awesome frame, broken by the permanent invulnerability with essentially no cost. Rip line is awesome except when some A****** pulls you off the map or into kill zones. Warcry makes all of the sense for her kit and synergizes well. Paralysis is one of my favorite abilities because it is the only one in the game that costs something other than energy. There needs to be more of that. But it's a bit weird that it is supposed to set you up for finisher attacks, yet pushes enemies away. Hysteria provides invulnerability, but invulnerability is a lazy and almost always broken mechanic. The damage that you can theoretically take from survivors won't ever hit you if you pay attention, you can sprint for one second and clear it all before the duration ends. That and the ridiculous animations for it are the only bad part of the ability.


Vauban feedback pending




Another one of the good frames. I don't know why he has speed, though. Feels odd that the electric guy is also Mr. Crackhead. It would be better placed on zephyr, or maybe Excalibur. Shock is awesome, though. Bouncing off of walls to enemies behind cover, or chaining around corners is really fun. Electric shield is another one of the best abilities in the game, concept wise. But since it doesn't benefit from the usually OP power strength stat, it kind of sucks. However, the weird interaction between electric shield and punch through needs to be removed. I don't know if it's a bug or just a bad idea, but extra bullets for having punch through doesn't make sense. Then the numbers just need fixed and to scale, which would be made even easier if the crit bonus was just made into a flat 100% of base crit damage bonus, rather than doubling the modded value. It's the only thing that double scales, and turns it into crit shield rather than electric shield. Overload: a slightly less generic AoE nuke button. The interacting with light sources is neat, otherwise it's just the least boring of the many, many AoE ults that almost every frame has.


Zephyr feedback pending



If you made is this far, you've got a lot of time on your hands!

feedback feedback is welcome.

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Well I have a few things to say about Ash, Banshe, and Nyx


Ash: he's like a more combat effective Loki using his skills to like Bladestorm making sense he's invul since he's channeled his energy to create the gauntlet blades it would be nice if instead of keeping the procs what could happen is channel those Procs into his attack so he's got a toxic or slashing he passes it on into the enemies targeted.   You're making a frame that needs work get a slight nerf when he needs a buff


Banshee: Sonic Boom passing through the walls makes sense, sound travels through solid objects sure it should be weaker since it take energy to travel through the wall.  Sonar's damage makes sense since you have targeted the weakpoint be it broken armor or a recently damage body part which is amplified by the sound so sure 10x damage is too much but you have to build it up for that.  Sound Quake I feel should be targeted


I have a rework thread for these two if you want to look at it addresses some of the problems and fixes it slightly


Nyx: She is actually one of the more balanced frames,  MC should only be used for heavies to suppress their fire and draw aggro to them

Bombard being a $&*^? MC and he's a $&*^ to his allies, would be nice if you could use waypoints to move them and have them build up damage taken so when they get off the skill they should explode dealing the radial damage so about to go down? Release a mag and send him into a group.  PB is wonky but it can deal damage and has a good stun ability so aim slightly up and it'll target someone or two, helps with the drones which it hits quite often.  Choas is great as is only fix it could use was the way the Nyx looks maybe make it so that she looks how your current Nyx looks or even be a random frame in the squad would make it seem better.  Absorb can be powerful BUT only if you're dealt damage if not its so weak it's laughable, team work can make it deal so much damage you can clear late wave runs.  The reason she regains HP/Shields is her channeling the damage into energy and takes some of it to regain her lost hp/shields and yes it discards all the damage evenly but then again she's expelling all built of damage so that is reasonable not like oh you dealt this much get this much how does an explosion decide who gets what?


Over all some seem decent others feel like you really wanna nerf some of the things that make them viable enough but no OP


Ash can survive but his damage fall-off quickly


Banshee is a sniper and need precision to be effective


Nyx she is pure support and her ult shows it she's not dealing the damage her team/mobs are dealing the damage back with Chaos and MC being one of the most helpful CC in the game, just try to work with the team with her not do your own thing.


Sure Power mods seem Broken but they are meant to be that way given how difficult the game can be in late waves/min  So those % are needed imagine having a rhino only give a 5% increase, that's worthless They aren't too broken just how players can use them that makes it broken, Rhino's stomp isn't affected by Duration which helps same with Hydroids Puddle not affected by range that's what should be done to some skills to bal;ance them out (Cough Blessing cough)


Also Loki is jamming the weapons so it makes sense that it's permanent.

Edit: Spoilers are your friends [spoiler ]  [/spoiler ]

Edited by Zero.No.Hikari
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Concept and design-wise. Power wise, no. Compared to nova and trinity everybody else is garbage.


...You've never used a Melee Loki/Ash have you?  they can kill things with such ease.   Nyx can solo any defense survival by herself,  Rhino has one of the most rounded out Frames skill wise.  So no frame is garbage unless you want them to be a Nova which would make the game boring as hell.  Each frame is diverse and fits a role Trin and Nova fit the pure healer and Nuker roles. 

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...You've never used a Melee Loki/Ash have you?  they can kill things with such ease.   Nyx can solo any defense survival by herself,  Rhino has one of the most rounded out Frames skill wise.  So no frame is garbage unless you want them to be a Nova which would make the game boring as hell.  Each frame is diverse and fits a role Trin and Nova fit the pure healer and Nuker roles. 

Nova fits the role of nuker to such a degree that you don't need any other damage at all to simply obliterate hordes of enemies, and trinity is such a good healer that her presence makes her team literally invulnerable. Yes, compared to them, every other frame is garbage. Why play loki and ash for melee instakills when you could play nova and get instakills on 40 enemies at once? Why play rhino and be mostly invulnerable when you could play trinity and be completely invulnerable while link+ogris clears everything around you instantly? Yes, variety exists, but there is no balance in this game, so two frames fit the only two kinds of roles that there are, and nothing else can match them.

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Nova fits the role of nuker to such a degree that you don't need any other damage at all to simply obliterate hordes of enemies, and trinity is such a good healer that her presence makes her team literally invulnerable. Yes, compared to them, every other frame is garbage. Why play loki and ash for melee instakills when you could play nova and get instakills on 40 enemies at once? Why play rhino and be mostly invulnerable when you could play trinity and be completely invulnerable while link+ogris clears everything around you instantly? Yes, variety exists, but there is no balance in this game, so two frames fit the only two kinds of roles that there are, and nothing else can match them.



Past wave 40 Nova becomes CC and Trin needs very expensive mods to be able to achieve god mode so not really all while Nyx's and Mag's damage begin to take off so much faster while Nova's declines steeply Sure you can argue AMD can do the job but only after it's been set up and you have a large group of people.   Along with Nova being a nuker she lacks defensive options to the point where she can be taken down quite easily compared to say Ash and Loki who can stay safe and easily cloaked while continuing to deal more damage.   I've used Ash since U7 I know how to make him work within a team to where I can outlive end-game frames while still dealing the most damage I can.   The only frame I have no reference point to is Vauban while the others I have good enough experience to know that what they can achieve is amazing when placed in the right hands,  Sure trin can kills mobs by using a skill and a weapon any frame can.  the way you Portray Nova is one of someone overly dependent on just the skills to win the game, While making it sound all other frames can't do that, a Rhino can have such great CC that Nova's slow is pointless, her damage buff can be outshone by Banshee and her explosions become so laughable I feel sorry for her.   If we were to balance around them the game would be too easy if anything they should be brought in line with the rest same with say some of the weapons.   But that's for a later topic. Also Ogris needs say 6forma before it can do what you're saying it does, same with Trinity and Nova.  Forma anything and they become insanely powerful.  I can Take a Tigris with 5* and actually comeout on top of kills in a T3 survival with other who are using a Soma, etc and that's lasting say 50mins

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You can't be serious. Please tell me you aren't seri


This is going to be long. Again.


Power strength, duration, efficiency, and to a lesser degree range, are all broken statistics. That would be all of the ability statistics, mind you. All broken. You can't possibly balance with such crude use of percentile increases. If AP items in League of Legends just gave ability damage % increases the game would be so amazingly broken that south korea would spontaneously combust upon reading the patch notes. This game needs to bite the bullet – and I honestly don't know which bullet that is. Each ability having a set of maxes and reduction rates for each stat? Or scrap the percents entirely, and go for a LoL style AP system? Those are actually kind of the same thing but one is clunky and feels like it used to and the other is clear and a dramatic cosmetic change. Yeah, I don't know how this one can get fixed. But there's going to be a lot of rage no matter what happens.


Some warframes also have odd stats. Why does ash have 150 health? Zephyr having 150 health AND shields, rhino having 150 shields but only 100 health, frost the same. Zephyr is obviously not in line with the frame itself. Is it just a little apology for making her cost so damn much oxium?


Also, why do abilities have such weird scaling? I don't really get why abilities have such a huge jump between level 2 and max, while the upgrade from unranked to 1 is negligible, and in a few cases non-existent. Warcry melee speed gets +5%/+5%/+25%. This is weird, and yet the standard for this game.



Frame specific feedback only for frames that I have played significantly.




I don't really have much to say about Ash except that he looks. . . off. Can't say why. Other than that, high power efficiency and a bit of power siphon makes Ash invulnerable due to infinite bladestorms. Why is invulnerability necessary with this ability at all? Enemies can't target in the time it takes for him to hit the next marked enemy. Make him invulnerable to knockdowns and such during the ability, but he needs to keep taking toxin/slash proc damage that he's taken, AoE damage, and stray bullets. The stealth is also stupid, but to a lesser degree than loki's.




One of the better frames by no small margin. Sound quake is a lazy and boring AoE baddies-b-gone button. Sonic boom is fun but not a $&*&*#(%& nuke button, but I think that it should be slanted more towards guarenteed staggers and knockbacks, with only chances for knockdowns. Also, it shouldn't go through walls. That's just dumb. Sonar is one of the best abilities in the game design-wise. Does no damage and deals no procs, but sets you up to deal massive damage if you follow up on it. Interactivity like this should be your gold standard, though the damage increase scales too fast, especially paired with power strength. I like silence and never use it. Maybe if the game ever gets hard and stealth means something people will use it.




Definitely not an original design concept, but more importantly, nothing interesting is done with it. Fireball, dump gasoline, fire circle, set everything on fire. Everything is AoE, so would normally be used in every game because of how this game pretends that doing area damage shouldn't do less, cost more, or have really any drawbacks. But, nova exists, so there's no reason to play ember.


Excalibur feedback pending


Frost feedback pending


Hydroid feedback pending




Permanent invisibility is stupid. Absolutely nobody can see you no matter what you do. On top of the absolute impossibility of any detection, you can instakill almost anything with melee. This is really stupid. Thermal imaging, radar, sonar, or electroreceptive sensors – why does no one have them? Why does no one notice if you run right into them? So much fails. Radial disarm is also way too powerful. Infinite duration is a bad idea in almost every circumstance, and it's downright stupid when the effect in question is removing all ranged attacks. At least pressing 4 to make everything harmless is less outrageous than pressing 4 to make everything die. Compared to these, switch tele is worthless and decoy is marginally useful only on defense as a meatshield.




Nothing wrong with pull or polarize. Bullet attractor is worthless in comparison. Crush is yet another copy/paste AoE clear button. Would be really strong, if it wasn't overshadowed by leagues by nova.




Hitting multiple targets with soul punch feels impossible, like the soul projectile thing has no width. Does anyone use this, ever? Barely any damage with awful targeting. Terrify doesn't have a chance to resist, it works against robots and powerful enemies at full health about to roll over you. Really strong CC. It shouldn't have a target limit, but should have a success rate that increases if enemies are lower health, but be reduced against stronger unit types. It shouldn't work on rollers and ospreys. And... desecrate. Well, this thing is just a pile of awful. Is there anything about this ability that is even slightly good for the game? Nope. Demand: desecrate must not spawn personal life support pods. Suggestion: scrap the ability and think up a new one. SotD is fine, just buggy.




The Beast herself. Doesn't feel antimatter themed at all. Singlehandedly breaks every mission type by pressing 4. Null star is alright, but feels really low damage and unresponsive. Particles should be able to attack multiple different targets immediately. Antimatter drop is a really cool concept with terrible controls and exploit potential that still doesn't measure up to the power of pressing 4. The orbs shouldn't damage eachother or it can't be recast until the orb is used, so that it doesn't become the next thing once MP actually gets fixed. Wormhole. Is this really supposed to be an antimatter frame? Because it isn't. It really isn't. And there it is, molecular prime itself. It's like desecrate, but instead of no redeeming qualities, it has a mountain of gamebreak hidden under it. Everything about this ability makes it completely unbalanceable. It isn't a numbers problem. This ability needs to be removed in its entirety for the sake of a game with a mere semblance of balance. This is not one of those “use a scalpel” moments. Get your battleaxe and your BFG and go to town – before all is lost.




Mind control is fine except that it never actually ends up doing anything. Your squad will just immediately blow the unit apart of chop it into tiny pieces. Give them invulnerability with a lower duration than the control, a map marker, and a more distinctive particle effect. At least two of those things. Psychic bolts needs its energy cost switched with mind control, then made not totally sucky. Wonky targeting and low damage make it currently useless. Chaos is conceptually good, if boring, but provides far too much CC power, especially at high levels. Far too much range and duration for the power it provides. Absorb provides invulnerability, and normally I'd rage about that, but it also prevents nyx from performing any actions whatsoever. So, make nyx's shields and health not regen while invulnerable and that particular point would be balanced. It would still be way too stupidly strong against infested though. For starters, the absorbed damage should not be dealt to enemies – it should be distributed. Turning one incoming hit into ten outgoing doesn't make sense, but throwing that one hit back out certainly does. It would also make it useful against ranged units, because those few that stray in would really take the brunt of it. On top of that, maybe ancient disruptors' magnetic attack could also burn off some of that absorbed damage. Suitably nerfed, it could then benefit off of power strength, but definitely not the whole value or it's back to OP town.




Oberon is certainly one of best frames in the game, design and concept wise. Smite, hallowed ground, and renewal all make sense together, feel fun, and don't break the game. Unfortunately, reckoning is another bland AoE CC/clear spell. Bonus health orbs are interesting, though. But compared to how OP many other frames are, oberon is incredibly weak. Don't buff. Nerf everything else. Unleash your inner nerflord. Do it.




Rhino charge is fun. Sucks compared to the stomp. Roar is incredibly bland and often goes completely unnoticed even for how powerful it is. Also, what the hell is with that scaling? Did someone up at DE have a seizure while coding this thing and it never got fixed? Iron skin is incredibly overpowered. It would be overpowered if it did nothing but prevent all CC until X damage was taken, but did not block any of that damage. You can't have an ability that blocks CC like this when CC is the only thing that takes anyone down. If mobs ever get some real damage and knockdowns stop being the only way to die it could actually get balanced, but as it stands now it's near deathproofing. Stomp is pretty much good. However, I do find it odd that someone had the presence of mind to prevent it scaling off of duration, but nobody ever made a fuss about blessing invulnerability scaling off of duration, and therefore being permanent.




Cool name: check. Looks badass: check. Cool concept: check. Just can't measure up to the OP tanks: check. Saryn: the slightly off drain tank that eventually found out that she couldn't. Venom is a really awesome ability concept with a great implementation except that nobody ever decided to put the real numbers in. The numbers are just awful. Nobody has the time to wait around for 15 seconds while a unit very slowly takes damage when you can kill that unit very quickly with a gun, which also invalidates the spreading mechanic. Make all spores pop and spread when the enemy they are on dies, and then buff the damage rate into something not totally worthless. Molt is similar. Compared to loki decoy, molt has lower duration, can't be cast at range, has double the energy cost, more than double the mod equip cost, and has less health. The only advantage is the very low damage toxic damage explosion when it dies. I'm not even going to compare it to iron skin, that would just make me sad. Contagion is really weak and boring. I feel like hitting someone with it should make them immediately explode into a festering mass of open wounds on tumourus masses ala WH40K. Instead, they just get a bit of tetanus. And miasma, another boring, forgettable AoE room clearing button. The ults in this game really need overhauls.




The Beast herself: electric boogaloo edition. Well of life lifesteal % should not scale. If you have a level 30 gun with any reasonably modding, you are maxing out the heal cap in an instant anyway. Remove the hovering enemy thing, it's weird and annoying. Get rid of the health multiplication so that this stops being 400 instant free health to everyone paying attention, and you actually have to hold back some shots to let your allies receive their own healing. Likewise, energy vampire should not be doing any stunning. Also, this skill is garbage unranked and when maxed results in +100 energy for allies and +50 energy for trinity, without any power strength. Why is there a skill that creates energy for no cost? There shouldn't be. Link. We all know that it's broken. Remove the damage reduction entirely and stipulate that it redirects damage received to enemies, and not just incoming damage. Blessing: making you invulnerable forever without exception. That is $&*&*#(%&. I don't know why there wasn't a patch the day after players got her hands on her that prevented it from being effected by duration mods. How to fix blessing: remove the invulnerability completely, change the instant full health into a flat amount per second over a short duration. Congratulations, trinity is now only OP and no longer breaks the game by her mere existence.




Awesome frame, broken by the permanent invulnerability with essentially no cost. Rip line is awesome except when some A****** pulls you off the map or into kill zones. Warcry makes all of the sense for her kit and synergizes well. Paralysis is one of my favorite abilities because it is the only one in the game that costs something other than energy. There needs to be more of that. But it's a bit weird that it is supposed to set you up for finisher attacks, yet pushes enemies away. Hysteria provides invulnerability, but invulnerability is a lazy and almost always broken mechanic. The damage that you can theoretically take from survivors won't ever hit you if you pay attention, you can sprint for one second and clear it all before the duration ends. That and the ridiculous animations for it are the only bad part of the ability.


Vauban feedback pending




Another one of the good frames. I don't know why he has speed, though. Feels odd that the electric guy is also Mr. Crackhead. It would be better placed on zephyr, or maybe Excalibur. Shock is awesome, though. Bouncing off of walls to enemies behind cover, or chaining around corners is really fun. Electric shield is another one of the best abilities in the game, concept wise. But since it doesn't benefit from the usually OP power strength stat, it kind of sucks. However, the weird interaction between electric shield and punch through needs to be removed. I don't know if it's a bug or just a bad idea, but extra bullets for having punch through doesn't make sense. Then the numbers just need fixed and to scale, which would be made even easier if the crit bonus was just made into a flat 100% of base crit damage bonus, rather than doubling the modded value. It's the only thing that double scales, and turns it into crit shield rather than electric shield. Overload: a slightly less generic AoE nuke button. The interacting with light sources is neat, otherwise it's just the least boring of the many, many AoE ults that almost every frame has.


Zephyr feedback pending



If you made is this far, you've got a lot of time on your hands!

feedback feedback is welcome.

I guess we should just nerf everything with temporarily invulnerability at this rate.

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You make some good point that people have been doing for quite a long while and some weird points I'd never expect anyone to make.


Like, how is Oberon fun? Even if they tweaked his numbers, I don't see how he could be more interesting than any of the other frames.

Smite energy balls never hit anything unless you use it on a target that's hugging its teammates. Hallowed ground is one of the most boring and unsatisfying damage abilities in the game. Renewal is only good at healing the Oberon himself, as the energy balls are too slow to catch up with your teammates.


I also don't get your hatred towards AoE damage ults. Sure if it's as powerful as Nova's or placed on a wrong warframe like Banshee who isn't a nuker. I'd agree if you said there are too many nuke ults.

But I don't see what's wrong with Miasma other than the weird way it's affected by mods. As far as nukes go, Miasma is one of the more interesting ones. Its range isn't as ridiculous and it stuns enemies that survived it.





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Oberon is very weak, but his theme and play are fun. Smite, hallowed ground, and reckoning all feel really good, even if they of course suck compared to nova.


And my hate towards the super bland copy/paste ults in this game is really easy, when there are 19 frames and nekros and valkyr are the only ones that don't have an AoE ult of some kind. That is really lame when the game can support so much more. Making another comparison to league of legends: very few of those champions have that kind of ult. It's not the same kind game, so obviously you can't pull a karthus or lux lazor, but at least as much is gained as is lost. warframe has 3 dimensions.

Loki should be able to ghost through walls for his, zephyr should gain actual flight capability and a lot of speed, excalibur should set up some kind of mega awesome duel thing. Nova should have an actual nova ult. Make things slow and pull in, then knock them back(read: out of the map). Frost should be able to make ice walls. Banshee should get ramping damage and speed buffs as she kills that very rapidly dissipates if she doesn't - you know, kind of like a real banshee. Yes, miasma fits with saryn's theme, but when lined up with the 16 other copy/pasted radial damages it isn't unique at all.

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