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Enemies Of The Tenno: Grineer Submissions


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Behaviour: A fat Grinner armed with a special machine that can deploy multiple holographic decoys of grineer soldiers which lasts for ever unless you neutralize him. He likes to play "Hide and Seek" so it is quite hard to find him but he is fat and clumsy, how hard can that be.


Attacks: This guy conceals himself away from tenno's sight, when tenno open a sealed door, Reenigne has deployed a bunch of enemies to fight among the real grinner. These holograms deal no damage to our tenno and warframe's bullet / abilities can penetrate them. Warframe can't realize which one is real unless you notice it turns glitchy, their health bar don't drop or bullets/ aby go through them.


Environment restrictions: Behind some doors or randomly running around the field and do not thing he just wanted to play "Hide and Seek".


* I know, I know I'm not very gud at Anglish :( .....and also typin. 








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a GRINEER heavy melee unit

This is executor,a terrorfying GRINEER heavy melee unit, it was a angry grineer clone from a failed grineer cloning experiment,he is puted in a heavy grineer war machine,he is heavy armored,but in the some time,since he has a jet powered engine,he can also move very fast in some time(CHARGE)as for weapon,he uses a heavy,jet powered AXE to cut his enemy into splinter,a EXECUTOR dont usually appears on the battlefield,but when he do,even a tenno will fear his shadow.



height: close to the grineer heavy gunner

weapon: a HUGE jet powered AXE that deals heavy damage

(a EXECUTOR also has a 4 jet engines that allows them to do high jumps and charge in high speed.)

(his right hand can also fly out and grab and tenno,then pull the tenno close to him)

appears: high level GRINEER maps


[the concept art is done by me,please add credits when you want to use my arts]CHECK ME OUT ON DA:http://nobody00000000.deviantart.com/



NORMAL ATTACK:THE EXECUTOR wave his JET POWERED AXE in high speed(the animation is close to the jar kittag) and deals great damage in a large AOE




the EXECUTOR MAKE his right hand fly out and grab a tenno,deal some damage and knock them down,he then pull the tenno close to him and try to attack the tenno with his axe,if the tenno cant finish the QTE(smash E)in time,the tenno will take heavy damage.



the EXECUTOR turn on his jets,charge to a tenno in high speed,then smash the floor with his AXE,dealing heavy AOE damage,the AOE also has a knock down effect.




similar to the charge attack,EXECUTOR use his jet engine to jump up,and smash the floor just like the charge attack.



THE EXECUTOR might use his axe to block ALL bullets come from a direction if a tenno is firing at him,all bullets will bounce back to the tenno and deals FULL DAMAGE.

Edited by LAME_NINJA
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Name Suggestion: Grineer Keeper


Behaviour: This enemy, altho she looks like a normal Lancer, attacks only when any enemy is dead. She advents like the Stalker but faster. When she’s unalerted she’s visible as other enemy types. She’s going to be invisible when she gets alerted ONLY, and gets back to visible, when any enemy is dead.


Attacks: The Saviours are almost the same ninjas as the Tenno. By this the’re can shoot and have melee weapons too. Their only power is invisibility.


Enviroment Reactions: No.


Optional Art: RuPDwnm.jpg?1

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Name Suggestion: Dasher or Tenderizer


BehaviorThe Dasher is a heavy melee unit with its genesis in the Tyl Regor genetic repair project.  Ancient lines of Grineer Scoprion DNA, based on Ankara Slon, were made minimaly viable again to recreate the skill and ferocity of a legendary warrior.  Dasher merrily bounds toward the target(s), hydralically assisted legs creating a bouncing stride.  As she closes, she uses a octagonal shield mounted to her left arm and covering most of her self except for the right arm / shins.  Behind her shield inside her tubular arm, is a gremline machine pistol. Her right arm is an impact piston device with a meat tenderizer head.


Attacks:   The Impact pistol right arm can be thrust forward, delivering heavy kinetic damage and knocking the target down and back.  The right arm is also used for sweep to the right to batter any enemies up close.  When closing, she will sometimes utilize her left arm gremlin to pepper the enemy before wielding her shield again.  Her octagonal shield has a set amount of HP and will disintegrate under especially heavy fire.


Environmental Restrictions:  Dasher should have the same spawn rate as the heavy gunner, all tile sets.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: Head of impact arm should look like this Meat-Tenderizer.jpg


A basic idea for Dasher's legs 01-04-05-full.jpg


Her face should be an open armored cowl like the Scoprion has, but her face has severe signs of genetic deterioration still.  No nose, skin molted, and one eye half filled with a highly visible cataract.  Her right breast/rib cage is removed due to have to house the support structure of the impact piston arm there.

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Name Suggestion:



Grineer Palatines come from the finest genetic stock, showing little sign of degradation.  As such they have privileged access to the best cloning technology available leading to a vicious circle widening the gap between them and the average Grineer with each generation.  They have become increasingly arrogant, spending their lives so immersed in Grineer propaganda that they don't just believe it, they are the embodiment of it and are utterly convinced of their superiority over all by fact of being Grineer.  While they still perform manditory military service, they are somewhat out of touch with the reality of the war across the solar system and view it more as a hunting expedition than bloody battle. 


A Palatine's hope is that she will face a Tenno and have the opportunity to bring the trophy kill back to the other nobles as proof of her worth.  Her greatest dream is that the Tenno warframe will display such wonderful and varied colours that might even draw the attention of the Twin Queens.

Typical off-duty conversation between Palatines:
"Where did you get such wonderful jade dye?"
"Oh, my dear, it's not dyed.  It's natural Nyx skin."

A Palatine's prefered primary weapon would be a customised Grinlok with high chance of magnetic and/or toxic status effects.  As a ranged unit she will try to keep her distance but not necessarily hug cover due to her overwhelming belief in herself and the quality of her armour (alloy, has to be the best).  As figureheads for Grineer propaganda she is capable of rousing speeches that will buff allies and debuff enemies similar to a Regulator.  For comedy effect the debuff should be accompanied by insults directed at the players, not spoken in Grineer.  If Ruk can learn to speak in a manner understood by Tenno then a Palatine certainly can!  A Palatine's position of respect in Grineer society means she will normally be accompanied by a bodyguard of 3-6 Grineer melee units who have the unenviable task of driving any hiding Tenno out of cover and into the line of fire of the Palatine.

Environment restrictions:
Would probably prefer planet-side missions for longer fields of view but could work anywhere.

Art or Reference Images:

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Name Suggestion: Solderer


Behaviorbuild temporary barriers that blocks the path and serve as shield for grinners, temporary bunkers


Attacks: burns all fuel to whiteout and blind tenno, leaves a lot of smoke afterwards



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Name: Grineer Device.



The Grineer army is a crude but efficient war-machine. The same advanced but simplisticly mechanical roughness is found in the Grineer Device.

Small to medium mobile machines that serves as powersupplies or ammunition depos etc can be found all over Grineer controlled nodes. The machines will be either in use, on the move, idle or military.

In use: Powers something like a bridge, a crane, a doorway, one of the comming cannons(?), a generator (lights/search lights - comming stealth?) Units in use may be interacted with and turned off.

On the move: The Grineer Device will sometimes require travel, it can either go on rails or use tracks. Movement will probably be from one designated spot to another. They are "programmed" by the Grineer after all. At this state the device will shut down and deploy defensive shields if taking fire. (Some Military Devices may also deploy a mannable turret.)

Idle: Some machines can simply be found not in use, Tenno or Grineer units may however interact with them and turn them on. (think Corpus MOA-station/locker)

Military: Some Grineer Devices may be retrofitted for a more military use - these may carry moving cover, hold a mannable gun or lay lines of mines. These are the only machines with weapons.


Edit: These units cannot be destroyed, only dissabled.



While usually not equipped with any weapons the military Grineer Device may be retrofitted with a mannable gun or a set of mines, they may also use their own version of the Seeker mines (Beware, these are much closer to the original Nervos, Back when the world knew shock-procing beasts ;).


Environmental Restrictions:

Grineer Devices will work where they can move around easily, most follow "programmed lines", only on Grineer controlled maps.


Activation "mini game/hack"

Pic 1: Move lever in the direction of the next node.

Pic 2: Turn the cogwheels with Left or Right, switch wheel with Up or Down - Match the colored pin to create a line.

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Name Suggestion: Salvo Tank


BehaviourA heavily armoured tank, it can only drive in open areas. As such, they aren't frequently seen. However, on a battle field they are truly destructive machines of war, easily destroying any corpus shield, MOA or even the unprepared tenno if they come in its way. Armed with a large salvo turret, 2 machine gun turrets and a rotating disk in the front, the tank usually has a grineer pilot seated in the front and two grineer lancers handling machine-gun turrets that look like mounted Gorgons. They are only deployed in high alert, and as such if sneaking around they can be observed on standby with no pilots in it. From a distance, it is very similar to the machines used to dig into planets by Grineer which are frequently sabotaged by the Tenno on their missions.

Attacks: If the tenno get too close to the front, they may take slash damage and be knocked back from coming in contact with the rotary disk in the front. Cover is recommended when attacking the tank, since staying in an open area for too long may cause the missiles to lock onto the tenno. The tank shoots off 9 missiles rapidly one after the other, dealing a mixture of blast and impact damage, blast damage on the missile's detonation and impact damage if it crashes into the tenno or corpus. Attacking it from the sides will expose the assailant to heavy fire by the mounted gorgon. As such, the back of the tank is its weakspot.


Enviromental restrictions: Only spawns in large areas, and always has a small Grineer force protecting the back of tank since attacking it from behind is the easiest way to take it down.

Optional Art: 

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Name Suggestion:  Wraith Commando


Behaviour: Agressive, heavily armored elite combat units equipped with random a Wraith weapon and Grineer jetpacks.  They will sport the red & black paint on their armor.  Upon spawning in they will be armed with one of the existing 
Wraith weapons (future wraith weapons could worked in as well) and will fight accordingly to the weapon they have. 


Attacks: Gorgon Wraith armed enemies will take cover or fly to high ground and lay down covering fire.

Strun wraith & Machete wraith armed enemies will use jetpacks to close ground to attack from point blank range.

Twin Viper Wraith armed enemies will either charge in while firing or take cover and harass the tenno. 

As heavy units they have the AoE knockdown of other heavies.

Also will use their own version of rhino's charge attack.

Jetpack will be destroyed when they get to less than 50% life.


Enviromental restrictions:  Ceres, Grineer homeworlds, invasion missions.

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name suggestion: Death hound


Behavior: Circles the area its in repeatedly, as well as follows which ever grineer is tasked with monitoring it. Strong sense of smell, can detect enemies within a sizable proximity, making them a primary target for stealth missions. Obediant to the grineer to an extent, they were tortured and "trained" to be as obediant as possible but they still hold some animosity towards the grineer. Dont handle space craft very well and therefore must be kept on the planet when in use. Will also steal ammo lying on the ground and bring it to its "master" as a gift.


Attacks: Biting the tenno and holding on with great force, gnawing and waring at there armor. Swiping with their claws in quick succession, much like the infested charger's claw attacks. Pouncing/leaping at its target, used commonly when they first detect them, either via sight or scent, and causes a stumble/knockdown


Environmental restrictions: any location/tile set with land/terrain ( phobos, earth, ceres )



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Name Suggestion: Grineer Matron

Behavior: A small and lithe female Grineer, she will attach herself cybernetically to much larger and stronger Grineer soldiers. Once attached and seated on the shoulders, they begin to attack sporadically and viciously as she pumps the soldier's body with stimulants, pain suppressors, and growth hormones.

Attacks: If by herself, she can fire syringes full of depressants that slow Tenno down to a crawl or reduce their Stamina build-up, hit them with syringes that drain them of health (for laboratory work, of course), and backflip all over the place.

Environment restrictions: None.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images:


-A common Tenno reaction to seeing a Grineer soldier with a Matron: http://0-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/a/image/1389/09/1389098833784.jpg

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subject bravo

A highly modified grineer experiment, trapped in an outer suit. this grineer uses a large drill like weapon that inflicts a large amount of slash and puncture damage to enemy troops. any grineer with in a 10 metre area when no enemy have attacked him will "run" away as if afraid of this slow unit and cower in a corner until he passes or gets alerted. must be hit with a mellee weapon then shot in the back to be killed.He will shakes the ground if a tenno is within a 30 metre range of him as well as a moaning kinda of pain full sound.

he will use a modified mining drill on his right arm for when an enemy comes within 15 metres of him, he will charge shoving any units (including friendly) to the ground then proceeding to shove a drill in there face.

source of inspiration (Reference picture as well) http://i956.photobucket.com/albums/ae45/Teophic/Untitledjpg1111_zps5d0ae5d1.jpg


-edit- restrictions: only one of this unit can spawn in a single zone, is at walking speed until alerted

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Name Suggestion: Grineer Colossus


Behaviour: Failed Grineer Clone augmented with spare machinery, impossibly strong and lumbers around. Wields a large angstrum in one hand, and a jat kittag in the other. Wields a scorpion claw as well. Very large and armored.




Charged Shot- Will charge a shot and fire it

Frenzy- If a tenno is in melee range, it will swing its jat kittag wildly

Grapple- Grapples a tenno if it tries to run.



Environment restrictions: None

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Name Suggestion: Vacuum (Better name would be great)

Behaviour: Hides behind a group of other Grineer, mostly supplying support with their shoulder mounted “Vacuum” and light support fire with their Mareloks.


Marelok fire. They fire slowly, but accurately.

The “Vacuum”: Created using scavenged void technology, it makes a large cone of energy in front of it where Tenno powers are unactivatable. Any currently active Tenno powers stop working inside this cone. However this technology is unstable and sometimes the cone will stop being active for a few seconds.

Note: This does not effect the energy pools of the Warframes (Unless for balancing reasons that works better)

Environment restrictions: High level missions and only in crowds.

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Name Suggestion : Grineer Mini Tank


Behavior : The Grineer Mini Tank is a small heavily armored vehicle that is as large the the smallest door in any Grineer Tileset. These heavy units maneuver easily to get away or get close to an enemy if necessary.


Attack : The Grineer Mini Tank comes in two forms. The Mobile Form and the Siege Form. When in mobile form, the Grineer Tank uses its Railguns to shoot down its enemies while moving freely. When in siege form, the Grineer Tank uses its cannons to shoot down its enemies but has a blind spot within 5 meter radius (or whatever the length of the cannon). When an enemy is within its blind spot, the Grineer Mini Tank will send shock waves knocking back enemies and proceed attacking. The cannon can rotate fairly quickly but fires slow and powerful enough to fatally one shot any enemies and knock them back several meters back.


Environmental Restrictions : None (But they are smaller when in Ships compared to when in Planets)

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Name (2 Words)

Grineer Exhaust


Behavior (123 Words)

Most of the times, they will mainly scout out areas in mid-air, mainly enemies. They may alert other Grineer units within range to let them know of any incoming enemies. Despite having a semi-nimble appearance due to having their arms and legs amputated due to mutation, they are very deadly with a right arm chemical blaster and a Machete blade for their left arm; their legs are replaced with technology that is used for Regulators, but it is mainly for easy mobility only.


Whenever one gets killed, they will activate a beacon for nearby enemies to alert the presence of the killer.


They also have a hard time breathing, so they are given filters to live. (Weak point besides the head, I'll say).


Attacks (144 Words)

For their Machete blade, they can "slash-dash" with speed on ground towards a target or group, or they can go diagonally towards a target while in air; both attacks do considerable amounts of slash damage. However, if they miss with going down diagonally, they may temporarily be stuck briefly before getting the blade out.


Besides the melee attacks on top, they can still do normal attacks and they can parry a few attacks (gun shots, melee, etc.).


For the toxic blaster, it has two firing functions: first, it can concentrate a blast of toxic glob, which can explode in a small range on anything, dealing toxic damage. Its second is a spray attack which can cause corrosive damage, but it has a limited range but it can cover a good area. All of the toxic blaster attacks can be executed in air or ground.


Environment Restrictions (17 Words)

It may only be in large areas of anywhere that is owned by the Grineer or invasions.


Pictures (2)




On Picture 1, the text on the bag on its chest says O2 and the canister says TOKS (tox(ic).

It's small I know.

The Machete on the right side was lazily drawn since it was pretty detailed (In-game wise).

Edited by Rivetman
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The art was rather lacking in this i don't have much time on my hands this week so it was a fast one.
Right on with the submission:

Name:  procursatores

Behavior: This is a lab experiment with twitching and nerve shots, as it was made to be a maniac, so this unit can jump on walls to get on ledges and is very Agile.
Attacks:  Normal hits are impact damage.
A special is an upper cut that sends the Tenno flying after a small charge telegraph.

No Environmental Restrictions.


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Name Suggestion: Grineer Juggernaut

Behavior:  A Goliath amongst the Grineer. Twisted with Infested flesh, the Grineer Juggernaut towers over its enemies and wields what appears to be Jet Kittag with an axe head smashed into it. (rocket propelled greataxe)
Immune to damage from the front.


slam attack - Similar to Frost's Ice Wave, but not ice (of course)
cleave - 150 degree arc swing of greataxe
Roar - exactly like Rhino's ability, except for the enemy.
Leap - Juggernaut 

Environment restrictions: no restrictions per se, but called out like any other heavy grineer.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: <See Grineer Titan below>

Name Suggestion: Grineer Titan



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Name Suggestion: (1-2 words max)


Behavior:  (max 200 words)

The Grinlox is a long-ranged, heat/cool powered grineer that uses the Grakata as her primary, and a Cleaver when in melee range. Much like an Eximus, they will have an aura depending on the hazard, and have the heat/cool aura powers. They spawn after a Gaurdsmen or Prosecutor has been killed. She will roar if a player is in the range of 15 metres, causing the player or enemy to be knocked down, and empower her allies. The weak points are her head, and arm, making her hard to take down with the somewhat heavy armour that she has. They will walk around the map, until the player is caught in her Field of Vision, which is 50 metres. She is very slow, and not very agile.

Attacks: (max 200 words)

  Primary: Uses the Grakata, and fires at the player when in range.

  Secondary: Uses the Cleaver. She will only use this in melee range.

  Power 1: Uses roar. Similar to Rhino's. It will empower allies for a small amount of time, but adds an additional knockdown much like the Shockwave Moa's knockdown.

  Cold aura power: Frost Shield, slow enemies in range.

  Heat aura power: Heat wave, burn enemies when in range

Environment restrictions:  (max 20 words)

-In grineer Shipyards

-Only in enviromental hazard shipyards (heat, cold)

Edited by victini02
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Name: Grineer Tinman


Behavior: A Grineer robot that has one objective, to kill its target. It is slow but puts out high rates of fire and is very tanky and agressive. Will pursue its target till alarms are reset or it is killed and is pretty much a grineer terminator specifcaly to  kill tenno or Corpus what ever comes first. Is heavly armored and hits like a mack truck. Should be taken with extreme caution.


Attacks- Its main weapon if choice is ether a dual grineer modified Gorgon or Soma in its arms or for later missions dual ogris' or ignis'. If target is in close proximity, it will have a knock back. If the target is still near, He will pull out ether a Jat Kittag or a new weapon called the Mastara sword single or dual. Can also use nikana's in later areas.


Environment Restrictions- Common in boss missions and start showing in vor missions. Can be in survival too. Spawns after alarms are raised.

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Name: Puckish Rogue (Yes, this IS a serious submission.)

Behaviour: The Puckish Rogue is a mischievous and yet passive Grineer unit. It is a Shield Lancer dressed in formal attire, designed to behave as an Easter Egg mob, appearing randomly in any mission type and in any tile set (Grineer, Corpus, Infested & Orokin) as a one-of-a-kind unit. In terms of Extermination missions, it does not count as a unit to exterminate. More specifically, it spawns in "dead-end" tiles such as locker or container rooms.
As presented in the illustration, it will always be sitting upon an explosive barrel when located. When in close vicinity of Tenno, it will politely nod its head and raise its cup in acknowledgement of their presence, then simply stare at them as they meander around its whereabouts.
As for its purpose, it behaves as a surprise cache; when the barrel it sits upon is detonated, the Puckish Rogue will die, dropping impressive amounts of ammunition, energy orbs, health orbs, credits, along with a mod with a high chance of rarity. Among other factions, it is considered a non-hostile entity, and remains ultimately ignored. 

Its name is derived from the Shakespearean character Puck, participating as a mused/amused observer to ongoing quarrels between factions.


  • [Tenno Skum] When located, it will spout 'Tenno Skum' as a taunt until eliminated.
  • [Fortune] When the Puckish Rogue's explosive barrel is detonated its ragdolled corpse will shoot upwards, and in a pinata-esque fashion, shower down wealth upon fortunate Tenno.

Environment Restrictions: The Puckish Rogue spawns freely within any faction tile set and mission type, hiding in locker/container room tiles.

Additional Artwork:


Edited by MonsieurZero
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Lactamid's Grineer Devices are also a great idea to add variety.

Thanks. Did two variants for Infested (Device is alive, has hp, feeds to function again - friends, enemies, you) and Corpus (Device requires Energy - use X to charge idle ones. if you disable it you have a very high chance of it dropping an energy ball, if you shoot it it can be disabled but has a minor chance of dropping energy).


Barda1 also did a post about it a long time ago:







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Codename: Salvage Hunter


Behavior: Fused with some Orokin technology, Salvager Hunters are Grineer clones with the bio-organic tech of the Orokin that have altered the capabilities. They pursue Tenno as if they were a Tenno themselves. They use speed and maneuverability to avoid fire, but also are self-preservation based. Only way to kill these targets is to overwhelm the Hunters by using your speed and quick-thinking to get around their defenses.


Attacks: Armed with built-in Automatic Pistol, fires accurately at its target. Melee weapon of the Machete, uses it to attack when enemies get too close. They also are armed with a "Snare" mini-roller, those that were in the game from the early beta versions, that hold a player when they attach.


Environment Restrictions: Grineer Controled levels; Conflict Missions; not on Infested.

Edited by Zenn
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Name Suggestion:  Grineer Cestus


Behavior:  The large mechanical arms on his back mount mimic whatever movement the little arms do with additional rocket propelled force.  The Grineer Cestus dashes forward to close the distance gap to his opponent and begins a merciless onslaught of melee attacks.  When attacked from a distance he places his massive robotic arms in front of himself to shield from damage.  Moves relatively slowly aside from short rocket propelled forward dashes.


Attacks:   It combos jabs, hooks, uppercuts into devastating melee combos.  When surrounded it slams the ground knocking opponents back. 


Environment restrictions:  Can not enter small corridors/spaces, found in medium to large room tiles.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images:




EDIT:  Tried to clean it up a bit, sorry did it with pen and took the pic with my ipad.



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Name Suggestion: Grineer Death Guard

Calssification : Deathguards are Heavy Grineer Infantry Units. 


Short Lore: Deathguards are essentially recycled Grineer brought 'back' to life at the mercy of the empire's will. Maybe they be criminals, failures, or traitors; it matters none. Deathguards are given a second chance to prove themselves and undergo serious amounts of rework and enhancements and are fearless.


Description : Death Guards lug around a deployable manned turret on their back they can use to attack with or deploy to support friendly units but are deadly storm troopers on their own when spearheading assaults. 


Behavior : 

While Death Guards may be Heavy Grineer they act more like bastille; supporting the troops from the back lines by throwing down a turret for them. However if engaged at short ranges the Death Guard becomes a dangerous foe using parts of the portable turret as his weapon. The turret can be in any flavor regular map installed turrets can be in making some variants of the Death Guard more dangerous than others. Because of the shoulder mounted usage of the weapons they are widely inaccurate as opposed to standard weapon usage. Once the turret is deployed the Death Guard then swaps to using a sticky Stug pistol if he is not manning the turret.


Defenses of the Death Guard is above normal heavy units. As long as the turret is on their back they're immune to melee and ranged attacks from behind. If engaging at close range they tear the turret guards off to use as arm shields providing similar immunities that Shield Lancers enjoys; however makes their backs vulnerable. Death Guards also do not suffer extra headshot damage like most other Grineer instead targeting their heart chamber would result in headshot bonus like damage. A Death Guard that has deployed his turret is the most vulnerable exposed to all the dangers.


Attacks: Death Guard has a few attacks based on the situation.

Ground Pound; similar to other heavy Grineer this unit can slam the ground with enough force to knock enemies off their feet. 


Melee Elbow Attack; If enemies get too close and ground pound is on cooldown the Death Guard can then resort to swiping with the elbows if the turret is still on his back this attack does significantly more damage and has knockback as he is using the Turret Guard as a shield bash. 


Use Turret Weapon; If Death Guard's enemies are close they will use the turrets primary weapons as his own peronsal shoulder mounted heavy weapon firing the turret's weapons and using the turrets bullet shield to protect himself.


Deploy Turret; if threatened or alerted and enemy is far away Death Guards will throw down the turret for other grineer to use.


Turretless attack; If a Death Guard deploys a turret he will then pull out his sidearm. They will use the 'original' version of the stug; which is a glue gun that slows targets down and only poisons them instead of exploding like the tenno's stug does. They do not use stugs as long as the turret is in possession. 


Environment restrictions: Can be found anywhere Grineer can be found; but is far more common where turrets can be deployed such as outside environments is highly favored for his spawning. Due to the difficulty in killing him he will begin to appear in higher level content. 


Art: (original art is by me; I will be providing a behavior diagram later if I get around to it)


Edited by IronWolfSaber
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