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H0Pe's Weekly Community Bug List [Week 24]


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I decided to start a community post, to discuss bugs that is actively a nuisance for players. Try to be constructive, and add something to the list if you got anything particular. I urge you to commend with your bugs with screenshots and/or video links and I update the main list.

****Please admin don't move this topic to bug report I don't want to report these, with the topic. These bugs already been reported by me or others (on forum or on support)****

UPDATED /June 10/:


Glaive Self Kill:


Over and over and over... Really frustrating, in one game if I use glaive regularily 2-3 self kills are the average:


(at 2:01mins)


Bug Reported in topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/243904-glaive-prime-self-kills-over-and-over-and-over-again/


Mobile defense gets bugged:


The common issue: After 3rd terminal successfully defended, holder can't start the last terminal defense. Also host migration failed and we ended up loosing a 20+ mins 4 terminals long alert (that is also expires and loosing the chance to complete it at all):



Molecular Prime effect speed too slow:


The growth speed of the effect is slower than walking speed. takes 4-5second to travel outward from player up to 20+ steps distance.

AI Infested stops attacking after host migration:

Host left after 5th wave, and migration was successful. However after the next 5 waves the enemy infested just stood at spawn points, not moving out at all.

AI Pathing issue with undertow:

On defense, after a couple of enemies walking into the "puddle", the rest of the enemies stop advancing. Either the puddle got too crowded (max limit of enemies in puddle maybe?) or they just cramped up at the sides for some reason.

Failed to join:

No matter what we try, turn off upnp, restart game, some players aren't able to be matched up by the server. Annoying like hell.


Fixed Drastic FPS Drop: Vauban vs. Mitter:


Drastic fps drop from 60 to 20, even lower at times. Vauban Vortex Vs. Mitter shots only. Notices that only mitter shots occure and vortex, no other player is in the game, and no other attacks/abilities been used. Imagine if four people fighting and also enemies running around, maybe my game would go down to 1fps even. I was hosting with my i720@4Ghz, so 4cores, 8threads. 12GB DDR1800Mhz Ram and a 120/10 Internet working nicely and usualy I got 45fps if I host a serious game with 4players and lot of stuff happening.http://www.twitch.tv/40p3/b/530281568


Rhino loosing Iron Skin on falling down and respawning:

As topic says...

Door isn't opening in multiplayer, mission abort required:

Happened with a pretty solid host, we had no issues but as we progressed on the path door wouldn't open.

Host migration... Failed, booted to main screen:

Funnily the same issue like above, we decided to try and do a host migration instead of aborting the game. Unfortunately all of us got booted out to the main screen:

Friendly NPC Frost shield apply to players also:


Low pickup radius, blocked pickup:

Issue with loot range. If no carrier sentinel equipped with vacuum, regularly you miss some loot like this.

Edited by H0PE
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Molecular Prime effect speed too slow:


The growth speed of the effect is slower than walking speed. takes 4-5second to travel outward from player up to 20+ steps distance.



AI Infested stops attacking after host migration:


Host left after 5th wave, and migration was successful. However after the next 5 waves the enemy infested just stood at spawn points, not moving out at all.



AI Pathing issue with undertow:


On defense, after a couple of enemies walking into the "puddle", the rest of the enemies stop advancing. Either the puddle got too crowded (max limit of enemies in puddle maybe?) or they just cramped up at the sides for some reason.


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Updated with:


Mobile defense gets bugged:
The common issue: After 3rd terminal successfully defended, holder can't start the last terminal defense. Also host migration failed and we ended up loosing a 20+ mins 4 terminals long alert (that is also expires and loosing the chance to complete it at all):

Edited by H0PE
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