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Ember's changes.


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the shoulders are ok , but the head is heird

You sure? The shoulders look way too menly for a "female" warframe. Its like they took away her MC Hammer pants and put her on steroids.

Edit: The old one was fine as it was if they gave her somewhat more feminine body (adding just boobs would do fine to be honest.)

And giving her, Mag and Trinity some female exclusive animations.

Edited by Natsuko
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I'm not too keen on the old one, especially for me, who will play a male character if I can help it. I bought Ember, realize is a she, but not really. I was ok with that. Now it looks like a she as well. But that really is just me being weird so ignore all that.

Honestly I don't like the new design, it has a bit more detail than other Warframes, which is cool. But it doesn't have the biological exoskeleton material the other warframes have. The head is really weird. I don't understand why all the female Warframes seem to have a lot more detail than they need to be. Maybe thats how the artist envision them, I don't know. But I do think the male Warframes are better because it is simple but slick. This doesn't give a good vibe when seeing it, it just feels odd and out of place at the moment.

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Just noticed that her 4th ability doesn't apply on other people anymore like it use to be. This ability was already not all that great since it cost alot to use and having it effect on other people to was actaully good since the cost was then worth it. Now that it doesnt work on other people anymore its just a waste of energy.

Edit: Oh btw, those things from this:


Yea... They are also on her upper legs....

Edited by Natsuko
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I like the changes overall, but the head looks... weird. Looks like she has a horse on her head! XD

A little off-topic: When I told my brother about the change, he said: "Dude, look at her thighs. She might be the next Chun Lee!"

We both laughed.

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Oh God new ember.

I was worried they were going to change him/her because of all the negative feedback that was seeping across the boards about his/her style. People can't @(*()$ handle the Hammer pants.

I think it looks hideous overall. Especially the head. Dear God the head.

I miss the old him/her. =/

Also this probably shouldn't be in Gameplay Feedback but instead in Art/Animation Feedback.

Edited by Bang_Doll
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Oh God new ember.

I was worried they were going to change him/her because of all the negative feedback that was seeping across the boards about his/her style. People can't @(*()$ handle the Hammer pants.

I think it looks hideous overall. Especially the head. Dear God the head.

I miss the old him/her. =/

yeah, i miss the old design too.. the head design makes it look feisty and fierce at the same time, but now... it looks like a burned up charcoal or a big lump of cooled magma :D

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Yea umm, wow I just had to go in game and check the new look out and holy S#&$. Her head looks like she has a plank of wood sticking out of her head. I mean before I could understand it was trying to signify flames. Now its just to bulky, I am amazed she can even keep her head upright.

Personally for me, what I think would look good, is somewhat the opposite of what they have currently. Basically flip the rooster comb looking thing around to the back to look more like hair, and at the end have some energy spots to make it look like a smoldering ember. Or make it like an meteor with a tail that is smoldering. Her head is the meteor and the tail is the representation of her hair. Of course with some flair.

Edited by Scypher
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Will some added customization help resolve this? Say in a future update? :)

If that added customization means Ember's old model as an option with perhaps maybe an underlying feminine physique and maybe a fix to the weird thing going on with his/her crotch (but otherwise leaving those frickin' rad hammer pants and punk rooster 'hawk and crackly magma thing-a-ma-jiggers) then for me personally yes.

I miss the old him/her, I can not lie, Stevie. =(

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The old one had a rooster/chicken head look from the back :-)

That's the first thing I thought when I first saw an Ember. I think this is an improvement, although the head does seem a little awkward.

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Her new helmet modell really needs to be looked at.

Everything else is fine its just the head/helmet that stands out too much and it looks somewhat out of place.

Almost as if its taken from some cartoon or whatnot.

I just think that the upper part of the helmet just needs abit of tuning.

I know you're going for some sorta flamy look with that but it just doesnt cut it right now.

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