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whats the big deal with teno ships. i somehow fail to see how this enchance the gameplay.. no, seriously what can we do with this?


I plan to join a rebellion and do a harrowing and exciting Death Star Trench run to blow up some Corpus or Grineer super weapon by shooting a proton torpedo down the exhaust port without aid of a targeting computer because it's too tough of a shot for the computer to make so I have to trust in the force instead.  

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i hate new looks and all Aesthetic updates> they serve no purpose and only derail the teams efforts to improve this game.

You sound really boring. very very boring. You perhaps care NOTHING for aesthetics and if ti were up to you, this game would look the same way it did when it started and half the design team would be fired.


You'd perhaps get everyone to fix this and that before any content is released and I mean every single person especially those that do not specialize in fixing  things not in their job description.


This game would seem unwelcoming and visually unappealing but as along as it weeds outs the idiots and stop them from thinking about playing such a boring looking game designed by you.


Aesthetics are not really you're strong suit so you should simply not bother caring at all and leave it to the design team that specializes in making the game look great with adding great looking things which you would fire if it were up to you to do their job.


And that is how boring you are. you're "fun" ideas would not even make this game aesthetically look better which is why there is a department for folks like you that care nothing for looks and cool things that look cool where you can work on things but not design anything to appeal to the eyes of others.


All this is really a UI overhaul which is something you really don't have any ideas to make look a lot better. You fail to comprehend how cool having a space =ship is which is basically a UI.


What they should do is keep the vanilla UI for folks like you that hate to learn new things that get replaced by old things due to laziness or w/e reason.


i described your feelings in a nutshell which is devoid of all feelings for design that is based on looks alone which would be your worst department due to how EVERY SINGLE change in looks MUST serve a purpose but do people need a purpose to redesign their house etc.?


That is all.


PS: how can this enhance gameplay? What can you do with this... Chill out and enjoy your quarters..Otherwise nothing really. If every decision based on looks needed a purpose, this game would look and perhaps feel a lot worse which is what you want for whatever reason.

Edited by SirAuron
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i find the current solar system screen rather optimal for doing all the stuffs like eg choose a mission and hop into the action lol.

the way i see those new ships is you need to spend time first to load in to the ship, go through various of rooms and then activate terminals and whatnot just to do basically the same thing.

i just hope they keep the old system in parallel. I'm sorry but I'll call it total waste of development effort


From watching the sneak peak they showed, it sounds like you probably will still be able to go to matches via a quick-menu.  I for one welcome the inclusion of more out of combat immersion, lore, and gameplay, but I can understand the desire to simply play matches and being able to get into the action directly.  Hopefully DE will be able to implement a system which appeals to both types of players, those who just want to get to the fighting and those who want to hang out in a ship and fly around the star system.

Edited by Gelkor
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