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Ability Mod Cards Depicting Prime Frames?


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Currently, all warframe abilities involve a picture of the frame in question using the ability.


So what if crafting a Prime frame instead gave you the same abilities as the normal frame, just with different artwork? Or even all in rare quality just for more visual appeal. Abilitys only go up to rank 3 anyways, so ranking them up isn't expensive regardless of their rarity.


The abilities don't have to be exclusive to prime frames either, unlike the helmets of prime frames, since no one but the player can see them anyways. e.g. A Frost should still be able to use a Snow Globe card that has a picture of Frost Prime on it.


I got this idea from trading card games which have rarer versions of otherwise identical cards, the only difference being cosmetic. For example, the artwork could be different, the lettering of the name of the card could be gold for example, or the card could be holographic, or even all 3 at once.


There's already mods that have had their artwork changed, it probably can't be that hard to do 4 more for each frame, otherwise they wouldn't have taken the time to change the artwork of the other mods like sentinel redirection / vitality / steel fiber.

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yes, lets double the amount of useless mods that enemies can drop ...

no thank you

and if they wont drop from monsters, players will complain that they want to have different ranks of all different mods so they need multiple versions of it.

Edited by Frostosti
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yes, lets double the amount of useless mods that enemies can drop


Ability mods are nowhere near the mark of half the useless mods in the game.


There's people in TF2 who sell their free Genuine promotional items either for Steam funds or TF2 keys (which can be grey-marketed for real money) in order to reduce some of the cost of the game, because normally after a promotion for the game ends, Valve add the normal quality items to the game, which look exactly the same in game, the only difference is when looking inside the inventory of someone else (exactly like my example)


Applying that parallel to Warframe, there'll be a group of people who want to collect mods, and there will be a group of people who have mods that they don't want. "I may as well trade for a mod that I'll put to good use instead of essentially a reskin". Basic trading principle, supply and demand.


and if they wont drop from monsters, players will complain that they want to have different ranks of all different mods so they need multiple versions of it.


What's wrong with that? People can collect if they want. In my parallel example, cosmetic variants of trading cards are simply status symbols and in some cases, are used as trade-fodder. So applying it to Warframe, if there was a mod that was rare enough, even if you had no use for it, people would want it merely because it was rare. Look at the Arcane helmets. Some have worthless stats but people want collect them, I personally bought the Gorgon, Machete and Ether Daggers prior to their retirement despite being sub-par weapons. Why? Because they're probably going to be rare later on, even if it's a crap weapon, people are going to want it because people like being parts of exclusive groups.


Also you can craft the same frame multiple times if you're that desperate to have the same mod with different ranks, or trade for people who create Prime frames but want to get rid of their Prime mods. Number of frames you can craft is not limited, if you were dedicated enough to try and collect every mod in every rank, then you'd have the patience and dedication to even craft the same frame multiple time in order to achieve that mod.


Killing enemies isn't the only way to receive a mod as a drop. Alerts can be a reward system, Lore wise, Prime frames are Orokin equipment, mods can drop from canisters from the Void, capture targets in Orokin missions could be thieves so there could be a chance to receive a prime mod upon capturing them or completing the mission.


The Orokin Void has parkour chambers which already have all Warframe abilities as rewards, simply change those to the reworked ones. The parkour rooms still give common and uncommon mods as rewards, adding rare mods is still a bonus. Regardless of what the mod does, a rare mod is still a rare mod in terms of fusion energy and sell price.


Got anything else?

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