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A Message To The Dev, Design And Art Team Regarding The Design Of Frames.

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I don't know why you guys keep thinking that Zephyr was supposed to be based off the fan concept.  It is just that...a fan concept!  Nothing against Liger as I agree it looks like a nicely drawn concept but in no way was DE tied to that except for Scottt saying in that thread that it was inspirational.  I think if DE had named this warframe differently, people wouldn't even make the comparison.  You guys keep talking down Mynki's role in all this, as if warframe would be what it is without him.  He's been the art director of this game from the very start and if you look up dark sector credits you would see him there too again as the art director.  He's responsible for the design of Excalibur and if we were to think back to dark sector then the proto armor as well. If you look well enough you'll find his artwork.  I also found his site: www.mynkijames.com if you want to see more of his work.  I wouldn't be surprised if he sculpted some of the warframes himself as you can see on his site that he is a very good sculptor too.

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I don't know why you guys keep thinking that Zephyr was supposed to be based off the fan concept.  It is just that...a fan concept!  Nothing against Liger as I agree it looks like a nicely drawn concept but in no way was DE tied to that except for Scottt saying in that thread that it was inspirational.  I think if DE had named this warframe differently, people wouldn't even make the comparison.  You guys keep talking down Mynki's role in all this, as if warframe would be what it is without him.  He's been the art director of this game from the very start and if you look up dark sector credits you would see him there too again as the art director.  He's responsible for the design of Excalibur and if we were to think back to dark sector then the proto armor as well. If you look well enough you'll find his artwork.  I also found his site: www.mynkijames.com if you want to see more of his work.  I wouldn't be surprised if he sculpted some of the warframes himself as you can see on his site that he is a very good sculptor too.

I think you're missing the point.


The fan concept which Mynki based Zephyr on looks a thousand times better than the professional design we got.


Both thematically and technically.


The fan concept keeps in line with the original frames and tenno aesthetic and the final version looks nothing like the previous frames.


Please take a look at the side by side of Rhino and Zephyr. They look as though they are from different games. Zephyr is low textured and badly designed with her melted ice cream look that makes it very difficult to make her look good.


I think a lot of you are taking this as some sort of direct attack on the art team and are having knee jerk reactions.


The point is that if you want a design team or artist to grow and get better you need to give them feedback rather than just defend their feelings for the sake of it.


The game can have a great consistent look as presented by the preliminary frames created. The recent melted icecream and plastic/oiled latex look we've been getting does not match that aesthetic as a large number of people have pointed out.


Giving the design team that feedback and criticsm can help them make warframe grow and become a more visually polished product which then becomes easier to market and sell. Which helps the company and the team.


But only if they are given honest feedback about their creations and people are not afraid to speak their minds.

Edited by Divine-Seraphymne
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Just putting my two cents out there, even if they're worthless:


I personally prefer the more subdued designs of earlier Warframes like Excalibur and Mag, and I have noticed that there's a trend of newer Warframes being "busier" design-wise, but you do have the occasional Novas, whose design I think is more in line with earlier frames(and that porcelain-doll aesthetic is neato).

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Zephyr, whilst her colours can be made a mess of quite easily, can look [EXPLETIVE] awesome. I absolutely love how she looks and whilst the fan design isn't bad, it's a different style, and I prefer THIS^ style to the original fan concept. 

I puked in my mouth a little.jk

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I think most of the busyness of the details are a product of the color distribution.  If there were larger areas with the same color, it wouldn't look as busy.  This might have happened as a result of releasing the immortal skins and how these 2 later frames came after that.  Maybe the positive reception to the immortal skins contributed to some degree in creating these color distributions.

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I think most of the busyness of the details are a product of the color distribution.  If there were larger areas with the same color, it wouldn't look as busy.  This might have happened as a result of releasing the immortal skins and how these 2 later frames came after that.  Maybe the positive reception to the immortal skins contributed to some degree in creating these color distributions.

To be fair, both the meshes for Zephyr and Hydroid are incredibly busy and feature a lot of unnecessary details, which could easily be removed/replaced with more stylish, subdued elements that can help carry the theme better, unless the theme is everything and the kitchen sink, and then some.

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Zephyr, whilst her colours can be made a mess of quite easily, can look [EXPLETIVE] awesome. I absolutely love how she looks and whilst the fan design isn't bad, it's a different style, and I prefer THIS^ style to the original fan concept. 

Sorry. That looks like vomit and orange to me. There's no definition of the colour. It just runs together like melted ice cream. It's an awful mess.


And it's not the fault of the colours chosen either. It's just the model and the choices with how the colours interact and the textures involved

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Hello there. I am here to confirm that the DE team was indeed inspired and took design off of my concept Zephyr. While the looks are varied, the design taked many aspects all the way to the name and abilities that we came up with such as Turbulence. They did announce on the Livestream at the time that they were inspired and Scott made a tweet to confirm it, as well as I was given a lovely gift basket for u12 and email.


I hope this has dispelled some misunderstandings.

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I think 90% of the problems come from players with absolute no sense for colors


and thats 90% of players


Wanna share your own stylistic choices for Zephyr, then?

Seriously. I'm having a hard time coming up for decent colour schemes for Zephyr (and Hydroid...)

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If that's the case, I think it would be cool to have an alternate skin based off of Volkovyi's concept.  It would be just like the proto Excalibur alternate skin.  And just like the proto Excalibur, it would happen if DE sees that there's enough of a demand for it and would be worth their time.  And by demand I don't mean bashing the current zephyr and telling DE that they have no sense of art direction.  I think they would be more inclined to listen if critiques are more constructive instead of being insulting.  The fact that Draice had to post to defend Mynki is a clear indication of this.  We're more likely to get what we want if we appealed to Draice since he seems to respond on behalf of the art team anyway.  We just have to be diplomatic about it.

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If that's the case, I think it would be cool to have an alternate skin based off of Volkovyi's concept.  It would be just like the proto Excalibur alternate skin.  And just like the proto Excalibur, it would happen if DE sees that there's enough of a demand for it and would be worth their time.  And by demand I don't mean bashing the current zephyr and telling DE that they have no sense of art direction.  I think they would be more inclined to listen if critiques are more constructive instead of being insulting.  The fact that Draice had to post to defend Mynki is a clear indication of this.  We're more likely to get what we want if we appealed to Draice since he seems to respond on behalf of the art team anyway.  We just have to be diplomatic about it.

Apart from that, DE need to drop the hugbox mentality and accept critical feedback as what it is, instead of passing it off as "bullying" or whatever the hot new way to shoot down criticism is these days.

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Apart from that, DE need to drop the hugbox mentality and accept critical feedback as what it is, instead of passing it off as "bullying" or whatever the hot new way to shoot down criticism is these days.

You're confusing critical feedback with negative attitude.


Critical feedback is the best type of feedback.


Toxcicity, Dev bashing, and being a sub-par individual? No thanks, we don't want you here.

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Wanna share your own stylistic choices for Zephyr, then?

Seriously. I'm having a hard time coming up for decent colour schemes for Zephyr (and Hydroid...)



I use these

no Saturation. and same temperature colors.









Edited by BazzBro
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You're confusing critical feedback with negative attitude.


Critical feedback is the best type of feedback.


Toxcicity, Dev bashing, and being a sub-par individual? No thanks, we don't want you here.

So far, all instances of critical feedback have been shot down with the blanket defense of "it's an opinion", which is a false statement, the reasons given for the designs being sub par have been quantifiable, readily apparent things such as visual traffic, consistency and the lack thereof, the disappearance of design philosophies present in previous instances of such assets being released, etc.

Again I am forced to repeat myself, critical feedback is in no way a negative thing, it's when hugboxers confuse any sort of expressed dissatisfaction, be it backed up with constructive feedback or not, with  "dev bashing" and "vitriol", that is when the problem arises. That specific problem being that it's impossible to get through this wall of faux marketers and actually communicate constructive and concise thoughts to the developers.

Edited by Kuhrasu
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If it helps


you do understand that, as users who have purchased their product (or subscribed to their free game) we have absolute NO say in anything they do right?


we are fortunate enough to be playing an actively workd on game where our opinions seem to matter to them, but by no means should our criticisms be all equally considered by them, since they have their own goals and ideas to realize, whether we like those ideas or not.


We can not command the power and respect of an equal DE worker and designer, but, if there are hundreds or thousands of users who have a similar critique or opinion concernign a small change or request, there is a good chance that then it could be implemented or atmost considered.




check yo privilege  

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Apart from that, DE need to drop the hugbox mentality and accept critical feedback as what it is, instead of passing it off as "bullying" or whatever the hot new way to shoot down criticism is these days.


You seem to be confusing the dev response with the forum response.


Also, other posters' responses in no way block your own response. The mistake is in wasting time and energy and mods' patience attacking them. It also undermines your own point, because your reputation sinks by attacking other posters.

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you do understand that, as users who have purchased their product (or subscribed to their free game) we have absolute NO say in anything they do right?


Well, we kinda do. F2P games rely on their players purchasing the new content. If the playerbase doesn't like what content gets released, the content doesn't get bought, and the company loses revenue.

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Well, we kinda do. F2P games rely on their players purchasing the new content. If the playerbase doesn't like what content gets released, the content doesn't get bought, and the company loses revenue.

thats the magic of working colors and color theory :3



Well, we kinda do. F2P games rely on their players purchasing the new content. If the playerbase doesn't like what content gets released, the content doesn't get bought, and the company loses revenue.

word, but we are no stock holders or DE devs, we have limited say in their own vision.


but on the topic tho


the frames atm work in their own way


but some old school, streamlined, simpler frames would be cool too. They are ninjas first and fore most afterall


im just arguing against the people who dislike the Designers choices, we cant assail him for having our own ideals of what their game should be stylisticly

Edited by BazzBro
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