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Bad First Impression


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Hi, I've been playing this game for a couple days and I just wanted to share some of the gripes i've been having with Warframe.

Pay to win- You can buy everything on the cheap with platinum, yet i apparently have to farm and grind for days and days to get anything with credits. I mean really, I got the blueprint for Cronus and it costs 15,000 credits and 12 real time hours to create? Really? Taking time to craft things is one of the most stupid gimmicks i've come across in a long, long time.

Rank restrictions- Not only is the game clearly pay to win, but there are rank restrictions on weapons/warframes for credits? What?

Extremely repetitive- Around 4 missions into the Mercury planet i was appalled by the shocking laziness of the devs- literally seeing the exact same rooms over and over and over in 3 different missions. Amazing graphics doesn't let you get away with recycling environments.

The only thing that is really keeping me playing this game is a hope that it eventually won't be so goddamn grind heavy. Am I the only one that is seriously annoyed by the whole pay to win aspect, or am i the only one who hasn't just paid to win?

Edited by Rhine
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It is not pay to win, because there is no competition.. The advantage you get is over the AI.. It doesn't matter >_>..

Rank restriction.. Ofc.. The more you play, the higher your master rank, the better weapons you unlock.. It makes 100% sense..

Yes, the game can feel a bit repetitive..

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The repetitiveness of it all is a rather large disappointment. However i haven't seen necessarily how it's a pay-to-win. Granted i have seen many decked out war frames smash through levels; however i have had no problems completing my own levels with equally geared frames. I'm waiting to find out if it gets any more intricate or if you just hit your right mouse button over and over.

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I'm not saying pay to win as it would be defined in a PvP game. I mean pay to win as in i can pay 50 bucks to get enough platinum to get me out of 48 hours of straight farming and grinding.

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I cannot see where anything in this game is pay2win. Everything is a time investment. Buy a weapon? Have to invest time into it to make it useful. Buy a frame? Have to invest time into it to make it useful. You cannot buy rank 30, potatoed weapons or frames. Just vanilla pieces you must invest into after the initial purchase.

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I'm not saying pay to win as it would be defined in a PvP game. I mean pay to win as in i can pay 50 bucks to get enough platinum to get me out of 48 hours of straight farming and grinding.

That's called Pay for Convenience. There's a difference.

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I cannot see where anything in this game is pay2win. Everything is a time investment. Buy a weapon? Have to invest time into it to make it useful. Buy a frame? Have to invest time into it to make it useful. You cannot buy rank 30, potatoed weapons or frames. Just vanilla pieces you must invest into after the initial purchase.

Exactly. I can bypass EVERY SINGLE TIME INVESTMENT by paying for platinum.

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I'm not saying pay to win as it would be defined in a PvP game. I mean pay to win as in i can pay 50 bucks to get enough platinum to get me out of 48 hours of straight farming and grinding.

You still need to get credits and you still need to level up your gear, I don't see how that's skippable with platinum.

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If paying $5-$20 bucks a month lets you "win" and play the game comfortably, wtf are you doing on other online games where you pay the same amount in monthly fee's but everything is already "given" to you. Pretty much the same thing. Its a preference thing, and hopefully they will lower prices, change things around to be more affordable, etc. Its still being tested and changed constantly. Doesnt bother me one bit..

Edited by Setadoon
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I cannot see where anything in this game is pay2win. Everything is a time investment. Buy a weapon? Have to invest time into it to make it useful. Buy a frame? Have to invest time into it to make it useful. You cannot buy rank 30, potatoed weapons or frames. Just vanilla pieces you must invest into after the initial purchase.

Exactly. I can bypass EVERY SINGLE TIME INVESTMENT by paying for platinum.

Bossa is saying you can't bypass leveling with platinum, do you understand?


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Exactly. I can bypass EVERY SINGLE TIME INVESTMENT by paying for platinum.

No, weapons and frames are initial things with no characteristics. You CANNOT buy rank 30, potatoed frames or weapons. And even then, the inital purchase or crafting of these items is a few days max. There is also nothing to win.

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Hi, I've been playing this game for a couple days and I just wanted to share some of the gripes i've been having with Warframe.

Pay to win- You can buy everything on the cheap with platinum, yet i apparently have to farm and grind for days and days to get anything with credits. I mean really, I got the blueprint for Cronus and it costs 15,000 credits and 12 real time hours to create? Really? Taking time to craft things is one of the most stupid gimmicks i've come across in a long, long time

- While I understand you are not happy with this structure, this is a free to play game. Money will have to come in somehow, every F2P game is pay to win. This game is fair on it's side. Paying just means you get it faster. You can still craft everything else. Technically speaking, the only thing they force you to buy is more slots for your account, which even that isn't so bad.

Rank restrictions- Not only is the game clearly pay to win, but there are rank restrictions on weapons/warframes for credits? What.

-What? I'm sorry I don't understand this question. Are you talking about leveling it up beyond a certain number? Or are we talking like player ranks and neededing to do that mission. If it's the weapons, it can be avoided by getting an orikion catalyst. Which can be given from a "?" Mission (and that's free!)

Extremely repetitive- Around 4 missions into the Mercury planet i was appalled by the shocking laziness of the devs- literally seeing the exact same rooms over and over and over in 3 different missions. Amazing graphics doesn't let you get away with recycling environment.

-This is something I can understand almost enitrley. I would like to note this game is currently in Open Beta (Update 7) so it's still on it's training wheels. They'll be more levels in the future, but right now there isn't much to see. I do recommend you come back in the future when there's been a couple of updates to see if the new landscapes are more vast for you.

The only thing that is really keeping me playing this game is a hope that it eventually won't be so goddamn grind heavy. Am I the only one that is seriously annoyed by the whole pay to win aspect, or am i the only one who hasn't just paid to win?

Added in my responses to the question. I understand your concern for this game, but I do hope my response can help clarify some issues. Otherwise i'd be more then happy to offer some alternatives to F2P games that you may enjoy.

Edit: grammar mistakes, oops!

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The rank restrictions are for platinum as well.

Wait till you get off of the starter planet and you will start to see some totally different enviroments including planet surfaces.

The "Same Room" thing was kind of done on purpose, like a diablo game there are several hundred "Tiles" for creating maps which are all selected randomly at the start of a mission to create a random map. So while some rooms are the same (just like they are in real life when you are dealing with mass produced military structures) the actual layout of the map is totally different.

The real 12 hour wait time to build something is not bad at all IMO, just set it up to build before you log out for the day and when you log in the next day it will be built and ready.

And finally this game is not "Pay 2 Win" it is pay if you are impatient, the game is not competitive and so there is no advantage to getting new weapons or frames other than variety for yourself, not only that but you can build ANY of the weapons or warframes in the game, so free players are not restricted at all in that regard.

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You still need to get credits and you still need to level up your gear, I don't see how that's skippable with platinum.

I see right here "Credit Packs".

I also see every warframe/gun buyable with platinum in maybe a couple minutes time of using your credit card, but on the flip side i see weeks of grinding to get those guns and warframes. There's no real incentive to grind and farm for so long when I see everything can be skipped with platinum, and all the environments are recycled over and over.

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Rank restriction in all Rank-based shooters, level restrictions in all known RPGs ever. EVER. Even D&D has level restrictions. Where there are ranks and levels there are restrictions. I don't even...

And if getting weapons faster constitutes P2W for you, what does F2P mean to you? Just a completely free game? Here! Play this game for absolutely free!

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