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New Warframe Suggestion.


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After long an elaborate discussion in the Ghost Alliance we have designed the best Warframe yet!







Using his incredible culinary arts, Pizzo can shift the allegiance and manipulate enemies targeting on the battlefield.



In the late days of the Orokin Era Tenno's purpose had been lost. The war was won. No force in this galaxy or the Void could cripple the might of the Tenno. And without opposition, Tenno's duty was unfulfilled. And so longing for purpose the Tenno have meddled in many fields. From Fashion models to Singers and Cemetery watchers. Of all the arts the Tenno tried, none have caught on as much as cooking. The Orokin Emperor even said "An enemy who has seen a Tenno cook will will tremble in fear knowing Tenno fight even better". Such was Tenno's aptitude for culinary arts that a special Warframe was designed for that Very purpose.


Pizzo had specialized in bakery. In the Orokin Era he would participate in entertainment programs and master lessons, demonstrating the devastating ability of a well-baked pizza. In the current times Pizzo has been adapted to combat and his bakery infused with indoctrinating agents, boosted through his Void-powered talents channeled through the Waframe.


Corpus have expressed interest in salvaging the strange, seemingly edible "mind-controlling disks" in an effort to reverse engineer them. Little do the know of the power... of PIZZA!!!




Delivery - 25NRG

Delivers a powerful pizza to the Target's face. The pizza debuffs the target's armour and reduces movement speed. After impact the pizza falls to the ground and remains there until the power duration ends. It can later be used by Pizzo for applying additional effects. While the target is captivated by the pizza, the target can not attack. Hypnosis lasts half as much time as the debuff. At max rank maximum of 3 pizzas can remain on the battlefield at the same time.


Extra Cheese - 50NRG

Covers target area in sticky cheese. Enemies that walk into Cheese are slowed down. As Cheese remains on the ground, it solidifies. After it becomes completely solid, any targets still trapped are paralyzed until death or a certain % of damage is inflicted on their defences. If a Pizza is Delivered, an extra Patch of Cheese will spawn in it's location.


Spirito Italiano - 75NRG

Pizzo proclaims himself the God of Pizza, releasing a hypnotizing aroma from his frame for the duration of the power. Enemies caught in the radius loose aggro and will not attack Pizzo or his allies, entering idle state, from which they can be stealth-killed. If an enemy is under the effect of Delivered Pizza, it's allegiance will swap and it will fight for Tenno until death.


Party Time - 100NRG

Bacon and Mushroom Pizzas rain from the sky. Enemies will loose aggro and chase Pizzas as they drop. This also works if they drop into the abyss, making enemies jump to their deaths. For pizza! When reaching a Pizza enemies will consume it, debuffing themselves. These debuffs stack per enemy with each Pizza consumed. The power can be toggled on/off. Upon toggling it off, all remaining Pizzas violently explode in a rain of Cheese, Pepper, Bacon and Mushrooms, dealing Gas damage and making all affected enemies more vulnerable to Elemental effects. Each pizza also has effects of Delivery in addition to it's own, should it drop directly on an enemy.


Feel free to submit art... :P


(Don't even ask...)

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This is just way too op. Maybe make him a vegan instead.

Who cares? Still not gonna be as OP as Nyx or Nova :P


Also how dare you propose such preposterous suggestions?! He is a Pizza Master! How could he be Vegan?! Oh my Lotus, the Blasphemy! 

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I am so glad people like Pizzo!

If I could draw I would draw an epic concept warframe with a weird Chef hat... Also we though every time Spirito Italiano is activated, Pizzo should say something like "LE CHEF!" Imagine maximized efficiency and all the players just spamming LE CHEF! LE CHEF! LE CHEF! Lotus would be pleased. And is it just be or does the Lotus look very umm... natural, eating a pizza?


DE... Please?

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