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Pay Model System For Warframe. Whats Your Opinion?


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Pay model system for Warframe. Whats your opinion?

For me I think micro transactions is making the game less very much uninteresting.

I prefer to buy a game for a sum, and get all the warframes weapons as UNLOCKABLES.

( Like in Battlefield 3 but a lot harder)

I play world of tanks, but only have paid for camo, since getting more exp and money just makes

the game so much more uninteresting, the goals in the game are dropped for me instantly if I

just put up money to my self fortune.

I want to pay 25 Euro for this instead of going microtransactions, it corrupts the game to being

less playable than it could be. Whats your idea?

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A model such as Battlefield 3's works when you are charging in excess of 50 dollars and you know that your sales numbers willbe in the millions.

Smaller, more independant games like Warframe cannot (A) charge exorbitant amounts for a relatively unknown game, and (B) expect massive popularity in the mainstream market. Because of this, its just more sensible to go the microtransaction route.

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I prefer to buy a game for a sum, and get all the warframes weapons as UNLOCKABLES.

It's a F2P, it's never going to happen.

I want to pay 25 Euro for this instead of going microtransactions, it corrupts the game to being

less playable than it could be.

Corrupts the game? It's F2P, give me one example of a F2P game in which you can pay a certain sum to unlock the entire game.

I hope you aren't actually expecting to unlock a game with 25 Euro. Even singleplayer games are more expensive than that. Though Waframe does give you the option of 'unlocking' the entire game - buy the Grand Master Founders Package for 249 dollars and you will have enough platinum to buy everything in the game.

For 25 euros you could buy the Disciple Founders Package that will get you 370 plat.

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I don't believe a 1 off payment would work, as stated i don't think it would generate enough sales to cover continuing development costs. I would be happy with a subscription though, pay X a month and get x platinum at the start of the month + maybe some other stuff (discounts in market etc. etc.). This would probably only work with more conetent, as it stands i don't think there are enough things to warrant paying regularly (this is not a complaint, just an observation). I've bought plat already, in a qty more than i would pay for a single game on release, and this way i can pay when something new comes out, supporting the decs.

I don't believe subscription players should get anything over non though, the devs have done a good job of making sure anything with plat, can also be gotten in game (apart from a couple of things) and i would like this to continue.

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It works.

I've played World of Tanks myself and have multiple premium tanks, have a tier 10 and have paid for Premiums for at least up to a year. Their microtransactions work the same with any other game that's F2P = Convenience.

It saves you the time you can't spare for the money that you can.

I say Warframe is fine as it is. Perhaps they could decrease their rates slightly or reduce the costs of certain things, but it is currently, fine.

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I don't believe subscription players should get anything over non though

Or they could just not have a subscription system. It works great as it is and it will work much better when they'll have more content.

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Or they could just not have a subscription system. It works great as it is and it will work much better when they'll have more content.

I was't advocating replacing the current microtransaction sales, i don't think that benefits anyone, especially the game. It was an alternate method to run alongside the current. I don't really like the f2p model, i find a lot of people are cheap and expect a lot for nothing on their part, and i've seen games have stifled development when utilising a free to play model. However i don't really think anything else works in todays market, as it is too easy for people to go find a different game.


To the post above, i don't see a subscription service as being limited to MMOs, i see it as a service suited to a game with continual development. A big name release with minimal content upgrades can charge a 1 off fee as development winds down after release (some games it just stops) if they release more content you then pay again for it. Games with microtransactions don't stop development yet are subject to random payments.

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II don't really like the f2p model, i find a lot of people are cheap and expect a lot for nothing on their part, and i've seen games have stifled development when utilising a free to play model. However i don't really think anything else works in todays market, as it is too easy for people to go find a different game.

I agree. At least a subscription model allows for structured continual development meaning we get more content to play - that can only be good right?

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I wish they just use real money like steam does with TF2. It's really annoying that so many f2p games rely on platinum and etc... to disguise the real price. Just be blunt about it. 35 cents for this item... $5.00 for that item.

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Warframe pay method is fine.

I use to play wow, but deside to quit.

Now i just play warframe on a casuel bases, and every other month i use my sub for wow to buy plat.

But the great thing is you dont have to buy plat.

I know it takes longer time to get everything in game, but atleast they allow you to get it without paying a diam.

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I don't think this alternate method you are talking about would do any justice to the free players and to be honest I don't agree/like it either. The community is always split into 2 when you have a subscription system. I doubt that all the subscribers will be getting is cosmetics. Take SWTOR as an example of the difference between paying and free players.

Subscription system don't give paying players cosmetics, they give them advantages over free players. I don't mind seeing a paying player have 500 more cosmetic options and looking 1000 times better than me, but I do mind if a paying player has access to a lot more weapons and items, especially better ones.

Microtransactions are good because you can pay for exactly what you want/need. Everyone can afford to buy a thing here, a thing there, not all of us are so rich that we can afford to constantly pay to get the full experience.

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I don't think this alternate method you are talking about would do any justice to the free players and to be honest I don't agree/like it either. The community is always split into 2 when you have a subscription system. I doubt that all the subscribers will be getting is cosmetics. Take SWTOR as an example of the difference between paying and free players.

Subscription system don't give paying players cosmetics, they give them advantages over free players. I don't mind seeing a paying player have 500 more cosmetic options and looking 1000 times better than me, but I do mind if a paying player has access to a lot more weapons and items, especially better ones.

Microtransactions are good because you can pay for exactly what you want/need.

Well i've played in Everquest 2 and LotRO both had subs and f2p, both offered a load of stuff in the stores that can never be classed as being unfairly beneficial. As stated i think they need to keep it so anything that is paid for can also be gotten in game.

Although you say "but I do mind if a paying player has access to a lot more weapons and items, especially better ones." if this is a distinction between subscription and f2p players i agree, if this is a distinction between subscription and people who never spend money on the game it makes perfect sense.to be as you said. That was my arguement about not liking f2p, it gets abused, with some of the player base supporting the other, who want everything, for nothing.

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Is Warframe going to be Free to Play permanently or just the Beta period?

Open beta for F2P games is basically the release, nothing will change once the game is officially released.

More on topic, It's hard to compare Warframe to any other f2p game because Warframe, to my knowledge is the first PvE f2p game. But even so, It's less "pay to win" than most f2p games I've played that had PvP.

Personally, I like the transaction system. Not many things that can be bought for cash require too much time to acquire as f2p, way shorter than some of the f2p mammoths (LoL, Planetside).

And I understand where you're coming from OP, I'll never buy something that I can get in game with an effort. It sucks the fun of progression out of the game and it feels cheap.

When I like a f2p game and want to support it I usually buy a skin or two that I like, and in Warframe I skip the 3 day crafting times.

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Right now the only thing that bothers me about platinums is that some stuff like the extra weapon and warframe slots can be bought only with those, if it wouldn't be for that i would be fine but i don't want to spend any of my 50 starter platinums even to get more slots because i'm kind of a "collector" myself, so i wonder if i can suggest that platinums can be bought with ingame credits too (like 10 platinums for 100k credits or something like that to also encourage farming) or at least if the extra slots can be obtained with an alternative method.

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ok dude, considering you can get the warframe by building it. the pay model for this game is actually very free player friendly.

if you are to lazy to get the blueprints, than thats your problem. i happy with the way it is now.

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Well, they have to make a living somehow.

Its a flaw when an F2P Player doesn't ever have to pay to reach a certain point of the game. They have to make it that paying is an option to think about, even to someone who's totally adverse to the idea of paying.

They've mentioned that these weapon slots do take up Bandwidth space, so take it as you will. They've given us this wonderful game for free already.

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I don't mind the pay structure as it is. Everyone has a choice to make regarding how much time you want to spend getting something, against how much that time is worth to you. I'll buy plat for some things and I'll grind for others, my time is limited and I don't like wasting it....but then so are my funds ;)

Would be interested in a "try before you buy" idea perhaps, 100k credits (or 25-50 plat) to use a warframe for 48 hrs or something.....nothing is more annoying than grinding for hours/ days/ weeks just to end up with something you don't actually like once you've had a go. Naturally this may actually work against the profit margin so I doubt it would ever be implemented.

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ok dude, considering you can get the warframe by building it. the pay model for this game is actually very free player friendly.

if you are to lazy to get the blueprints, than thats your problem. i happy with the way it is now.


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Obviously DE made a pretty damn good job on thir buisness model. You cannot pay to get advantages that other people will not have access to, just the comodity of having them without having to work for them or having access to cosmetics. This should be praised since many companies don't go this way, in fact, even world of tanks can't be considered in such terms, if you don't own an expensive gold tank there and if you don't have premium, forget playing at high tiers, there is just no money farming for that. Here things are done pretty well!

Also why is free to play better than pay a sum to have it all? In first place because it encourages people to try it and if they like it then spend money! They never lose anything. In second place people who have absolutly no money can still play it and if you think... But what does the company beneficts from it? Well, not only these players increase the comunity size and help the game grow, but they will divulge the game to their friends, some of which will actually spend money. In the end a free to play game has a lot more room for success than a subscription based game or paying to buy the game. It is in fact quite obvious that more and more developers are moving to a free to play platform with micro transactions. This is the future of online gaming... This is not to say that everything else will entirely disapear, which it wont but as far as online gaming is concerned. Free to play is only going to continue to rise, there is ample example of many triple A games going free to play.

DE is doing a pretty damn good job so keep at it folks.

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Corrupts the game? It's F2P, give me one example of a F2P game in which you can pay a certain sum to unlock the entire game.

I hope you aren't actually expecting to unlock a game with 25 Euro. Even singleplayer games are more expensive than that. Though Waframe does give you the option of 'unlocking' the entire game - buy the Grand Master Founders Package for 249 dollars and you will have enough platinum to buy everything in the game.

For 25 euros you could buy the Disciple Founders Package that will get you 370 plat.

You miss the point in what I wrote. I dont want this game to be F2P, I want it to be a BUY only game with unlockables weapons, so you have a goal in the game as a carrot to get the unlockables.

Buy Grand master founders package really a bizarr suggestion, its

not for the gamer but for the kid wich parents with millions to spread around. You miss my point.

25 Euro was an more of an example, say like 35 euro instead.

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