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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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 Lets try to remember that we're talking about the game and not trying to attack each other for having opinions. It is one thing to think someone's opinion is wrong or bring up why you think their thinking isn't quite right - it is a whole other thing to start taking potshots with insults.

Thank you.

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TitNinja, with all due respect, your removing "dumbass" from your post does not remove the intent of your message, which is essentially do the very thing you tell everyone else in this thread not to do.


On the topic at hand, I don't think DE should do something that is possibly considered sneaky.

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I've expressed my points in a neutral way, asking questions and drawing logical conclusion.


I quoted Tropic Thunder a few pages back in humour.


And yet I've been called "Dumb", "Entitled" "Spoiled" Childish" and other such remarks.


And this by people whom claim Founders are the ones being unreasonable.


The only thing left to discuss in this thread is how the community would react to exclusive items losing exclusivity.


And as the response and length of this thread shows. It's extremely unpopular and not really in DE's interest to do so.

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So let me get this straight. You come into this discussion AFTER we've come to a conclusion about exclusivity, with DE confirming it (that conclusion being the ak/dual variants are not part of the founder's package), tell us that our discussion is complete bullS#&$ and redundant, and that we should stop.

I think I've played with you before.


You're the rhino prime that charges into a room after everything is dead, stomp the ground, and tell us all the chill out because you just saved the day.


So let me fill you in on where we are.


We've established that:


1. Ak/Dual variants are not part of the founder's package

2. Any release, including OP's suggestion, is technically feasible

3. Certain members of the community would feel that this is a sneaky way to go about it regardless

4. DE_Drew expressed he is aware of points 1,2, and 3.


The direction of the discussion now, I believe, is gauging just how much of this community feels that way, and whether point 3 is significant enough to override points 1 and 2.

AHAHAHHA WHAT? charge into the room after everything is dead? well you surely wouldnt have been the person killing jack S#&$.


ok so if points 1-3 have been established then why were founders whining about dual variants in the @(*()$ first place?? point 1 says theyre not part of the founders package, which was a founders argument point 2 says that any of the suggestions posted here are feasible, yet you're one of the guys who shot down most of the proposals...

and point 3 says the community would find this sneaky, which is wrong because a) the community (mostly non-founders) would LOVE to have new primes cus ive ranked up all of them b) dont care about the founders agreement with DE (and duals dont violate it) and c) yea wouldnt care about this issue theyd just be glad theyre getting compensated for missing founders..

anything else good sir?

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So let me get this straight. You come into this discussion AFTER we've come to a conclusion about exclusivity, with DE confirming it (that conclusion being the ak/dual variants are not part of the founder's package), tell us that our discussion is complete bullS#&$ and redundant, and that we should stop.

I think I've played with you before.


You're the rhino prime that charges into a room after everything is dead, stomp the ground, and tell us all the chill out because you just saved the day.


So let me fill you in on where we are.


We've established that:


1. Ak/Dual variants are not part of the founder's package

2. Any release, including OP's suggestion, is technically feasible

3. Certain members of the community would feel that this is a sneaky way to go about it regardless

4. DE_Drew expressed he is aware of points 1,2, and 3.


The direction of the discussion now, I believe, is gauging just how much of this community feels that way, and whether point 3 is significant enough to override points 1 and 2.

this, and all of this, mind if I borrow your list for the OP?

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AHAHAHHA WHAT? charge into the room after everything is dead? well you surely wouldnt have been the person killing jack S#&$.


ok so if points 1-3 have been established then why were founders whining about dual variants in the @(*()$ first place?? point 1 says theyre not part of the founders package, which was a founders argument point 2 says that any of the suggestions posted here are feasible, yet you're one of the guys who shot down most of the proposals...

and point 3 says the community would find this sneaky, which is wrong because a) the community (mostly non-founders) would LOVE to have new primes cus ive ranked up all of them b) dont care about the founders agreement with DE (and duals dont violate it) and c) yea wouldnt care about this issue theyd just be glad theyre getting compensated for missing founders..

anything else good sir?


Founders. Whining. See, you're off to a good start already. 


Firstly, points 1-3 have been discussed, but only confirmed by a quote from DE staff only a few pages ago. 


Secondly, DE_DREW, who represents DE, said in his quote that releasing the variants would give people the impression that it was "sneaky", so you should really take it up with him, not us.


Thirdly, while I, just like you, would appreciate new variants of weapons, the matter we're currently discussing is whether releasing the variants as they are is the correct thing to do, given how some people would feel towards it.


So - one key argument we need to sort out right now is how important are founders with respect to the community as a whole, and how much their feelings should be respected.

Clearly, you are taking the position of:


a. Founders don't make up an important segment of the community


b. Founders deserve no respect.


I disagree with that position, as do others, I'm sure, but I think you'll find more than a few supporters on your side.

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In that case, since the actual worth of the package was marked as 600 dollars, that leaves the weapons, the badge, and the solar mark as, together, worth 350 dollars.


o.o cuz if they put it at the price they claim it to be not many would buy it. The fact that they even mention an original price is to make you feel like you got a good deal.


 I dunno. I don't think so. Dual Skana Prime would be a Dual Sword - which is a totally different weapon class. But an identical Skana Prime with some different name? That, to me, is cutting it too close.



 I certainly did. I believe that the Founders guys should get a cool bonus to the hypothetical AkPrimes.


 So yeah, they'd pay 50% resources to craft it and honestly I think it'd be sick if they got a neat gold glow (Think elemental FX, only this glow would override the elemental FX. It'd be a skin that any Founder with the appropriate Prime would unlock upon building the AkPrime.)


Could do what they did with the quantinum emblem with the skins


finally caught up >.>

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Founders. Whining. See, you're off to a good start already. 


Firstly, points 1-3 have been discussed, but only confirmed by a quote from DE staff only a few pages ago. 


Secondly, DE_DREW, who represents DE, said in his quote that releasing the variants would give people the impression that it was "sneaky", so you should really take it up with him, not us.


Thirdly, while I, just like you, would appreciate new variants of weapons, the matter we're currently discussing is whether releasing the variants as they are is the correct thing to do, given how some people would feel towards it.


So - one key argument we need to sort out right now is how important are founders with respect to the community as a whole, and how much their feelings should be respected.

Clearly, you are taking the position of:


a. Founders don't make up an important segment of the community


b. Founders deserve no respect.

I disagree with that position.

well i mean if founders are gonna be selfish about these like "i got here first so i get the special deal and you dont" then why should the community respect them over other players? some non-founders have put in more money into the game than founders have, and just founders did it first doesnt mean whatever they want or say goes... 


also i didnt see where DEDrew said it would be sneaky, but honestly it wouldnt. if they make the dual version expensive, worth the same mastery, and/or half-priced to founders then it would be sneaky. founders wouldnt have anything to complain about, non-founders are compensated for the weps they dont have, and new weapons are added and this issue is done for good


seriously, ppl are still whining about this in-game and dual versions are a good solution... again im not saying founders are unimportant im saying that the community as a whole would most likely support this proposal

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please explain how im being rude good sir


Really. You don't see yourself as being rude. Go back and review the vocabulary you're using in your posts. If you seriously can't figure out that you're being antagonistic for no reason, then I can't help you.


And this:


First of all, founders got a discount on platinum, which means they actually got the better end of the deal. Just becuase youre a founder doesnt mean youve put any more money into this game than anyone else, it actually means u put less in (initially)


I'm very curious as to how you came about with this. I paid 250 dollars for it. I have a feeling that's 250 dollars more than the average player has put into this game. Explain to me how you think this actually means that I, in your own words, "put less in (initially)"?

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I think it'd be really funny if they re-did the founders but without the discount.


$600 for Grand Master.


$225 for Master.


$90 for Hunter.


$25 for Disciple.


And that being the only way to get founders items again. xD


Honestly, I'm pretty sure that'd just tick off both sides, however.

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well i mean if founders are gonna be selfish about these like "i got here first so i get the special deal and you dont" then why should the community respect them over other players? some non-founders have put in more money into the game than founders have, and just founders did it first doesnt mean whatever they want or say goes... 


also i didnt see where DEDrew said it would be sneaky, but honestly it wouldnt. if they make the dual version expensive, worth the same mastery, and/or half-priced to founders then it would be sneaky. founders wouldnt have anything to complain about, non-founders are compensated for the weps they dont have, and new weapons are added and this issue is done for good


seriously, ppl are still whining about this in-game and dual versions are a good solution... again im not saying founders are unimportant im saying that the community as a whole would most likely support this proposal


See, there you go again. "Selfish". You keep on using these words that deliberately tick people off. You need to qualify that. Explain to me HOW founders are selfish. Explain to me how many non-founders do you think put in more than what founders put in. Tell me where you're getting these numbers from.


For example, I've put in about 1k into this game, just to support it. I've got 14k plat in the bank right now that I'm not even plan on using, because it's a game I enjoy playing and supporting. Tell me how many non-founders you think spent more than 1k into the game, and where you're getting that data from, and tell me again why you're labelling all founders as "selfish".


You point out that the reason why founders deserve no respect is because we're "selfish" and we're "whining". Show me why. In what way are we selfish, and in what way are we "whining"? You say the reason why founders don't deserve respect is because non-founders have put in more money. Show me how you've come to this conclusion.

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well i mean if founders are gonna be selfish about these like "i got here first so i get the special deal and you dont" then why should the community respect them over other players?


DE offered a special deal. People purchased it and became Founders. DE ended the promotion and the people who missed out, missed out. The fact that some of us got it does not make us selfish. You should probably stop posting your insulting words in a thread that requests civility.

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Really. You don't see yourself as being rude. Go back and review the vocabulary you're using in your posts. If you seriously can't figure out that you're being antagonistic for no reason, then I can't help you.


And this:





I'm very curious as to how you came about with this. I paid 250 dollars for it. I have a feeling that's 250 dollars more than the average player has put into this game. Explain to me how you think this actually means that I, in your own words, "put less in (initially)"?

um yea so you paid 250 dollars for 8k platinum... i paid about 200 over the course of about a couple months lately too...


the thing is you got 8k platinum so you dont have to spend anymore money into the game cus ure basically set for like 2 more years... or more


and btw im not the only person who is calling you selfish, anothe guy made that same statement a few posts back...


if i was a founder then id have no problem with them releasing dual variants of these weapons, youre being as rude to me here as i am to you so youre not getting anywhere by calling me rude

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um yea so you paid 250 dollars for 8k platinum... i paid about 200 over the course of about a couple months lately too...


the thing is you got 8k platinum so you dont have to spend anymore money into the game cus ure basically set for like 2 more years... or more


and btw im not the only person who is calling you selfish, anothe guy made that same statement a few posts back...


if i was a founder then id have no problem with them releasing dual variants of these weapons, youre being as rude to me here as i am to you so youre not getting anywhere by calling me rude


No. I paid 250 for the founder's package. I also bought the prime subscriptions, about 15k additional platinum off the market, which, if you add it all up, is about 1k. Maybe a little over. So, if you're comparing yourself to me, in how much you've contributed to this game, you're gonna lose, straight up.


200 dollars? That's nothing for me. That's how much I threw at the game last month.


So again, I'm going to ask you, how am I selfish? How am I whining? What are you using the qualify the argument that non-founders put more money into this game than founders?

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DE offered a special deal. People purchased it and became Founders. DE ended the promotion and the people who missed out, missed out. The fact that some of us got it does not make us selfish. You should probably stop posting your insulting words in a thread that requests civility.

i dont really see how calling some of you selfish (which you actually are) is insulting because thats what you are


wasnt it a founder who said a couple of pages back that non-foudners are basically just spoiled children who are made they didnt the shiny new toys?(prime weps)


doesnt seem very civil to me, so before you call me out watch what you say too, you say some S#&$ a few pages back but then call me out for doing the same thing

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i dont really see how calling some of you selfish (which you actually are) is insulting because thats what you are


wasnt it a founder who said a couple of pages back that non-foudners are basically just spoiled children who are made they didnt the shiny new toys?(prime weps)


doesnt seem very civil to me, so before you call me out watch what you say too, you say some S#&$ a few pages back but then call me out for doing the same thing


Yeah? Well you called all founders "dumbasses" a couple of pages ago, so, hey, guess that makes you just as whining and selfish as the rest of us, eh? I'm still waiting for you to qualify your arguments, by the way, so why don't you get on that?

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No. I paid 250 for the founder's package. I also bought the prime subscriptions, about 15k additional platinum off the market, which, if you add it all up, is about 1k. Maybe a little over. So, if you're comparing yourself to me, in how much you've contributed to this game, you're gonna lose, straight up.


200 dollars? That's nothing for me. That's how much I threw at the game last month.


So again, I'm going to ask you, how am I selfish? How am I whining? What are you using the qualify the argument that non-founders put more money into this game than founders?

so you're saying just because youve put more into the game you should have the right to infringe on the ability to release dual variants of the weapons u obtained 6 months ago? i put in 200 dollars the last two months, and ill probably put in more this coming summer, you putting in a thousand dollars doesnt make you more important than any other founder or non-founder bro

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so you're saying just because youve put more into the game you should have the right to infringe on the ability to release dual variants of the weapons u obtained 6 months ago? i put in 200 dollars the last two months, and ill probably put in more this coming summer, you putting in a thousand dollars doesnt make you more important than any other founder or non-founder bro


Free players should have less of an impact on the game.


DE has very little reason to act upon what a player whom doesn't give them any money thinks.


There's no benefit to it.


Just stating it plainly.

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Yeah? Well you called all founders "dumbasses" a couple of pages ago, so, hey, guess that makes you just as whining and selfish as the rest of us, eh? I'm still waiting for you to qualify your arguments, by the way, so why don't you get on that?

wanna quote it?

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so you're saying just because youve put more into the game you should have the right to infringe on the ability to release dual variants of the weapons u obtained 6 months ago? i put in 200 dollars the last two months, and ill probably put in more this coming summer, you putting in a thousand dollars doesnt make you more important than any other founder or non-founder bro



You're saying, in your own words, that one of the reasons why founders are selfish is because non-founders spent more money into this game than founders. 


I'm asking you to qualify it with data and reasoning, because I'm looking at myself as the prime counter-example to your claim.


YOU made the argument. Not me. YOU have to back it up.

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wanna quote it?

I'm pretty sure I did, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other posters did too.


Just because you edited it doesn't mean it never happened. You even apologized for it yourself a bit later.

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i dont really see how calling some of you selfish (which you actually are) is insulting because thats what you are


wasnt it a founder who said a couple of pages back that non-foudners are basically just spoiled children who are made they didnt the shiny new toys?(prime weps)


doesnt seem very civil to me, so before you call me out watch what you say too, you say some S#&$ a few pages back but then call me out for doing the same thing


I will stop responding to you after this in an effort not to further derail the thread. You do not seem to understand the concept of civility.


The bolded part, however, is your most insulting statement yet. I "said some S#&$ a few pages back", did I? What did I say that was rude or insulting to anyone? PLEASE quote it, because I'd love to know. I completely disagree with the thread's existence, but never once was I rude to anyone. How dare you make such baseless accusations.



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