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Devstream 30: An Unexpectedly Large Blow To My Hopes For The Game


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+1 for OP

This game is @(*()$ good, but it could be a whole lot better, and I think if some of OP's suggestions were taken into consideration it could go a long way towards making this an even more friggin awesome experience for us all.  I don't particularly mind exumi, but their skills and powers should be more compelx than just "AOE Effect X" applied to a normal unit, they should have varried tactics and strategies, as well as actual weakspots that will make them killable for both melee and gunplay loving players, for both solo'ers (somewhat like myself) and people who enjoy teaming up to take enemies down.  RNG definitely needs to be toned down, especially (in my opinion) for combat mechanics, and for the Void (Grinding for 5 hours to get a prime BP, and not getting even one of it is not gameplay, its a workday simulator, and I @(*()$ hate it).  There need to be some changes, and hopefully DE will take good constructive advice when given it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

+1 through the roof.


Please, DE. This guy knows his stuff. This game seems more like a a Korean MMO (Low drop rates, ingame store, overleveled enemies with higher HP and damage, and pets. frikkin' PETS!) than a TPS ninja game!



I regret nothing.


One of the things I really liked about this game was that I could soar through the air, slide past people, jump kick, front flip, and back-flip off walls, all while blasting the people passing by me to oblivion. I love dodging my opponents and punishing their folly with a well-placed blade to the skull. I HATE shooting at a group of bulletsponges for ten minutes, only to die because a disruptor out of a monster closet blindsided me!


Please don't take this game down the borderlands path. Make skill count, not lv 89 enemies who have no different behaviors at all. This game has so much potential. Don't waste it on such artificial difficulty.




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