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Oberon's Role And Rework


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for me,hollow ground rework,reckoning,renewal rework

renewal change to some skil like trinity link,near by ally who near will get link effect and regen hp

or just make this skill become share your hp to ally and regen yourself


hollow ground why not just make it AOE buff ally armor and debuff enemy armor :l

reckoning change oberon become all enemy target and cannot be dmg in short time more better,u want a paladin? this is my idea
sry for my bad english

Edited by Kage2015
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reckoning change oberon become all enemy target and cannot be dmg in short time more better,u want a paladin? this is my idea

sry for my bad english


This would be abused with efficiency/duration mod setup, so no, this is an invincibility mode which do not belong to the game.

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This would be abused with efficiency/duration mod setup, so no, this is an invincibility mode which do not belong to the game.

3 sec unranked,maxed 5.5sec,u can't shoot,u only standing let enemy hit u,it was meatshield

well,it was my idea,i saw some game was like that,paladin is a meat shield of all :)

Edited by Kage2015
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I see your point. Oberon however could use a slight buff to shields and armor (65) Right now he's quite squishy.

I've been doing the breeding grounds with max efficiency Trinity (blessing spamming) and man, it makes Renewal look completely pointless/useless as it is now.

Haven't tried Trinity in Breeding Grounds yet. If what you say is true, then yes Oberon should also receive some stat buff to shields and armor but at the cost of some sluggishness.

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for me,hollow ground rework,reckoning,renewal rework


renewal change to some skil like trinity link,near by ally who near will get link effect and regen hp

or just make this skill become share your hp to ally and regen yourself


hollow ground why not just make it AOE buff ally armor and debuff enemy armor :l

reckoning change oberon become all enemy target and cannot be dmg in short time more better,u want a paladin? this is my idea

sry for my bad english


I feel with Renewal kept the way it is and the other idea I made up would work out the best :

Aegis: "Grant your allies divine protection by overcharging ally shields and blessing your allies with invulnerability to statuses."


I've made the suggestion on changing the aoe area of Hollowed Ground and to change the effect of Hollowed Ground:


Hallowed Ground: "Forges the ground with a sanctified field that renders enemy defenses vulnerable while improving ally defenses.


As for Reckoning...I'm pretty sure [DE] would prefer to avoid the whole invincibility aspect after their rework on Trinity. That is why I suggested the ability Aegis which would work as an overcharged shield buff with extra shield regeneration and status nullification.

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Seems we're not getting any changes to Oberon anytime soon judging by the dev stream. Most likely U14.xx. Oberon is not the only frame with lackluster skill set so i expect DE to bundle several skill revamps to one patch.

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Seems we're not getting any changes to Oberon anytime soon judging by the dev stream. Most likely U14.xx. Oberon is not the only frame with lackluster skill set so i expect DE to bundle several skill revamps to one patch.


I know Nekros needs some major changes as well, Nekros's role should not just be about Desecrate after all.

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He needs more utility in his skills.


Smite can heal allies if they touch the projectile orbs.

Hallowed Ground can recharge allies shields faster.

Renewal has an energy cost of 50.

Reckoning applies radiation to targets hit and 100% drop at health orb drop at max level.

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He needs more utility in his skills.


Smite can heal allies if they touch the projectile orbs.

Hallowed Ground can recharge allies shields faster.

Renewal has an energy cost of 50.

Reckoning applies radiation to targets hit and 100% drop at health orb drop at max level.


Utility I agree. Its just that I'm trying to focus on what Oberon's true role is suppose to be: a Paladin. So far, none of Oberon's abilities describes that defensive/tank/support style to him. Right now, he is almost as vague as Excalibur....

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I think smite just needs to do more damage, like a substantial amount more, and the like after shots need to be homing or something. 


The change your suggesting to hallowed ground just makes it a slightly different version of valkyrs 2.  I think it needs to be a circle, first off, like paladins retribution in WOW. I do agree that it needs to do something other than damage though. Proc'ing an effect with a 25/50 etc. % chance per tick of the move seems like a good way to go. Radiation or Blast would be the best I think, so either way its a reliable CC ability if its kept up. 


I love his 3, but instant application of the move would probably be a good idea. It really needs a different casting animation as well, just looks really stupid atm. It should probably have a different effect if every is at full health as well. Maybe enhanced shield recharge rate, or even a buff in dmg, or maybe it turns into an offensive move and becomes 3 dmg'ing projectiles with a DOT or something. 


His 4 needs to go, or at least needs major changes. We have enough frames with an big aoe dmg ult and we don't need anymore. I say it should either be an aoe CC of some sort, perhaps the guys who get knocked on there asses from it stay down for much longer, but then it becomes just a poor mans rhino stomp. I suggest anyone who's interested in what his 4 ought to do utility wise go look at a d&d spell book for paladins/druids. "death ward" and "holy sword" come to mid from paladins. Give everyone complete immunity to death for a set amount of time, or buff everyone's weapons(maybe melee, maybe primary, or maybe both?) for a long period of time. "foresight" and "storm of vengeance" for druids comes to mind. Give his ult a ginormous X ray vision that lets everyone see through walls for a great distance, or have a continuously haling storm that guarantee's or at least has a high chance to proc something. Though honestly I see that as a fix for most frames that aren't considered tremendously viable or are way to niche when they are. Just give them a move that has a high chance to proc something useful.

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I don't like the idea of invulnerability or res. Invulnerability breaks game because it's easy to get energy and spam. If it does comes, it will be toned down to damage reduction later.


Res guts the ability to solo unless it's also a full-heal ondemand which overlaps with Renewal. The problem is that WF only has 4 skills per frame atm. 2 of them are already useless. Make it 3 and you're just screwing with people that want to solo once in awhile with a frame they like.


He can already be a supportish tanky warframe like a paladin without the need for invulnerability or res. Paladins don't really go around ressing. Priests do. He just need some ways to applies some more debuffs and CC to enemies while buffings allies.


Smite CC feels like normal staggering from a blade attack. For a skill, it fails just as much as Shuriken. The bounce mechanic is rather unique to have but it DOES NOT WORK considering it does absolutely no damage and with no cc to come with it, it's just a waste of slot. Make it a knockdown with the bouncing projectile doing the same thing (knock down on contact).


I didn't even bother with the floor skill because a DoT on a stationary skill is meh. The shield recharge suggestion looks nice but you really don't want to stay still for too long unless you're hiding behind a cover. A slow or maybe make it "snare" for a quick 2-3 seconds if they run into it seems like something it should have.


Another idea is to make it that if you're in the area, you will now shoot "holy" bullets, dealing additional damage with even more damage against corrupted. (Because they're not pure)


I actually like Renewal now that I've been using it. I was making fun of it but hey, a heal is a heal. The problem is that it's extremely lacking for a regen. If you're asking for a heal, go get Trinity instead because she's better at it. Since it's a regen, it would be wonderful if it comes with a small 30-40% damage reduction to go with it. Renewal will provide a consistent heal and damage reduction while Trinity's blessing will be more of a quick burst full heal with super high or low reduction based on the moment. This concept will set them apart.


I love his Reckoning. I find the damage lacking though but that's okay. The spell feels like something that I should be spamming for the quick CC that can be used with no conditional CD instead of killing. While they are levitating or knocked down, shoot them to death. Natural Talent gives you even more time to shoot before you recast it just before they get up. Spam it for fast farm if needed.


The health orb though. It's bad. Horribad. You already have a regen. By the time a health orb actually drop (which is rare because later on, Reckoning deals almost no damage and can't really kill unless you spam it 4-5x just against lv 40-50ish enemies) you probably full healed yourself from Renewal already. Instead of a health orb it should either


1) Cause an extra shockwave that deals extra 250 damage something to surrounding targets : make it stronger as an offensive spell especially when used in a crowded area.


2) Applies a damage reduction or armor reduction to make shooting cc'd target better or to make Oberon better as a support tank.




3) For the sake of it, maybe make it possible to "force an additional drop" up to once upon crashing because I support Nekros x Oberon.

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I understand a great amount of players have been making similar threads about this, but I feel I need to make my say about Oberon.


If we are to make suggestions about a frame, we need to address one important question:


What is Oberon's intended role?


According to Update 11.5, [DE] says that Oberon is supposed to be the "Paladin" of the Warframes. So by technical terms, Oberon should be a Warframe geared toward Defensive support, healing support, and some striking power.


Seeing the abilities Oberon has now, I feel it does not grasp the whole idea of a "paladin"-type Warframe. So allow me to write down what abilities Oberon currently has that can still remain, abilities Oberon is probably better off with, and some abilities that Oberon should have.


Abilities to Keep


Smite: This ability should still remain. Its an effective ability that fits well with the paladin scheme.


Renewal: This ability defines the nature of a general "paladin"-like entity. The only thing I feel that many players complain is that this ability does not affect players instantly upon cast like Trinity's Blessing. But for what I'll suggest might change that.


Abilities Oberon is probably better off/should be reworked


Hallowed Ground: I feel this ability should not deal damage at all, but instead create a field that debuffs enemies and buffs allies. There is also the issue that players find the current Hallowed Ground's AOE relatively small. So I would suggest this change:


Hallowed Ground: "Forges the ground with a sanctified field that renders enemy defenses vulnerable while improving ally defenses."


> Creates a 8/10/12/15 m radial field that reduces enemy Shield/Proto Shield/Ferrite Armor/Alloy Armor and increases ally Shield/Alloy Armor which lasts for 12/15/17/20 seconds.


>This ability is affected by Strength/Duration. and Range mods.


Reckoning: I personally do not fancy this ability simply because of the range of the ability and if the enemy is not killed by this skill, it could cause some problems due to the energy cost of this skill. But that does not mean this skill should be removed. If anything, there should be some buff to the abilities radius.


An ability that could work with Oberon


Aegis: "Grant your allies divine protection by overcharging ally shields and blessing your allies with invulnerability to statuses."


> Has infinite range like Trinity's Blessing.

> Player's Shields become Proto Shields

> Improves Shield Recharge Rates

> While ability is active, players are unaffected by status procs.

> lasts for 6/8/10/12 seconds

> affected by Strength and Duration mods



I agree Oberon does need to be more like a Paladin some awesome ideas here :) 

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I think smite just needs to do more damage, like a substantial amount more, and the like after shots need to be homing or something. 


The change your suggesting to hallowed ground just makes it a slightly different version of valkyrs 2.  I think it needs to be a circle, first off, like paladins retribution in WOW. I do agree that it needs to do something other than damage though. Proc'ing an effect with a 25/50 etc. % chance per tick of the move seems like a good way to go. Radiation or Blast would be the best I think, so either way its a reliable CC ability if its kept up. 


I love his 3, but instant application of the move would probably be a good idea. It really needs a different casting animation as well, just looks really stupid atm. It should probably have a different effect if every is at full health as well. Maybe enhanced shield recharge rate, or even a buff in dmg, or maybe it turns into an offensive move and becomes 3 dmg'ing projectiles with a DOT or something. 


His 4 needs to go, or at least needs major changes. We have enough frames with an big aoe dmg ult and we don't need anymore. I say it should either be an aoe CC of some sort, perhaps the guys who get knocked on there asses from it stay down for much longer, but then it becomes just a poor mans rhino stomp. I suggest anyone who's interested in what his 4 ought to do utility wise go look at a d&d spell book for paladins/druids. "death ward" and "holy sword" come to mid from paladins. Give everyone complete immunity to death for a set amount of time, or buff everyone's weapons(maybe melee, maybe primary, or maybe both?) for a long period of time. "foresight" and "storm of vengeance" for druids comes to mind. Give his ult a ginormous X ray vision that lets everyone see through walls for a great distance, or have a continuously haling storm that guarantee's or at least has a high chance to proc something. Though honestly I see that as a fix for most frames that aren't considered tremendously viable or are way to niche when they are. Just give them a move that has a high chance to proc something useful.


Any thoughts on the two abilities I have suggested in the front page: Aegis and Obsidian Will. [Might change the name Aegis to something else later]

Edited by FoxFX
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Any comments on the ability I proposed?


Aegis: "Grant your allies divine protection by overcharging ally shields and blessing your allies with invulnerability to statuses."


> Has infinite range like Trinity's Blessing.

> Player's Shields become Proto Shields

> Improves Shield Recharge Rates

> While ability is active, players are unaffected by status procs.

> lasts for 6/8/10/12 seconds

> affected by Strength and Duration mods

I think Aegis is a brilliant idea. I'd take that over Renewal. That way you could have a Trinity and Oberon on the same team, they fill different roles and Trinity doesn't automatically make Oberon useless. The only change I would make would be to have power duration be inversely affected by power strength. This way we don't have the Trinity Blessing Spam we had before making everyone invincible.

Edited by (PS4)GrimJak
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He needs more utility in his skills.


Smite can heal allies if they touch the projectile orbs.

Hallowed Ground can recharge allies shields faster.

Renewal has an energy cost of 50.

Reckoning applies radiation to targets hit and 100% drop at health orb drop at max level.


That's not "more utility" that's just "blanket buffs".

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