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New: T-Shirt Design Contest


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Yeah...well I'm just new on the forums, but here's my submission.



Sorry for not using imgur.com, it just doesn't work for me, so I used photobucket. I hope it's okay.

Here's smaller version:




Edited by Leviathan101
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Here is my shirt. Hope you like the colors. it comes with blue and green too but one submission per user only, so I choose this one hope you like it guys.




Edited by Abyss22
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Not much for art recently, but might as well give it a shot. Just something simple and basic.

On Black and White, Transparent available at request. Click Images for view full resolution on Imgur.


On White, Grineer Text



White, English/Translated Text



Black, Grineer



White, Translated



Enemies images are from Fansite pack.


Here's hoping for the best. Good luck to everyone else as well~

Edited by Ruby_Rose_
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My contribution!




It would of course have the Warframe logo on the back, and preferably be in black than in white, but here it is.


I would buy the crap out of this! heck, even just the Vortex symbol.

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