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11 Hour Solo T4 Survival, Wat [Case Closed]


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No. The lack of life support never kills you. It reduces you to 0 shields and 5 health, and stops.

No, you fail the mission after 5 minutes or so. Unless the void doesn't do that. Or it was changed recently. But it used to, at least, I know that. It used to not before that. I'll go test it in a minute if you really want.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Might have been glitched with ash.


Had an Ash on my team once that was glitched and he was flying and the enemies couldn't hurt him.  Life support expired but he was still effectively invincible, I had to revive and go to extract to finish the mission.

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No, you fail the mission after 5 minutes or so. Unless the void doesn't do that. Or it was changed recently. But it used to, at least, I know that. It used to not before that. I'll go test it in a minute if you really want.


Interesting. I never knew about that.


If I wanted to go 11hrs on survival I'd do it with a Radial Disarm Loki, Vortex Vauban, Desecrate Nekros and Accelerant Ember with everyone using fire modded weapons.

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Interesting. I never knew about that.


If I wanted to go 11hrs on survival I'd do it with a Radial Disarm Loki, Vortex Vauban, Desecrate Nekros and Accelerant Ember with everyone using fire modded weapons.

Also weapon damage will drop off by then even with accelerant. Also energy drain leaders will screw that up because you don't have a way to distance them from you.

If you use banshee with sound quake, energy plates, and high range the enemies stay stumbled at a long range and can be killed with scaling damage abilities like shield polarize. But osprey drones can still fly through it and shoot you to death so those usually are the limiting factor.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Every Tower have a high hidding spote in it unfortunly this can be used to afk in solo but the question is how to get to extract easy have a fram have invisiblty with low coast power and just go pass the enemies like arealy ninja but this need at least 4 forma on the frame to make use that ablity to the longest time without castting it again yes its able to do if you have the guts

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Every Tower have a high hidding spote in it unfortunly this can be used to afk in solo but the question is how to get to extract easy have a fram have invisiblty with low coast power and just go pass the enemies like arealy ninja but this need at least 4 forma on the frame to make use that ablity to the longest time without castting it again yes its able to do if you have the guts


How do you keep oxygen up? You didn't factor that in.

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My guess is that the time listed is the actual time listed in game, basically that even if the life support runs out you have a "background" timer that's still active. Then all you need to do is hide in a location that enemies can't get to (like certain treasure rooms, etc).


We tried this once, with 4 Trinities, at about 5 minutes past LS running out, skills stop working (or they did for us at the time).  I suppose he could find somewhere to have hidden, and then dove for the exit.

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Pausing in solo pauses nothing from my understanding, you still die and LS still drops.

It actually completely pauses the game but does not record game stats. SO pausing would be pointless unless you had to go take a pee or something.

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Uh... Lifesteal Valkyr? I don't know... o-o

No way this would do enough damage to enemies with that much armor.


It actually completely pauses the game but does not record game stats. SO pausing would be pointless unless you had to go take a pee or something.


We actually tested this, pausing it doesn't increase the time (if you do 5 minutes, pause for 10, your mission isn't 15 on the leaderboard)

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No way this would do enough damage to enemies with that much armor.



We actually tested this, pausing it doesn't increase the time (if you do 5 minutes, pause for 10, your mission isn't 15 on the leaderboard)


Edited by Mikovsky
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Definitely not legit, 11Hrs in T4 Survival??? What weapon was he even using? Either a Glitch or hacks.

Weapons aren't really lethal at that point, but he would be on the kills leaderboard if he were killing them, so it's fair enough to rule that out. You COULD kill enemies with shield polarize or a couple other abilities but none of the frames that can kill at that point can survive long enough to grab life support.


I want to say the life support was bugged and he just let his computer sit over night and extracted, but I don't know.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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I'm more interested in all the loot he got. I mean this man has gone to the deepest darkest edges of RNG and he must share what he has seen... Is there any truth out there? Do the parts we need actually exist or is it all just a lie? What if this is all just a game?

Edited by sushidubya
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I'm more interested in all the loot he got. I mean this man has gone to the deepest darkest edges of RNG and he must share what he has seen... Is there any truth out there? Do the parts we need actually exist or is it all just a lie? What if this is all just a game?

I dunno I got all the loki parts by playing. The only new prime thing I'm missing is the handle.

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I'm more interested in all the loot he got. I mean this man has gone to the deepest darkest edges of RNG and he must share what he has seen... Is there any truth out there? Do the parts we need actually exist or is it all just a lie? What if this is all just a game?



It would be really interesting to know what dropped for them.

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