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[Weapon Request] Charged-Shot Corpus Pulse Pistol


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Well, since we have a weapon with drawback/charge time for increased power *cough*Paris*cough*, why not a Corpus sidearm to match? A small-scale pulse weapon that fires off one powerful charged shot. Yes, it's cliche as all hell, but man, if it's strong, it'll be a lot of fun to use. The regular shots wouldn't be all that powerful, but the charged shot would have a greater drain on the power cell or magazine or whatever you want to call it. The catch is: you cannot hold the charge. As a Corpus weapon, it would deal additional damage to shielding.

Proposed weapon stats

Base Damage: 30

Charge Damage: 100 (compensate for additional ammo use and charge time)

Charge Time: 0.7s

Charge Usage: 2 power units

Fire Rate: 3.5

Magazine Size: 12

Edited by Vaskadar
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Nope. No armor ignore. We've got enough of those already. Plus, I'd imagine its projectile to be like those that the Corpus crewmen fire from their pulse rifles. Don't think that's very capable of punching through armor.

This weapon would have a unique place in the game because of its multi-function capabilities.

Edited by Vaskadar
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I want to give you tons of feedback, but ... This is already great.

The only change I can thinkg of would be projectile speed.

Perhaps un-charged is a very fast projectile, faster than Bolto/Boltor but not hit-scan.

Make charged shot the same speed as un-charged Paris arrow, maybe even a bit slower.


If not those changes, certainly something speed related for projectiles.


Also, inb4 Halo plasma pistol copypasta.

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Are there any actual hitscan veapons here, anyway? They all seem to have proper tracers...


You know, I'm note entirely sure. Firing the Lex at insane distances on the Corpus outpost, I think it's hit-scan for most bullets.

I swear I've been seeing damage numbers pop-up before the tracer hits them. Could be an artifact of optical degredation on my part, I suppose.


Anyone else going to weigh in on Charge Pistol / hit-scan projectiles?

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