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I have never ragequit anything before...


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Dear Raijin63,

even as a maxed level 30 player and having a rifle with starting 744 bullets and almost ever having a second free bullet upon shooting, i do have this moments where i run out of bullets, although i almost kill everything with 3-4 bullets (later on some more). It happens.

I think (read: know!), especially at the beginning when your backup pistol is still pretty much of a joke, this is frustrating.

As for now, i just think the droprate of bullets is a bit messed up but they added ammo you can buy at the shop now (no real money, don´t worry), that could help you out, maybe.

On the other hand, if you happen to see it coming you will (or are) run out of bullets, just leave the mission because getting frustrated won´t help you. Be aware that in Infestation levels you can just go and melee everything, they really hate swords and 1 normal slash almost kills everything.

Hope you will be able to get some more fun here and not get frustrated too much. Many things will change, hopefully.

Then again: if you aren´t having any fun at all, you should decide to move on. No reason to get &!$$ed off everytime you play because, although some people won´t admit it, it really CAN be frustrating sometimes and balance isn´t always given. If you happen to get several bad runs like the OP does, most people here would be in rage as well. Even much worse than the post he made!

So long,


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failing in a mission because it was hard does not mean that the game is bad. I am pretty high up there in the kill boards, and I still get my buttocks whooped if I screw up. Think about Diablo 2, the Jungle level. Have you ever died to the firebreathing pygmies and their rushing clubbing death buddies? They are back, with rocket launchers.

Just because you got roflstomped once (or maybe twice), don't ragequit, try again. I kind of like the old school elements in Warframe. Maybe you can see them as tough challenges rather than frustration cakes.

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Appreciate the detailed first player experience and we take it very seriously. If you poke around there are threads with similar issues raised and my responses are like this:

Agreed. We are going to fix it. It's crucial for the game to welcome new players and make them feel awesome. Ammo supply and energy supply are part of the problem. We need start with your first power, we need to increase the energy, we need to give you a taste of what leveled up weapons become. We have balance issues big time.

But we're fixing them, and not slowly. And the game as a whole is well above terrible, despite it having some terrible problems.

As far as reset is concerned, there will be a reset of leaderboards and very likely an optional reset that returns all Platinum if a player wants to. The no-reset is by popular demand and I'm sure you can imagine why we flexed on it and decided we shouldn't do it.

Also, I play guitar and metaphors are cool, so quit blasting minor chords in here. ;)

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Happy to see that the staff read my ragepost and are at least aware that it's a concern. I realize this thread has taken numerous left turns about other issues that I wasn't even trying to bring up as problems, but If they are problems to some people then by all means...

I'm still seeing people claiming it's my own personal skill problem, And i'm not going to try and argue with them anymore.

I feel the need to reiterate that I do not ragequit games, I am normally a patient gamer who enjoys a challenge, And while some parts of the challenge this game presents could be quite enjoyable, The two situations that happened to me in the same day were both frustrating in very different ways, The ammo problem was a situation where i felt like I was given the tools to deal with the situation, only problem was they had a limited supply, and that supply was not enough to tackle all of the trouble thrown at me.

The instant kill grenade thing is another issue entirely that I will forever find frustrating in video games. When Diablo 3 came out they did this to an extreme and it is what completely ruined the endgame for me. They have since patched and "balanced" the game to some degree, But upon release, the end game was Total BS. The only gear was from killing elite packs, but the scaling was so broken you HAD to use cheap immunity skills to survive just moments with some of the meaner elite packs you could run across(and of course they would "fix" those broken skills asap, but not the scaling problem...) . Your hero, who could destory numerous hordes of minions with ease, would be dead if he got caught in a pool of poison that formed under his feet, why did he even bother wearing these legendary boots if they nothing to help him..

I'm not saying I want to be invincible and destroy everything easily, as that would just be boring, I just don't appreciate the "challenge" of instantly dying when there was no way for me to avoid it. Had I had a friend with me that could have picked me up after such an incident, I would have laughed about it for quite a while, because it was pretty damn funny, but I didn't, cause I was solo, and I was also out of revives which forced a failed mission and wasted the last 30 minutes of my life... just takes a lot of the humor out of the situation for me.

I don't have all the answers on how to fix these problems, I can only tell you about my personal experiences, and hope you can come up with solutions that still keep the game challenging like you want it to be, but also won't keep new players from playing past the first few levels. Once my roommate feels like playing some more, I'll give it another go, but just with friends, Doubt I'll bother trying to solo anything anymore. Good day.

Edited by Raijin63
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I would actually like the game to be harder or at least the option for it to be harder. Maybe they can have an artifact system to ramp up the difficulty for those that want to?

Anyway. I only ever have a hard time with the game when I have a brilliant idea like taking level one weapons over to Pluto.... That doesnt fly too well.

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Ammo is a real problem. It has nothing to do with learn to play or challenging. It's clearly a mistake or a bad design, at least for soloing. Soloing in CO-OP game can be as hard as what ever they want, it can even be impossible but not because we run out ammo because the game always give you wrong kind of ammo.

I had one mission that I use melee for 80% of the match and still low on ammo, because the game only give me either shotgun or sniper ammo.

The hard point of the game can be anything except luck.

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Ammo is a real problem. It has nothing to do with learn to play or challenging. It's clearly a mistake or a bad design, at least for soloing. Soloing in CO-OP game can be as hard as what ever they want, it can even be impossible but not because we run out ammo because the game always give you wrong kind of ammo.

I had one mission that I use melee for 80% of the match and still low on ammo, because the game only give me either shotgun or sniper ammo.

The hard point of the game can be anything except luck.

Ammo management is a fun mechanic that makes you make every shot count. It's risk vs reward. It's not the game's fault you are bad, go play call of duty or some other game where you can play mindless shootypants. I do not want people like you ruining this game and making it exactly like every other generic shooter. Go play those games but please keep it out of something trying to stay fresh.

Edited by MegatechBody
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To reply to OP, I think you have a couple valid points, from another new player's perspective. The mechanics are somewhat different, and it's kind of a steep learning curve. Not sure why people are coming in here and being jerks about it.

As for the melee, I'm usually okay with it: moving into range while charging the heavy strike took some getting used to, but that seems to be the trick for getting melee to work as intended. Wish the normal attack had some kind of actual use beyond wading through low-level infected, but oh well. Maybe that is a feature they are looking to balance.

As for enemy spawns... yeah, sometimes the game just decides it hates you and dumps, like, EVERYTHING on you. At once. While you are in a corner. Add in special guys like the rocket launchers, and it's just "lolGG".

As for ammo issues... well, that's a really serious issue, I completely agree with you. It's billed as a third person shooter- not a third person slasher. Balancing melee and gunplay is all well and good, but when it punishes you that badly for wanting to use guns... Well, Steve has already mentioned it needs work.

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There are definitely balancing problems, not doubt about that. But most of your problem comes from grasping the game mechanics and the tone of it, you are not fast enough to adapt to it. And I don't blame anyone for that, it is a beta, and it lacks introduction stuff. But I do feel sometimes people don't seem to get how they are suppose to play the game until they see someone doing it first.

You are playing a space ninja, samurai, or something like that. You are not space marines. Swift and precise execution is what they do, not taking cover and gunning down everyone as a walking tank. There is a reason why there are ways to quicking traverse the level with sliding jumps, rolls, ablities like teleport and super speed, etc. And to tie it into melee gameplay, the charge mechanics require you to time your charge. Imagine if you can just hold charge and run up to anyone and slice them in half. That takes no skill, no rhythm, you are just mindlessly running into a guy and releasing a key. Then you have a gunplay that accompany the melee system by being able to shoot very quickly, switching between melee and guns are as quick as you can get.

Now we look at enemies, they will flank you, they can rush you, they will knock you back, they throw grenades, and most importantly, they respawn if you take your sweet little time. What all that should tell you is that you cannot stand still for too long, you have to keep up your movement, kill quick, maintain that rhythm of shooting far away targets and charging up your attack when you closing in on the closet one, use your ablities to clear the room faster and conserve ammo. I suggest using the pistol only as it is faster and easier to headshot also. Save the rifle for when you are pin down and can't move on ir against heavy targets that you cannot melee down safely or too supressed to be aimming for the head with a pistol.

But if you lose that momentum, it means you screw up. You can recover from that of course, but your game just get harder, and closing to failure the longer you drag it on. So don't lose it if you can help it.

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Ammo management is a fun mechanic that makes you make every shot count. It's risk vs reward. It's not the game's fault you are bad, go play call of duty or some other game where you can play mindless shootypants. I do not want people like you ruining this game and making it exactly like every other generic shooter. Go play those games but please keep it out of something trying to stay fresh.

lololol flaming someone who you don't know as CoD fanboy is real help. And fyi, I also love ammo management too but this is beyond that. Read my post agian and read the admin post.

Edited by DESteve
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I remember getting destroyed on the first missions solo, ammo was also a large problem for me which I solved by just meleeing everything, helps that I picked excalibur for that though, slash dash was vital in getting me past packs of enemies, I find that sometimes you will be forced to run from gun fights if too many shielded / rocket enemies show up because its very easy to die from encounters like that since the sword can't one-shot those mobs, The market place can give you ammo packs if you need it, as for the instant kills I just spammed shield capacity mods to prevent cheap deaths, got 320 shield now so im quite happy with how that turned out, the melee charge slash was annoying, to adapt I learned to time my sprints before the charge up so it would land on the enemy, in close range go for a quick hit before the charge because it will stun the enemy long enought for the charge slash to hit before they can slap you back

Edited by MaragiAccel
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lololol flaming someone who you don't know as CoD fanboy is real help. And fyi, I also love ammo management too but this is beyond that. Read my post agian and read the admin post. Stupid.

I feel as if anyone who provides a constructive criticism automatically assumes it's a flame and/or trolling. Seriously stop overusing or even misusing the word.

Megatech is right. If you're having trouble within the first few levels, then you aren't exactly "good". Even after reading the ridiculously long I still believe the OP is just terrible at the game. I do agree to some extent that the ammo drop should be better but at the same time, lower levels should never have this issue.

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One thing about this game is AI, yes its hard. I have never before playied so hard MMO, and that is the reason i like it.....btw i play solo for 2 dayies, and its a kill'a :).....out of ammo, cut them to peaces ^^

Hard AI? Oo Please tell me where you found the hardmore, would really play that one as well! -.-

MMO? Oo Please tell me where you found the MMO-part of the game, would really play that one as well! -.-

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I feel as if anyone who provides a constructive criticism automatically assumes it's a flame and/or trolling. Seriously stop overusing or even misusing the word.

Megatech is right. If you're having trouble within the first few levels, then you aren't exactly "good". Even after reading the ridiculously long I still believe the OP is just terrible at the game. I do agree to some extent that the ammo drop should be better but at the same time, lower levels should never have this issue.

Soloing this game isn't hard on early level but it's hard because sometimes the game don't drop your gun's type ammo at all. Even I try to make every shot count. Kill most of it with melee and I still got ammo problem. That's mean something.

As I said, I also love ammo management but this isn't the case, It clearly have some balance problem and the Dev admit it.

I'm sorry, DESteve. I would like to alway be polite but that guy really get on my nerve.

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The AI is often so straight forward and stuck, I can play it like a fiddle. It is all based on walkmeshes and route-finding, try using the environment. Hopping on a high enough crate causes all melee enemies to freeze, including the Jackal (Shockwave), who tries to get close to you - but stops moving if you are out of reach. Guess why there is no crates/ledges in his boss room? When you fight the tiny Jackal in Alerts or the Hyena in Neptune, you'll see. They just freeze and kinda plink away at you, with sad robot eyes (eye sensors? scanners?).

And a 4 player game is not MMO in the slightest, correct.

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I feel as if anyone who provides a constructive criticism automatically assumes it's a flame and/or trolling. Seriously stop overusing or even misusing the word.

Megatech is right. If you're having trouble within the first few levels, then you aren't exactly "good". Even after reading the ridiculously long I still believe the OP is just terrible at the game. I do agree to some extent that the ammo drop should be better but at the same time, lower levels should never have this issue.

As if most people on the internet can provide constructive criticism. Also saying someone is bad without any concrete examples and reasoning is not constructive criticism. All he did was making assumptions that maybe he can't aim, is trigger happy, or just not a very good gamer. How is that at all useful to anyone?

Edited by Casval_Rouge
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Dear Raijin63 ,

I did experience pretty much the same thing as you did. Yes I failed a few starting missions for the whole afternoon before. It is very frustrating, but maybe because I'm used to frustrating games(Demon souls, Dark souls, Early NES games) I got very fired up after my failed attempts. Maybe just thinking differently will help you a lot in this situation. See this frustration and difficulty as a challenge? If this game is making you, who played a lots of games before and is quite good at gaming, having a hard time, that means not many people will be able to surpass it. What if you can win this game? It will make you one of the only few top players of this game right away. Being at the top of the game that is considered "very difficult" is something you can be pround of isn't it? :)

But to be honest, yeah I think it might be a turn off for many new players with this kind of difficulty, especially if the dev didn't intend for it to be this hard.

Edited by Zeneroth
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I have a laptop that lags like hell trying to play Planetside 2 framerate wise and internet wise.

This game runs at around 80 FPS on my reo@#&*ion and maxed out so I was very happy, I've never ever in my around 12 hours of gameplay had any connection issues - If I do connect to someone outside of EU the first minute it will load all the things like my weapons and warframe, then I get like a one second delay to everything which isn't a big deal - I never get disconnected.

I do agree with your point on the ammo and the sword charge, but your mistake was playing solo.

If you can't seem to be able to connect to a proper squad in your area there is a sub-section that allows you to post a little introduction and look for a squad around where you live to help people like you out.

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Without getting to deep into the thread here, I sympathize with Raijin63. Difficulty tuning is ongoing, and while we believe we have made great strides in keeping it "new-user" friendly, but you can get some unlucky "dice rolls" that will stack the odds against you as evident in Raijin63's examples (multiple heavy troopers, ouch!). Valid criticism, and some good responses here, and we are always interested in hearing new user experiences, for better or worse.

Of the new user tips offered here by members, the one I agree with most is to "team-up" with other users.

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As if most people on the internet can provide constructive criticism. Also saying someone is bad without any concrete examples and reasoning is not constructive criticism. All he did was making assumptions that maybe he can't aim, is trigger happy, or just not a very good gamer. How is that at all useful to anyone?

As oppose to what? You can clearly sum up what the op's problem is from his wall of text. There is no other way to say "you're a terrible player". Honestly if people are having trouble with the beginning areas, then this game will be hard for people. With the exceptions of a few glitches, people should not have trouble unless it is because of a glitch/bug.

While ammunition can be a problem sometimes, as said, this game encourages you to utilize all three weapons. If people can't seem to do that, oh boy will they have fun at higher levels.

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I'm going to make a video series where I beat mercury using the starting pistol only and no abilities.

Go ahead.

That still makes it possible to have the bad luck of too few ammo dropping to complete a mission decently and being forced to go melee and then on top of that having the bad luck of getting trapped by spawning enemies behind your back or getting insta-killed by a grenadeer!

But you´ve already proven you can neither read the 1st post decently nor read the devs post about issues, so making a "skill" video won´t change that but go ahead, try. Maybe you come back from it and can understand written words ;)

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