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So Do I Get My Weekend/48Ish Hours Back? >405 Runs


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Couldn't possibly have anything with them releasing this event a day late and hotfixing as much as they could right up until the weekend, right?  This could even be an engine related problem and not the simple oversight that it appears to be at face value.

It generally comes across as an engine problem.

What they need to do at this point is find a more workable event scoring system than this garbage they like to throw out every time. For once they had it right but got blown out by a bug.

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Only because they think they'll get away with it.  That's why every time they run to the forums and complain about how they're the victim and that DE is a big fat meany head.

You do know this glitch is unavoidable right? It's one thing to find a bug like (it's not a real bug, don't worry) using host migration to double score or something like that, but it's another to accidentally cross the event horizon and be stuck with no enemies.

I would completely agree with you if there was a special combo that disabled spawns, but this was purely by chance that enemies just stopped appearing, and it's warbros, the clan known of ridiculous amounts of dedication to grinding, do you honestly expect them to stop, enemies or not?

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And how did they "cheat"? Did they modify the game files somehow? Your basic argument is that these players should have known to stop playing the event after a certain point. Did DE ever say that they should stop playing after a certain point? Were those instructions that they somehow missed? I fail to see how they cheated in any way. All they did was keep on playing. I can understand why DE decided to wipe scores (although, a better solution would have been to make sure that enemies keep spawning at those levels, or to introduce a level cap so that you can't fight enemies over a certain level - meaning it'd remain at the last level at which there are enemies). What I don't understand is why these players are being accused of cheating. I don't see how they cheated in any way.


All I see is people who are upset because they didn't play for as long as these guys played.


No, they didn't say to stop at a certain point. But history suggests that those same efforts are a fools errand in the end, and if you've done these events, or been around for them enough, you oughta know that they have a habit of wiping scores sort of arbitrarily. I've heard of people using particular exploits to get that far, and some just use loki. In the case of loki, it's not really an exploit, but it's an oversight on the events design, it negates the challenge, which is a particularly dumb challenge at this point, since it's a matter of enemies scaling higher, which is the root of a lot of evils in this game. And I'm not calling anyone who used him a cheater. But, I mean, hasin't this happened enough to know that if you go -that- far you may get slapped down?


And i'm not even saying you're wrong, or a bad person for ignoring that. I'm saying I'm gonna sit onthe sidelines until they figure this S#&$ out before I put any effort into one of these events to make them fair and square.

Edited by DirkDeadeye
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Couldn't possibly have anything with them releasing this event a day late and hotfixing as much as they could right up until the weekend, right?  This could even be an engine related problem and not the simple oversight that it appears to be at face value.

why release it when it was obviously going to have this problem, which had been reported several times before?


am i the only one that wants an event to be like a sport? with a set of specific rules that leave no room for arguments and a clear-cut winner?


anyways, going off the warbros discussion, i don't know if they can win this, i'll root for them because it's funny to root for someone that is both the under and top dog (massive grinding that always gets thwarted because of something else, then even more massive grinding)

Edited by (PS4)CrimsonShinku
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I hit 405


How about you go 404?

Ahahaha...Whut? Not funny? Okay... I'll show myself out.  (.__. )


Although, wait! What is this thread about? People using exploits/bugs and complaining about it?

Do tell me how that is anybody's fault.

Edited by Pixydis
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Couldn't possibly have anything with them releasing this event a day late and hotfixing as much as they could right up until the weekend, right?  This could even be an engine related problem and not the simple oversight that it appears to be at face value. 


We don't know enough and the bottom line is still that it was clearly not working as intended and people should known better than to think they could get away with abusing an exploit like this.


Sounds like DE shouldn't have released the event then. This problem is glaringly obvious. That people would grind enough to break through the cap. A known problem too. I can't think of a good excuse why this happened. Why DE didn't wait a little bit longer and put a cap on the event from the start or fix the spawning problem.

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why release it when it was obviously going to have this problem, which had been reported several times before?


am i the only one that wants an event to be like a sport? with a set of specific rules that leave no room for arguments and a clear-cut winner?

Please.  Lets not pretend that no lifeing a single mission in a video game over and over again is a real competition.




Sounds like DE shouldn't have released the event then. This problem is glaringly obvious. That people would grind enough to break through the cap. A known problem too. I can't think of a good excuse why this happened. Why DE didn't wait a little bit longer and put a cap on the event from the start or fix the spawning problem.

It sounds like they should have just capped it and based clan ranking off of total clan score.  They just pushed the release because they knew players wanted it and would have been even more &!$$y if the event wasn't released.  They probably figured that they could address the problem early on.  That didn't happen and now here we are.


The flip side of that coin is that most of the players knew about this bug to.  As you said, the problem is glaringly obvious.

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It amuses me that people call it cheating when it is an unavoidable bug. Cheating and exploiting suggest you did something specific to stop the enemies spawning. Which would be your fault. Playing the game normally is not cheating or exploiting because you are not trying to get past the code or boundaries.


If you think people can honestly be guilty because they played a game so much it broke on it's own consistently for all people who wished to play that much and that these people deserve to be punished for playing an event they are excited about a lot you are foolish. It was an unavoidable bug no more no less and it was still a level playing field.


With the cap on points now it only matters how many people you have in your clan and not how hard you try.

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It amuses me that people call it cheating when it is an unavoidable bug. Cheating and exploiting suggest you did something specific to stop the enemies spawning. Which would be your fault. Playing the game normally is not cheating or exploiting because you are not trying to get past the code or boundaries.


If you think people can honestly be guilty because they played a game so much it broke on it's own consistently for all people who wished to play that much and that these people deserve to be punished for playing an event they are excited about a lot you are foolish. It was an unavoidable bug no more no less and it was still a level playing field.


With the cap on points now it only matters how many people you have in your clan and not how hard you try.

It's entirely avoidable.  Stop playing the broken mission.  Easy.


Anyone that thinks that they should get points for a mission that isn't spawning enemies is foolish to say the least.

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It's entirely avoidable.  Stop playing the broken mission.  Easy.

Why do that when the score can go higher, and there is nothing in the rules speaking against it either generally, or even specifically.

Grindfest game for grindfest players.

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Why do that when the score can go higher, and there is nothing in the rules speaking against it either generally, or even specifically.

Grindfest game for grindfest players.

Because you have this thing called a brain and ideally one should be using it when something doesn't work like it should.

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Please.  Lets not pretend that no lifeing a single mission in a video game over and over again is a real competition.


I love that people are always snobs when it comes to what is 'real' competition. There are no rules on what is a 'real' competition or not. All it requires is a scoring system which this event has.


It's like saying that the Olympics are not real competition because the athletes just train every day over and over. But you would never call an athlete a no lifer because he dedicates his life to training.


Some skills are more useful then others sure but to be snobbish about what a competition is is silly

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It's entirely avoidable.  Stop playing the broken mission.  Easy.


Anyone that thinks that they should get points for a mission that isn't spawning enemies is foolish to say the least.

In a competitive atmosphere, do you honestly expect people to just stop when a well known and unavoidable glitch takes into effect?

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It's entirely avoidable.  Stop playing the broken mission.  Easy.


Anyone that thinks that they should get points for a mission that isn't spawning enemies is foolish to say the least.


That is not a solution. I have paid money for this game and maybe i enjoy the hive event. Why should i stop playing a limited time event that i enjoy because it suddenly only starts half working.


Do you see any other hive missions at the moment i could do instead? I hope you work for customer support because it would be great for people to bring in broken things and you just say well you could always just not use it anymore!

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Well when your game engine isn't working like it should, should you stop developing it?


Not nearly as stupid as not using a bit of common sense after having seen the same thing happen with multiple other events



In a competitive atmosphere, do you honestly expect people to just stop when a well known and unavoidable glitch takes into effect?

Um, yeah?  It clearly flew in direct contradiction of the event's design.



That is not a solution. I have paid money for this game and maybe i enjoy the hive event. Why should i stop playing a limited time event that i enjoy because it suddenly only starts half working.


Do you see any other hive missions at the moment i could do instead? I hope you work for customer support because it would be great for people to bring in broken things and you just say well you could always just not use it anymore!

It is a solution.  It's a very common one in most games as they wait for a fix to an exploit too.  DE is actually an exception to the rule in that they don't have a clause in their TOS specifically stating that you agree to not abuse exploits/design flaws in order to gain advantage over other players.

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Not nearly as stupid as not using a bit of common sense after having seen the same thing happen with multiple other events

The score slashing still isn't the biggest problem created by this, whereas the inadequate "fix" applied is.

In previous events the "fixes" were actually fairly reasonable, i.e. removing alt scores, etc.

In this case they're going back to tried and decidedly garbage scoring methods because they haven't considered and other viable methods.


Also, it is indeed quite stupid to simply say "stop working with it" or "stop using it" if it doesn't work properly, since often you can still derive benefit from the use of said inadequately functioning object.

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Not nearly as stupid as not using a bit of common sense after having seen the same thing happen with multiple other events



Um, yeah?  It clearly flew in direct contradiction of the event's design.



It is a solution.  It's a very common one in most games as they wait for a fix to an exploit too.  DE is actually an exception to the rule in that they don't have a clause in their TOS specifically stating that you agree to not abuse exploits/design flaws in order to gain advantage over other players.


That is not the definition of a solution. You can't just stop using something that broke and say well that solved it! It's still broken and I can't use it but that is a solution!


Also good thing this design flaw did not give advantage over other players but apparently you have not studied the situation enough to know this.


Also please refer to the event page on the home page, near the bottom is this statement.


"These difficulty increases will allow you to yield higher points in a single run, with endless potential if you want to compete in Clan Leaderboards."


Endless potential in the clan leaderboards. has now become endless potential up to 405. You can't announce the event as one thing then change it half way through. Of course with your shaky definition of a solution I bet you think 'endless' potential up to 405 is a solution. It's alright to change the rules. It's just a solution!

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That is not a solution. I have paid money for this game and maybe i enjoy the hive event. Why should i stop playing a limited time event that i enjoy because it suddenly only starts half working.


Do you see any other hive missions at the moment i could do instead? I hope you work for customer support because it would be great for people to bring in broken things and you just say well you could always just not use it anymore!

I don't know what you were enjoying about the event if it wasn't working



In a competitive atmosphere, do you honestly expect people to just stop when a well known and unavoidable glitch takes into effect?

no problem, just that a fix would also probably happen


The score slashing still isn't the biggest problem created by this, whereas the inadequate "fix" applied is.

In previous events the "fixes" were actually fairly reasonable, i.e. removing alt scores, etc.

In this case they're going back to tried and decidedly garbage scoring methods because they haven't considered and other viable methods.

fix could have been something else/better indeed


Also, it is indeed quite stupid to simply say "stop working with it" or "stop using it" if it doesn't work properly, since often you can still derive benefit from the use of said inadequately functioning object.

too much generalization

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