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Secondary Weapons Variety Suggestion And Current Usage Concerns.

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The secondary weapons could use some variety, they are pretty much at 95% the same thing..... they are pistols mostly.


I am not sure how many of the secondary weapons are being used equally as any player main weapon, many a times it is one or another, hardly ever both at the same time.


I can't see this catergory actually growing to be unique, many a times it is even just a copy of the rifle variants made..... smaller? There seems to hardly be anything special about pistols, and even shurikens, i hope it is time DE moved on when creating secondaries to include something unique which are not shurikens or pistols.


Elemental grenades (Tenno Origin)

Although one may question what else maybe added, i would say elemental grenades. So far we already have an eletrical explosive trap, i can't of any other way then to add small impact elemental grenades. They won't compete with warframe powers, as they would be overall weaker at base. This would be useful for tactical play as well as provide a usage of grenades, such as a slow ice grenade, or even a nice fire grenade or poison both of which would affect an area but poison has innate gas attributes, increasing its area of affect. There could even be one that reduced the enemies gravity or players gravity.


PDWs + SMGs (Grineer + Corpus origin)

Another possible addition could be personal defence weapons or even SMGs. as of now there is little expansion of smgs and although machine pistols can cover the category of SMGs, the addition for SMGs is possible as they would have a difference damage model and ammo pool. SMGs could even be silent in nature with lower accuracy by higher damage than some machine pistols. 


Shoulder mounted weapons (grineer Origin)

Another could be shoulder mounted weapons. Although we have drones, these shoulder mounted weapons could include auto fire or manual fire and which can be set by the player. Furthermore they don't require hostlering unlike normal guns but have lesser ammo then the common pistol as such. Thus they can be like a second drone for the heck of it during auto fire, but as such would not be ammo efficient. Another way to implement them is to have a dual fire mod when they are activated, thus increasing total firepower.


Wrist shield weapon (Corpus + Infested weapon origin)

Another could be a wrist worn shield. This shield would have a dual fire mode, when aimed down sight it would act as a shield and the player can fire their primary weapon. When in pressing the fire mode, the shield would have a secondary weapon underneath the wrist shield that would allow for shooting and which comes with low ammo as well. When with a melee weapon, the shield would replace the parry button and would not eat into stamina while blocking. If balance is so desired, it could be an energy shield that would deplete after too many shots since it doesn't eat into stamina.


Bind weapons/ Tranquilizer type weapons (Infested weapon origin)

Another throwing weapon could be a bind category. These weapons could be charged and thrown before hitting the enemy and binding them for a fixed amount of time. It is a short of a stun which is useful when playing stealth. The longer the charge, the further the throw. A pistol version could even be a tranquilizing gun.


Shockwave pistol/handcannons (Corpus origin)

I am not sure about this, a shockwave pistol. This weapon type works like a normal pistol but what it fires is a circle of an element through a shockwave. This would help with close range crowd control and would act as a different type of shotgun pistol. Furthermore these type of weapon would have a travelling wave effect when it hits the target, thus affecting nearby enemies too. This weapon can stun enemies who are not killed or knocked back and also depends on the elemental type which would lead to what effects are stacked on them.


Weld gun (Corpus origin)

A weld gun could also be another weapon. You would say wtf can a weld gun do outside of be a uber close range flamethrower? Well clearly it would be to expand maps and maybe if possible have crates open using a weld gun or another one would be to open doors instead of using the console. If possible, doors can also be welded and have a fixed health before the weld comes loose. As it can be a trolling tool, a weld gun would only have to use its entire magazine when welding a door and can only carry one magazine. Furthermore a player can damage their own welds as well.


Backmounted/backpack support system (Corpus origin)

Another weapon catergory could be backmounted support systems. These weapons would use ammo to support the team such as additional drones, or a mini forcefield, ammo conversion etc etc. It would release these automatically when the player switches to their secondary and press the left mouse button. This would cause the (5) drones to launch providing support. However once used the back pack would be out of ammo and would require a full mag again before it can provide more support.


I don't know what else could there be, but i hope secondaries be given their rightful place within the game.




I`m liking the sound of these ideas. This would make the secondary category something else than "just another gun". But this would also require a rework of the bleedout system. though i see the backpack Version deploying a "one time only revival kit" that could heal the player when they`re down...


I`m liking the sound of these ideas. This would make the secondary category something else than "just another gun". But this would also require a rework of the bleedout system. though i see the backpack Version deploying a "one time only revival kit" that could heal the player when they`re down...

thank you =)


I'm all for more weapon variety and maybe instead of having grenades as a secondary maybe have a grenade launcher with a 100% proc rate but lower damage and starts out doing blast damage but have the blast damage get replaced by what mods you have equipped.


I'm all for more weapon variety and maybe instead of having grenades as a secondary maybe have a grenade launcher with a 100% proc rate but lower damage and starts out doing blast damage but have the blast damage get replaced by what mods you have equipped.

we could have a grenade launcher too, i am all for it hahahhaha.

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