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Heavy melee strike


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I just think that it would be cool to have different animations for heavy strikes so that whenever you do one the system randomly chooses one and you perform it. This would be really cool, for an example the first time you do one the character swings right but the second time he could swing left and then from top to bottom. He could also do diagonal ones from time to time, he could also spin around after many strikes . This would be pretty cool and make you feel even more a badass since you can perform different strikes !!! Ok maby not the spinnig but swinging in different directions would make the game much more realistic since no one would swing in the same dirrection all the time, just saying.

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Digital Extremes made a game called the darkness 2.

In that game you could direct what directions the strikes went in.

It added to visual variety but more than that it had some strategic function because up strikes could knock people into the air and stuff like that.

I figure since they already have some experiance with that kind of system then it would be great to see them bring it back better than ever in Warframe.

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A different animation would require a differnet hitmarker, if we had a set of different animation that would add a degree of randomness as to whether or not the heavy melee would hit.

The heavy melee should stick with one definate animation and hit detection, considering how charging it takes time and wasting a charge up because the animation swung the wrong way would be a waste.

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