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Too Much Ammo!


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Hi Warframe type people,

I have a suggestion that I think would greatly enrich things but many players may hate the idea at first coz they might think things will get too hard.


What I mean by that is, at the end of a mission, what ever ammo you have left is ALL that you have left and you have to buy more.

As it stands when I finish a tough mission and then go to jump into another I magically have all my ammo back.

2 - This will make the game better.

Ammunition is a resource, and it only really matters in those great missions when you are all low on ammo. Im sure you all had a great game when your back is to the wall and ur ammo is running out and ur getting ready to melee and you don't know if you will make it, so suddenly ur team starts working together really really well to make sure they all make it.

I think this can happen more often but without compromising anything.

A) That login random prize thing you get when you err... log in. Wont feel like you lost when you get an ammo crate as your prize, even if its for a gun that you don't use. Why? coz you would have to buy it otherwise.

B)It would extend game play a safe amount as the player is almost choosing their progress by choosing between upgrades/items/Ammo.

That player might want to not buy ammo for a couple of missions to save the cash. So they will have to go melee as much as possible to save ammo meaning a more up close experience not just for the sake of leveling an item.


I have never had the need to use one. I don't even know what it does. It could have magic bees in that crate and I would have no idea. Now I can imagine on some of the defense missions they would be useful but other than that they seem kinda redundant to me.

D)There is usually enough ammo on the floor, so why would PERSISTENT AMMO be worth it?

Coz every ammo you pick up is worth a lot more than it is now every time you find some, as you it will carry over to the next mission rather than resetting.

E)Buying Large stocks of Ammo with Plat could be something viable and so the Devs could make more profit.

F)Some mods would be more worthwhile to add to your weapon for more of the game.


One thing on the AI.

I can stand on a box and the Infested Aliens have know idea how to kill me. I have littrally kited as many mobs as I could find into a room and stood on a box and just own in infested levels that way. Now If I run out ammo, I can just pick up more from all the bodies and do it again. (though I still cant get the drop im looking for :( )

Thats gotta be fixed it totally breaks the game.

If anyone agrees with any of this please like the idea or something.

If you think its a bad Idea please say why. I can't really see a down side to it for Devs or players. So if there is one it would be good to know it.

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Personnally I don't think you're right to think that ammo crates are a waste or useless... some weapons are ammo hogs and some maps spawn so many enemies and when you are unlucky you may not get many drops of your desired ammo type. Also, at the moment, the game may seem too easy but do not worry, they plan to make more content and also HARDER content too so those new harder missions they will make will probably make you want to bring an ammo crate in case.

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I don't like this idea. I like knowing that I can blast off all my rounds on Jackal without having to think about howl I am going to purchase enough rounds after the mission to play the next one. Or having to spend my "Reward Money" on more ammo. Or if I try out a level that is way beyond my current frames abilities and having the consequence of not only death, but also whatever ammo I use counted against me.

And I have no problem contributing to the game's economy but forcing players to use platinum to buy rounds would be enough to make me leave.

Just my two cents, thanks

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May look ok on paper, but doesn't work that way in the end.

All it will change is that people do a mission - earn X amount of cash - spend Z (which will probably equal to 20-40% of X) on new ammo and repeat. I will just make you spend extra time because you have to buy it and you'll earn a wee bit less cash.

Edited by Nocternity
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You are one of these id****...uhm players that would gladly pay for every reload of your weapon....

edit: to add some value to this post - ammo crates can be useful for defense missions at a high wave counter and if you do solo runs

Edited by bakaxy
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Nope, otherwise you would have to get rid of weapons like Afuris, which basically burn through ammunition in a matter of seconds. Furthermore you are part of the Tenno, not a guy who is trying to accomplish something on his/her own. It's no surprise that Lotus is giving you some ammunition when she sends you on a mission and there is nothing "magical" about it. The only thing that bothers me about ammunition is that there is different ammunition for shotguns, snipers and rifles, when you can only have one of them with you at a time. You could basically remove the ammunition which you don't need, since it's only lying around and distracting you from the ones you actually need, especially in defense missions.

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as interesting as the idea is.... i don't think it'd be as wise an idea as you make it out to be. already i'm having trouble keeping my ammo count up in missions where i use my boltor. sure it's unsupercharged, my ammo drum isn't very high, but that's still 500+ ammo i'm chewing through and on maps agaisnt infected, it's agonizing. the weapons don't dish out as much damage to compensate for it unless you mod the hell out of them. melee is currently not as amazing as it's supposed to be, with agaisnt higher level enemies it's more of a detriment to your characters wellbeing to rush in and attack unless you have the right mods. to force people into that situation not only alienates players who havent been lucky, but it becomes tedious and unfun. is it interesting? yes. but i don't play online alot of the times, i play on private with one other friend and we run out of ammo VERY quickly. i even have rifle scavenger, and even then agaisnt bosses i'm low almost empty, and my pistol is a lex that hardly has any mods to compensate for it's few short comings.

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Everlasting ammo? Sure, if i'm using my lex I sure as hell don't run out of ammo on it. If I use my AFuris. Gods, the amount of ammo it eats... Having enough for any mission is just near to impossible if all I use is them, no matter how quickly it kill enemies, it's just not enough. My braton mk1 sometimes can run out of ammo. My paris has ran out of ammo as well. Now if you're playing solo or with just 1 person, you spend a lot more ammo. If you are going in groups of 3 or 4 it's rare for you to run out of ammo for anything unless it's defense missions.

The ammo resources are fine as they are even if I sometimes feel they are actually lacking.

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I don't like this idea. I like knowing that I can blast off all my rounds on Jackal without having to think about howl I am going to purchase enough rounds after the mission to play the next one. Or having to spend my "Reward Money" on more ammo. Or if I try out a level that is way beyond my current frames abilities and having the consequence of not only death, but also whatever ammo I use counted against me.

And I have no problem contributing to the game's economy but forcing players to use platinum to buy rounds would be enough to make me leave.

Just my two cents, thanks

On that last part. I didn't mean forcing to use platinum to buy ammo, I meant using credits OR Plat. But you can buy a lot more for Plat. (maybe even a crate with infinite Ammo to stock u between missions but lasts for x days - effectively renting infinite for a time. That model has also been successful in the past for some games. Though personally I'm not a fan of that)

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Thanks for pointing out the downsides to this idea.

Personally I am yet to have a real issue with ammo. I tend to mix between melee and ranged often so maybe my play style conservres more ammo at the moment.

I have been in situations when my ammo is about to run dry, but after that fight there is usually enough ammo on the ground to last me through the next fight.

But it would seem I just haven't reached the parts of the game yet where ammo really gets burned through.

So thanks again all.

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As much as i truly love this game making ammo a finite consumable would probably turn me off playing it. I love the big missions, tons of enemies, rounds flying off everywhere, total carnage. Wouldn't be the same counting the rounds, having people shooting less to save ammo, running away a lot more.

If you are after making melee more useful and required (it's already very useful) then i really hope there is a better way.

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He plays for two days. Of Course he has a lot of ammo after Mercury missions.

Suggestions and feedback need to come from all experiences. I would argue that new player experiences are just as if not more important than veteran ones. It gives an insight into what people think when they first try it, and potential improvements to draw in/keep players.

This is also the gameplay feedback section, and it's his feedback

Edited by ethics
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Go home your drunk.

I dont want see this happen i usaully i dont run out of ammo only in infested missions. This is really a bad idea the game will die and it will a step closer to being pay to win. Also the free random ammo packs from daily login arent useless as you think.

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I think the ammo drops just need tweaked a little bit and need to give you ammunition based on your gun instead of the gun type. Maybe half a clip per drop? This would make shotguns and the Lex actually use ammo (while now it's virtually impossible to run out) while not making the Boltor and Gorgon become total trash as they would with persistent ammo.

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He plays for two days. Of Course he has a lot of ammo after Mercury missions.

I am a fare bit past mercury missions just so you know. But if after 50+hours of play ur still on Mercury missions then i can see why you might be so uptight.

The other responses who didn't like the idea actually had reasons why and said so.

Also 50 hours I'm assuming isn't much time compared to some players. But most times, even in F2P games, if the game is still easy in the first 50hours, normally I would quit unless there is something else in the game that keeps me going. There are so many easy games of late much more time than 50hrs is boring especially if a game lacks challenge.

I like Melee in the game, but I also like the gun-play. And have found myself in most missions so far, even when solo-ing a mission, artificially making things harder for myself when i didn't need to so I could get more out of the game.

Other missions even with other players, I don't have to do that at all and its extremely challenging. (those missions make the whole game worthwhile)

In this game, there are lots of other things that keep me interested so far. I thought the ammo idea was worth mentioning even if to get the reasons why it wont work.

But you literally offered nothing of worth in your comment.

Why am I pointing it out, so next time you can deliver some substance with your criticism.

As for everyone else, thanks for letting me know why the idea would not work in this game. Also I have new reasons to power on in the game to get to those much harder missions, especially if they are that challenging.

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Um. Between missions we go home, pay the mortgage on the family cryopod, eat lunch, and then... Go to the next mission after stopping at the ammo dispenser. Is there any reasonable reason they wouldn't give soldiers a fresh pack?

Ancient tech supplements made while you wait a ok but more ammo is too unreal?

Yeah, not getting it.


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In a way I agree with the OP. Almost every locker or container drops ammo, not counting the enemies. Since you don't / can't pick up most of them it looks like there is tons of ammo to spare even though you are getting (sometimes barely) enough for your own supply. On the other hand, only limiting the drops to the types of ammo you're using is a little weird. Perhaps that, instead of finding ammo in storage containers and lockers, every room has an ammo desposit or storage room or something. That way there won't be ammo lying all over the place, save for the stuff dropped by enemies (which actually makes kind of sense). In a sense, you would be raiding the ammunition from the ship rather than just stumbling upon it by accident.

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