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Did Vor Wake Up The Stalker? And Lore Speculation


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Somewhere in the fan concepts section, someone had a backstory of lore for a sizable Stalker faction that has its main base on the moon.  Even has a series of missions you can go on to meet the other members and possibly join the Stalker group.



We don't know for sure that a "Low Guardian" is not a Tenno.  Is it likely Stalker wasn't a Tenno?  Yes, but TBH, unless we get more info about these "Low Guardians" we can't be sure.


Maybe he was a "new" Tenno, as in he just got back from the void and was starting to train and develop his powers, but due to being new he wasn't "officially recognized".  Or maybe he was part of a special unit of soldiers, or low rank Tenno who's main job was just to play guard duty at the Orokin HQ.  


This could also be why he hunts the Tenno.  It's not so much as he's angered at the Tenno for their betrayal, but that he's angry at HIMSELF for failing in his duties.


But unfortunately we don't know for sure.  We're just given small snippets of lore every few months and for all we know "Low Guardian" could just mean he was the security guard at the local mall and just so happened to be nearby and got to go to the big victory celebration.  


Or he could have been a specific type of Tenno, or a "traniee" who hasn't fully developed his powers and skills and thus he wasn't given all the ranks and privileges of the "full" Tenno.


I just wish DE would give us more updates on the lore.  Would be nice to see Loki Prime and Rhino Prime updated with more lore stuff.

i LOL'd so much at the stalker being a mall cop XD 

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But Stalker never slept..


It doesn't say anywhere that he has been awake the whole time, just that "some have walked these desolate worlds while you slept". It could be that the Stalker set his alarm for a bit before ours

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It doesn't say anywhere that he has been awake the whole time, just that "some have walked these desolate worlds while you slept". It could be that the Stalker set his alarm for a bit before ours

You do realize that negates what the OP is saying right? Ok why would Vor have a reason to awake Stalker before the Tenno were even awake? OP said Vor did that because they both share hatred for the Tenno, but Vor knew litlle about the Tenno to hate them, hence him wanting to study them more than just kill them

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These are my wild theories about the stalker


So, perhaps when these children were sent off into the void, a few of them came along as well, in cryostasis, in the event of danger. Since they are elite soldiers. Perhaps the stalker was affected by the void. His powers seem unique, but he's also seemingly immortal, and a little omipotent, but that just may be a gameplay conceit. Maybe he was in tremendous pain, or perhaps he could not control what became of him, so he murdered several Tenno wearing frames, and built his suit from peices he chose fit. Since he is kind of a hybridized looking frame, with diffrent powers. Maybe he was savy enough to know that he posessed the capability being exposed, but his exposure resulted in something worse, more uncontrolable. He may have been disfigured. Depressed, the ones he swore to protect still had no respect for him despite paying the ultimate price. When the time arose, he rose to the occasion, and as I said before during the fight, could've been a force to be reckoned with, being that he was exposed, and his natural talent, along with the absence of a frame made him into a killing machine..and as said before, he found comfort in skinning them, donning peices to give him balance. But his balance was simply a means to gate his tennacity and strength. He still held a massive grudge. When the remaining tenno flew off into the void, he probably just honed his skills..picking off the weak, learning how to execute them. Taking traditional weaponry and adapting them to cut their frames easier. Maybe he also went into stasis..a protocal within the firmware of his suit (I'm going on a tangent now aren't I?) when Lotus called for the tenno to awake, also arose the Stalker.


Another version..


Take that theory, the gist of it. A 'low Gaurdian' who was exposed to the void because of inadequate shielding..Whom may have been disfigured, whom may have gained exceptional prowless and strength, possibly pseudo-omnipotence. Who witnessed the massacre, and the dessention escaped after fighting for his life, killed a tenno and boarded his cryopod..and went off into cryostasis. When Lotus called for the tenno to wake, or maybe he was discovered by the Corpus because he was not awoken by Louts. Maybe even before the call was made. Perhaps Anyo read his manifeso, seeing as how he wasin't a tenno, and by happenstance, or fate, spared him to become a pawn..Anyo realized he was an exception, the void exposure, and perhaps exposure to technocyte, or the lack there of made him compatable with the warframes, and used his stockpile to help craft him a frame. Since he has a clear and present motivation to side with anyone who isn't tenno. And before the call, he acted as a bounty hunter. And upon realizing the tenno were called to awake, he focused his anger towards them, and not petty squabbles between grineer VIP's or Corpus dissenters, or competition. And now insane and drunk with power he lacks the discipline to control, or lost due to void exposure, he sees himself as an equalizer.




Not a tenno..sort of a loophole. I speculate he survived the void, perhaps made him a killing machine. Even without a frame, maybe he was even more powerful without the frame helping him control his powers. Maybe throughout the centures he learned to phase through space, and possibly time. Edit: like he kind of just poofs out of black smoke. Gameplay conciet or product of void expoosure on a different kind of human subject. This is such a stretch. But I like the Anyo connection. I'd imagine the corpus would find a way to adapt warframe tech on a subject like himself. Given his past, and the oppertunity. Maybe he was to be dissected after the process and he escaped. Edit: Ultra hail mary lore explanation; his escape prompted Alad V to inact the zanuka project with knowledge of adapting warframe tech onto the stalker What bugs me is killing leaders gets his attention. Maybe a gameplay conciet. Or possibly he requires fresh parts because he's not completely compatable..and must hunt to maintain his existance. Edit: his void induced psycosis has given him a feeling of megalomania, or possibly a god complex. He seems to think that his deeds are justified in a moral sense that being hunting tenno for assasinating his payors but in reality once bonded with the suit, it may have been detremential to his health. He lost a lot of the powers he's honed and perfected over the centuries, Edit: perhaps he's also trying to restore his former glory by slaying and stealing their techology, in a relentless, yet fruitless endeavor.


But the immortality, could be a side effect of void exposure, or a gameplay conciet..same with the pseudo-omnipotence he has. He kind of appears, phases through space, defeated, much like vor he just phases back, to the void?

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You do realize that negates what the OP is saying right? Ok why would Vor have a reason to awake Stalker before the Tenno were even awake? OP said Vor did that because they both share hatred for the Tenno, but Vor knew litlle about the Tenno to hate them, hence him wanting to study them more than just kill them


Ok 2 points

1. I am the OP, HI :D

2. I never said that Vor awoke the stalker because of mutual hatred. In my original post I postulated that maybe Vors "Failure" mentioned in the teaser was that he wanted to study the Tenno and that's why he was warned to "crush these eggs before they hatch". Both of those statements combined tell me that he opened a cryopod in order to study the Warframe inside, if this is true we have no idea what this Warframe was and as far as I can tell there is no reason why they Stalker wouldn't have also "been asleep" for a bit. So it could be possible that Vor awoke the Stalker and who knows maybe he even stole the "Janus Key" from him as he awoke in his weakened state (we saw this with Excalibur).


Obviously this is all pure speculation and thanks for the reply :)

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I personally think that one of two things could be his failure.


1. If the Queens are refering to something in reguards to the tutorial. Than it is obvious that they are talking about him letting Excaliber escape.


2. They talk about ending these things before they hatch. Well, in the Dev Streams the only reference to something hatching are the Kubrow's. what if while looking for Excaliber they happen upon Eggs of kubrow and were suppose to destroy them but instead allowed them to hatch and that's why there are Kubrow on earth now.

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I personally think that one of two things could be his failure.


1. If the Queens are refering to something in reguards to the tutorial. Than it is obvious that they are talking about him letting Excaliber escape.


2. They talk about ending these things before they hatch. Well, in the Dev Streams the only reference to something hatching are the Kubrow's. what if while looking for Excaliber they happen upon Eggs of kubrow and were suppose to destroy them but instead allowed them to hatch and that's why there are Kubrow on earth now.


1. I think this takes place before the Tutorial mate, mainly because in the tutorial he is referred to as Captain Vor whereas in this cutscene we seem him just get demoted to Captain.


2. Although you are right that the only thing we currently know to hatch is the Kubrow I think the "crush these eggs before they hatch" is clearly a reference to the Tenno awakening (hatching) from their Cryopods (eggs)

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Saying "Crush these eggs before they hatch" is quite obviously metaphorical. The Queens see the Tenno as pests, interfering with their forces where they shouldn't be. Most pests are insects, which hatch from eggs. 2+2=4 (Maybe they liken the cryopods to eggs, since in the game's context they function quite similarly. If this is the case, it goes back to still being a metaphor). Also, I think he's released multiple Tenno by the time of the video. Odds are, he's released enough that they've gone and gummed up plenty of the Grineer efforts. If it was one rogue Tenno screwing with them, I doubt the Queens would be as cruel as they are. Aand yes, they DID demote him mid-video. I've checked. Unless the Grineer are bass-ackwards, Admiral is a rank that is higher in the food chain than Captain.


Now, the Stalker, on the other hand, is a whole other story. My theory on him is this:

I believe that the Orokin were toying with some form of genetic modification or cloning before their fall. This helps explain where the cloning tech the Grineer use comes from (they cloned themselves, perhaps with stolen Orokin tech that, over time, developed in such a way to produce the modern-day versions we see now in the same sort of vein as how we have Prime variants for many "modern" weapons). They may have initially seen the threat the Tenno might pose (if they are, in fact, a sort of "slave race" as some would believe) some day. If there were too many Tenno, they could use their power to rise up and overthrow their Orokin masters (as they did).


The issue above is where the Stalker comes in. The Orokin attempt to genetically modify someone - either normal people or perhaps even Tenno - to become absolutely subservient to their will, a sort of "puppet" race that will never ask questions and do as they are told and thus replace the Tenno in their fight against the Sentients. I think that their attempts at such cloning/genetic modification/whatever worked, but didn't work. They worked in the sense that they created a group of people who were subservient, but they failed in that these turned out weaker than their predecessors. They still had power, mind you, but it wasn't anywhere near as much as the Tenno of that time period. Thus, they were put to use as a lower class (to prevent any watchful Tenno from smelling a rat, so to speak) of warriors. This gives us the "Low Guardians" and why The Stalker is so seemingly devoted to the Orokin.

Edited by Samoth95
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Somewhere in the fan concepts section, someone had a backstory of lore for a sizable Stalker faction that has its main base on the moon.  Even has a series of missions you can go on to meet the other members and possibly join the Stalker group.



We don't know for sure that a "Low Guardian" is not a Tenno.  Is it likely Stalker wasn't a Tenno?  Yes, but TBH, unless we get more info about these "Low Guardians" we can't be sure.


Maybe he was a "new" Tenno, as in he just got back from the void and was starting to train and develop his powers, but due to being new he wasn't "officially recognized".  Or maybe he was part of a special unit of soldiers, or low rank Tenno who's main job was just to play guard duty at the Orokin HQ.  


This could also be why he hunts the Tenno.  It's not so much as he's angered at the Tenno for their betrayal, but that he's angry at HIMSELF for failing in his duties.


But unfortunately we don't know for sure.  We're just given small snippets of lore every few months and for all we know "Low Guardian" could just mean he was the security guard at the local mall and just so happened to be nearby and got to go to the big victory celebration.  


Or he could have been a specific type of Tenno, or a "traniee" who hasn't fully developed his powers and skills and thus he wasn't given all the ranks and privileges of the "full" Tenno.


I just wish DE would give us more updates on the lore.  Would be nice to see Loki Prime and Rhino Prime updated with more lore stuff.


Except there were barely any Tenno to the point where the average grunt in the Orokin army thought they were just myths, i don't think Tenno would be classified as a myth if every low guardian was a Tenno.

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Except there were barely any Tenno to the point where the average grunt in the Orokin army thought they were just myths, i don't think Tenno would be classified as a myth if every low guardian was a Tenno.


It's clear that the Stalker wasn't a Tenno.

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