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Changing Warframes Lore-Wise


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Not to overly complicate matters BUT even though Excaliber's Codex entry states:  "We (i.e. Orokin) built a frame around them (i.e. Tenno/Void exposed individuals), a conduit of their affliction (i.e Technocyte virus +/- Void exposure)" the question of HOW and FROM WHAT the "frame" was made remains open ...


What I propose is that the MATERIALS from which the warframe was constructed was a distinct organism, much like a present day shirt can be made from "natural" materials (plant fibers - cotton) in addition to synthetics (acrylics)


The essential distinction is that a textile mill ALTERS natural material but does not CREATE them


Last point:  I believe the word "carapace" has been used by DE development team in characterizing the warframe ... if that is so, then the warframe is a bio-suit (similar to Yoshiki Takaya's Guyver Bio Boost armor which incidentally looks to be DE's inspiration for Warframe artwork) 

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Like many others here i'd also like to think that per acc there is one tenno that mastered many suits, even if it wouldnt fit that much in lore-wise. It just makes much more sense to me that there is one single hero, and i dont think that building suits that maintain their form even if the user is from the opposite gender would be a problem for a high civilized race like the orokin.

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Whats so hard to understand. Every Warframe has their own Tenno in it. i don't see why people are confused?

nope, that is false (at least taking into account current evidence) and ... Every Warframe is just a suit, we are one single tenno. i don't see why people are confused?

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What about Ember Prime's codex entry? They cite her explicitly as a female (as a young girl at the time of the entry. Her powers were fire-based and the implication is that the rest of the Tenno went through the same thing before being fitted with the modified Technocyte and then encased in the Warframes. And if you notice in the Defense/Mobile Defense cryopods, the cryopods are titled "Warframe Cryopod" and they're a specific gender. I think the DE_Steve quote on "your Tenno" is plural. And also, game mechanics.

yea, that was the original Ember... you ember is a copy of that, mine is a different copy, as everyone else's is a different copy aswell, Steve didnt mean it in plural, u r stretching it.

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I kind of want to say it's just a trailer, I don't believe the devs would actually go about making millions of Excaliburs and whatnot. It's the same BorderLands 2 Concept, is how I've always seen the game as. We were seen as Warrior Gods, wouldn't be so godly if we could be killed and it wouldn't matter because there's thousands of the same damn frame. It just sort of kills the godliness of it imo. There's only one Excalibur, one Trinity, one Ember, that's why finding a new tenno would be an event of huge importance. That's how I see it at least.

u dont find them, u build their components, then u assemble them, because they are suits, they are tools, tools we control.

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Each frame is a different character, a different Tenno. It is SO SIMPLE. >.>

Clearly you haven't read anything written by anyone in this thread, first its not simple at all, second everything indicates we are ONE SINGLE tenno, look up the evidence, it's there.

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Clearly you haven't read anything written by anyone in this thread, first its not simple at all, second everything indicates we are ONE SINGLE tenno, look up the evidence, it's there.

I don't think there is enough lore at this point to prove anything one way or the other but all game mechanics support the Single tenno theory and while the codex entries talk about the tenno as individuals with specific powers there is nothing there that proves that they cannot learn other powers.


Personally I support the poly tenno theory and will probably continue to as long as there is room for speculation but I will admit there is nothing I can use to prove that I am correct and at this point all I have going for me is personal opinion and the general lack of information.

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Let's just leave it at "The only reason you can change warframes and get new ones is for gameplay's sake" and not get lore all tied up in this.

It's a feature so you're not stuck with the same frame using the same four abilities for the entirety of your career

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LOL same old discussion again, and again,..


we dont play as a single char. changing frames,

we play as the different Tennos who wear the different frames,..

how else could we be male in one frame, and a female in another....

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Let's just leave it at "The only reason you can change warframes and get new ones is for gameplay's sake" and not get lore all tied up in this.

It's a feature so you're not stuck with the same frame using the same four abilities for the entirety of your career

I agree with this.Its purely  game mechanics.This reminds me of a thread about how and why we can kill bosses over and over... I mean are you guys serious? Its almost like people never ever played games before.

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Why would the Devs, protect a frame gender if the frame is made for everyone to use, they refused to do that because it didn't fit their lore. If we are a single humanoid (as it has been heavily suggested) where does the need of protecting a warframe identity comes from? There would be no need, you could have a male ember, or a female rhino, because they are suits, it is easier to change the shape and size of a suit than that of a human, and if you come with the argument " Orokin are so advanced wtf!" You are proving yourself wrong, because of the argument i have stated previously, it is easier to change a suit than a human.

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We don't even know if they are human. Frame are female or male simply because the Dev chose to.Remember that at the start we had a female exacal and a male ember(concept). They are not ingame simply because DE chose not to add them. 

Edited by Alphafox
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Another theory : what if the mutations from the Void left those affect not truly 'humanoid'? For all we know, the shape of the Tenno (not the Warframes) could be able to adapt to an host and we'd normally opt for a humanoid form (due to having been human prior to mutation). Could be pushed even farther to the point that perhaps the Warframe 'is' the body and a Tenno's true form, outside of their suit, is akin to a small biological mass that is simply put in the Warframe for it to take control of it.


For while it's been confirmed by the devs that each player play a single Tenno, I have a hard time thinking someone who worn Rhino could ever fit inside Nekros' skeletal build without either being able to morph they physiology extensively or actually be reduced to the form of a symbiotic, biological parasite of some sort.

Edited by Wiegraf
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We don't even know if they are human. Frame are female or male simply because the Dev chose to.Remember that at the start we had a female exacal and a male ember(concept). They are not ingame simply because DE chose not to add them.

Blaze actually was in the game during closed beta. He got revamped into Ember after though.

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The faction bio for tenno refers to the warframes as exo-suits, and haven't several devs said that there's something (biological) in the warframes?

The devs have said the frames contain humans. Like on no uncertain terms "Tenno are or at least were human and frames are a thing that wraps around them" the last part I interpret to mean they are suits that are worn by human entities. What they mean by "were" human can mean a lot of things but I think it means technocyte infection makes them not exactly human but certainly not robots, or puddles of goo, ai, or any other such things.

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Clearly you haven't read anything written by anyone in this thread, first its not simple at all, second everything indicates we are ONE SINGLE tenno, look up the evidence, it's there.

You are incorrect the evidence can be interpreted in such a way as both avenues are probable. From Embers codex and to a lesser degree Excaliburs we know the form of power isn't a property of the suit but the person within it as the power is manifest without it and the suits are referred to as conduits. Ember can't get into Saryns frame and use it cause Ember has fire powers not poison.

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LOL same old discussion again, and again,..


we dont play as a single char. changing frames,

we play as the different Tennos who wear the different frames,..

how else could we be male in one frame, and a female in another....

I dont believe we play different characters, and everything in the game treats us like a single character, from the lotus to the bosses, they refer to us as a single tenno, there is no official answer to this dilemma, but all the "evidence" points the other way, read what we have been discussing, and dude... your only argument is the gender difference? its the freaking far future! warframes are not your comic book hero spandex suits...


You can say you believe in the poly-tenno theory, i can say i subscribe to the single-tenno theory, but you certainly can NOT come here and say "it's simple! frames with boobs have a hot chick inside and frames without them have a dude!" it's not true, not simple, if it was true and there was no doubt about it, this conversation would not even exist.

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You are incorrect the evidence can be interpreted in such a way as both avenues are probable. From Embers codex and to a lesser degree Excaliburs we know the form of power isn't a property of the suit but the person within it as the power is manifest without it and the suits are referred to as conduits. Ember can't get into Saryns frame and use it cause Ember has fire powers not poison.

You can stretch it the other way (the poly tenno theory) ignoring parts of the evidence and lore as you are doing now... because we have said many many times that the codex entry refers to the original ember, not your ember, not mine, not anyone's.


And we know that the "unique characters" theory is impossible because Exbalibur is killed in the profit trailer, so if he was a unique charater then there wouldn't be any excalibur left, also, we have clans and alliances, if there were only 19 tenno (one for each frame type) clans and alliances wouldnt even exist. 


On the other hand if Ember is unique and we all play the same ember then what the hell is Ember prime? everything in the game points to frames being just suits, tools, or whatever you want to call them and tenno being only one in control of his/her collection of frames, when we acquire a new frame we get the parts and blueprint to BUILD a frame, not a tenno, if frames were characters we would "meet" them and recruit them, but we don't we build their parts, and them assemble them (the frames, not the tenno) 


Off course the original ember wearer could not get into a Saryn frame and use poison, but we are not the original, we are not the prototypes, from this point it's not hard to guess that Warframe development lead to advancements that allow any tenno to wear any frame and use the abilities of the original prototypes. because after all... we build the frames, and as we build them, its right to say they are mass produced versions.

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Why would the Devs, protect a frame gender if the frame is made for everyone to use, they refused to do that because it didn't fit their lore. If we are a single humanoid (as it has been heavily suggested) where does the need of protecting a warframe identity comes from? There would be no need, you could have a male ember, or a female rhino, because they are suits, it is easier to change the shape and size of a suit than that of a human, and if you come with the argument " Orokin are so advanced wtf!" You are proving yourself wrong, because of the argument i have stated previously, it is easier to change a suit than a human.

Actually you are wrong and your own argument is the proof, it is not easier to change the suit than the human, because to change the suit the art team needs to rework the meshes and the skins, textures, etc, having male and female versions of each frames is double work for the art team, and believing that the tenno can adjust to the gender of the frame requires NO WORK AT ALL, because it is an imaginary decision, you can believe it, or not, but again, gender swapping is double work for DE, in my personal experience i choose to believe that tenno transcende human limitations, and gender traits are irrelevant to the killing machines that we are, imagine that frames are "3d printed" there is no need to modify them because having boobs is taboo for you, because it is not taboo for the tenno that you play in the game, in an era populated by proxies and clones, sex, gender and genitalia are probably completely irrelevant to anyone, because they don't reproduce by sex.

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How would this change the discussion ... the Warframe itself is a LIVING creature


It bonds with a Void-exposed, Technocyte-grafted Tenno creating a tripartite symbiote?

Being a "collective" organism it has emergent properties that modify, even supercede the intrinsic biology - even physics - of the constituent organisms


Thus ...


A warframe is self-evolutionary, can take on what ever shape, what ever function


Kinda scary thought if you are visiting a Warframe dating site ...

Edited by ElHefe
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