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Zeitz And His Fantasy [18-8-14 : Earth And Threshcone]


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Since I'm addicted to this now, might as well start drawing fan arts! Since there will be a bunch of picture drawn, I will just keep it in one thread then and update it whenever I draw something new. I usually draw anthro so having to draw human again will surely be fun.


And as stated in the title. My fantasy. Expect a bunch of Nekky the Nekros x Beroniffu the Oberon. All SFW, obv. YES, OBERON IS THE RECEIVER. DEAL WITH IT.






Edit : Remember that it's still there.


Earth and Threshcone. Will the victim counts go up?





I should have killed the Kubrow den.





And to start it, a quick drawing of Nekky then.






And here's the unmasked version. Nekros is a cute frame so I can't make him look all dead and ugly.




The hat is big for a reason. Yeah that's based on my OC looking. Deal with it. Pretty faces are always the most sadistic and evil kind. Next one on the list will be Beroniffu the Oberon.










[8/7/14] Warm-up drawing of Nekky - This post.


[11/7/14] Warm-up drawing of Beroniffu - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/258596-zeitz-and-his-fantasy/?p=3014569


[16/7/14] Theliset! : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/258596-zeitz-and-his-fantasy-11-7-14-beroniffu/?p=3042532


[22/7/14] Vectis: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/258596-zeitz-and-his-fantasy-22-7-14-vectis/?p=3118457


[18/8/14] Earth and Theshcone : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/258596-zeitz-and-his-fantasy-22-7-14-vectis/?p=3345850







My DA : http://zeitzbach.deviantart.com/

Edited by Zeitzbach
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nekros keep remind me of his butt..............

*wtf is wrong with me :X*


Either butt or cherry cause it's a nekky. (think what I mean about cherry by yourself)







Horrifyingly cute, this is pure horror.


It's always the pretty face one that is the most twisted and evil.


Everyone's too kind. Beroniff coming soon and we can finally start having them fuc- become friend.

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Thanks for the bump and comments. I bought a booster so I went "LOLGRIND" for 3 whole days and did not draw at all.


And hey, we're getting a ship soon so why not?






And the convo between these Nekky and Lotus to start the story and get the pair going. Nekky's side first!





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I feel like art is more about finding yourself and never giving up. If you want to draw, there are 3 main factors you will have to go through before you can really get going.


1) Finding the reason to draw : A small "for fun" won't really do much. A big goal is what keep you going. I had a rather big one as well for my OCs and that was what got me going everyday.


2) Don't be easily discouraged : Drawing is like starting out in PvP. You're a newbie. Those who see you plays will laugh at you and mock you for being "bad" compared to the pros. Same goes to drawing. People see you just started when you're already in high school? They're likely not going to support you unless they went through this hell before, or if you're not better than them. Some will try to shut you down to feel good about themselves.


However, remember that skills can be honed and brushed. As long as you continue to draw, you WILL get better. You may be bad now but you can't say the same to the diligent you in the next two or three years, right?


3) Prove them wrong: Remember people that bashed you? Try and use their bashings as reasons to get going. I remember getting bashed when I was getting started. I remember a group of artists I hated for saying that I needed to "Stop dreaming of ever getting a commission. You didn't improve much at all." These people are just helpless individuals who gave up and wanted to bring others down with them.


Show them that you are better than them. Show them that you're the type to actually do stuffs and not go "I can get better if I want to. I just don't want to."


Covering these 3 really are a must or you will be like those people that go. "Nah, I'm not skilled. I can't draw. Why bother?" or "Someone is better than me. There goes my motivation. I will find a new hobby." It's not like everyone started off drawing a landscape perfectly the first time they picked up the pencil. Why even worry about the "7 layers of gift" test?


To sum it all up, learning art is all about accepting that the current you suck at drawing but also to never give up and continue pushing forward. After that, the matter switches to


-Finding your style : Just draw a lot. It comes naturally. To some, it may takes only a month but for some, it can take years. It will come as long as you continue to draw. Mine took about 2 years before I finally switched to the current style that I'm using. Tracing or referencing will boost the learning speed and style discovering by a certain amount but don't rely on it too much.


-Picking up tricks and techniques : Process video on youtube of your favorite artists. Concept art video. Books. Paintings. Look at them and pick up the tricks that you think will be useful.


-Be brave and go crazy : You picked up those tricks alright but that isn't enough. Certain tricks might require some self-discovering.

Edited by Zeitzbach
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U14 soon woo so here's a new piece that I'm working on now. This is the roughly shaded version before coloring. As I cannot call it 100% complete yet, it won't be linked to the first post. The colored version will. Bet most can easily guess what map it is since we've been there (to leech if we go up there or to shoot penta)




Since a certain person keeps saying the homo stuffs due to past pieces, might as well start trying to make him act cool once in awhile... and wth, gotta make him act cute too. Gotta love drawing Nekros.


For some reason, I feel like Vectis is a must-have on Nekky, which forces me to start leveling it and pretty much banning me from ever using the Boar Prime I wasted so much plat on. Hoping the sniper rifle buff will make it great enough to solo T3 and T4 above 30 minutes with.

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Since a certain person keeps saying the homo stuffs due to past pieces, might as well start trying to make him act cool once in awhile... and wth, gotta make him act cute too. Gotta love drawing Nekros.


Did you even sleep yet!? Your sleeping schedules gonna get wrecked!

Edited by yuikami
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