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Questions About Sentinel And Sentinel Weapon Mods



Okay so I have a Wyrm and I have a few questions.

How exactly does the Guardian mod for wyrm work? I've noticed that sometimes it uses it sometimes it doesn't, is there some kind of % chance that it will be used when my shield runs out or is it 100% but the Wyrm has to have energy? Does the energy regenerate or do you need to get energy pickups for it to regenerate?

And what happens when you upgrade the regen mod, does your sentinel regenerate multiple times if it dies?

Now about the rifle that the sentinel comes with, do all the rifle mods work with it or do certain ones not work? For example reload speed, magazine size, max ammo, etc. are those completely useless or not? How about multishot?

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guardian has i think 10 sec cooldown it procs when your shield is down and you take hp dmg

i think regen is broken atm i never saw my wyrm regenerate

on rifle mods i have max rate of fire 1 cold 1 fire 1 lightning max stun and max mutishot

Wyrm regen’s his shields not health; once shields are completely depleted it will stop recharging them, like grineer mobs.

As to the op, I upgraded the regen mod and now it appears its broken and doesn't regen at all, however, I don't pay that much attention when busy, it could be regenerating him and I had not realised he was down, but I am certain its not doing it twice. Rifle dmg mods all seem to work but impossible to tell if the various mag skills have any affect at all.

Edited by HexCaliber
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Wyrm regen’s his shields not health; once shields are completely depleted it will stop recharging them, like grineer mobs.

As to the op, I upgraded the regen mod and now it appears its broken and doesn't regen at all, however, I don't pay that much attention when busy, it could be regenerating him and I had not realised he was down, but I am certain its not doing it twice. Rifle dmg mods all seem to work but impossible to tell if the various mag skills have any affect at all.

Are you saying that Wyrm can't regenerate his own shield? If so why is there fast deflection mod for sentinels?

Nevermind I re-read it and I think I understand it now.

Edited by razylich
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Right now the Wyrm is absolutely useless.

I got it since i started playing and gave it and it's weapon some mods.

He doesn't regenerate my shield most of the times, it doesnt regenerate himself after it dies and he didnt even use crowd dispersion once. 

And we don't even have to talk about his damage. I just tried a starter mission and the damage on a level 3 enemy is a joke.



It bothers me that i wasted my money on this thing.

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I love my Wyrm.

Guardian has saved my &#! plenty of times.

It also attacks everything in sight/range.

You probably don't notice the crowd dispersion because the visual for it is so small.
it's basically just a flash of small white light around the Wyrm.

I have no idea what ranking up Regen does, but if you die and then all the mobs focus your Wyrm and kills it, when you revive, it'll come back alive as well.

I dunno if that's how it's supposed to work, but it does happen.

As for it's damage, it does a decent amount with elemental mods and I stuck a high rank stun mod in it that procs like crazy apparently.

Between the stun mod and lightning mod, it's a decent crowd control.

Wish I could just find a Deep Freeze rifle mod, and then it'd be a complete CC beast.

When I speed run Tolstoj, it'll kill mobs that I didn't even know were behind me.

Maybe you didn't rank up Warrior or something, or you're doing something wrong, but I don't regret buying my Wyrm at all.

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Yours doesn't sound bad at all!

I did upgrade the warrior and the weapon mods but still..

Maybe i need to upgrade the mods very high`?

For the Crowd Dispersion, it's not about noticing the animation, i always run right into a horde of enemys because i love melee and it never happened that enemys got stunned.


I will check where to get an elemental mod and try it out.


Thanks for the advices!

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I have Shade, not worm, so not speaking from personal experience although I imagine the mechanics are the same.


I didn't do the testing myself, but theres a post floating around here about a guy who claimed reload speed, fire rate, mag clip size, and max ammo all aren't working for sentinels. This is because the attacks are in the form of a predetermined burst, so fire rate etc doesnt change it.


IMO use Multishot, Stun, Cold, elec, Fire in that order, dont worry about him doing dps just use him for utility. Max out your own pistol mods (if you use your pistol) first, just put rank 1 in for now for the utility of having these effects hit things.


The only thing I've noticed my sentinel kill is rollers, which have no armor, so dont bother with ap dmg. Also it seems to get heashots a lot from its positioning, so again, no AP dmg (at least for the shade where ap dmg is such a low %)


I hear crowd dispersion staggers, not stuns at the moment, although that may be a rank issue.


Upgrading the warrior skill increases the range that the sentinel will attack - at base level it will only hit things standing on top of you, making it pretty useless.

Edited by Darzk
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Regen I believe is signified by a green glowing mesh when they "die", they don't explode when this is activated.

Upon upgrading Regen, the health it gains upon "reviving" increases. 


I used Vor to test this.


Unranked Regen = 1 hit after "revive" before exploding (actually dying)

Rank 4 Regen = 3-4 hits after "revive" before exploding

Edited by NinjaMH
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So, i gave my Wyrm an Electric-, a Fire-, a ArmorPierce-, and some other good mods.

I upgraded the sentinel mods also but it still does absolutely nothing. It's shots don't apply anything and deal 0 damage.

I really don't know whats wrong with this thing and i'm running out of ideas. Is it a bug? Does anyone else have this kind of Problem?

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So, i gave my Wyrm an Electric-, a Fire-, a ArmorPierce-, and some other good mods.

I upgraded the sentinel mods also but it still does absolutely nothing. It's shots don't apply anything and deal 0 damage.

I really don't know whats wrong with this thing and i'm running out of ideas. Is it a bug? Does anyone else have this kind of Problem?


It's strange I leveled up my warrior mod and sentinel laser rifle with similar mods to yours and he's got great range and useful to me.  It seems to help me shoot at enemies as I run away briefly while reloading.


I did observe a glitch with the fire mod on the sentinel rifle one time.  The mod was equipped, but the enemies weren't burning.  I switched my wyrm to my shade and then switched back, all was fixed.

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Okay so the way Sentinel abilities works is under a Priority system. More specific info can be seen on the wiki but anyawys this is basically how it works. Your sentinel will use its precept abilities (meaning the polarized ones) in this order of how you put them in:

Top left, Top right, Bottom left, Bottom Right.

I would recommend that you put your precepts in this order on any sentinel:

Top Left: Guardian

Top Right: Sentinel secondary weapon (Crowd Dispersion, Vaporize, Ghost)

Bottom Left: Regen/Main weapon (Warrior, Revenge, Swift Deth; also depends on having Sanctuary or not)

Bottom Right: Main weapon (if Regen went in Btm Left.)

Now to add onto that; Sanctuary is actually a 5th ability to sentinels; and so it also falls into the priority system. If you use this one; you'd want to have your sentinel's main weapon in Btm Left; followed shortly by Sanctuary. If done right your last ability your sentinel will show should say Sanctuary.

Hope this helps. Again the wiki can help better with this.

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