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New Contest: Warframe Doppelganger!


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 Twilight is awesome.

I like the idea of Vampires in general and I think Valkyr is the closest frame to a vampire. With Max Steel Fiber and Max Vitality and vigor my effective health is around 4,400. Whenever I lose health I gain energy then channel my fists and drain health from other enemies. I think Valkyr as a Vampire fits her frame very well. Valkyr as of update 13.3 is the only immortal frame with or without hysteria. The Immortal Vampire Valkyr could hopefully be something DE comes out with as a Prime bundle. I have ideas on Valkyr Prime's abilities but the story line might have to change a bit. She has been my favorite character and frame since January. The Life Strike mod that came out truly brought together my ideas for a Vampire Valk.

I also use a Max Reflex Guard to decrease my chances of getting hit by bullets and quick thinking to drain my energy instead of health. Its pretty fantastic, If you want to know my build let me know I can send you a screen shot. 

Edited by (PS4)The_CIROC_Boy
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Mito Komon (Tokugawa Mitsukuni)






Mito Komon is the nickname of Tokugawa Mitsukuni, who was a lord of Mitohan, a feudal domain of East Japan, in the early Edo period. He is very famous as a hero of a fictitious story that he secretly travelled all over Japan with his subordinates, Sukesan and Kakusan, in order to make the society better. Originally invented in the late Edo period, the story was later adapted into various kinds of entertainments including traditional story-telling, Kabuki, modern plays, novels, TV drama, Managa, and Anime. Among them the most famous was the TV program entitled Mitokomon, which was broadcasted for more than 40 years. Nowadays almost all Japanese know the name of Mito Komon through this TV program.

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I've posted my picture as you can see below, but...





Kurt Hectic form MDK and Zephyr from Warframe.


... I need to show this other doppleganger!!! (to clarify, that is not a picture to participate in the promotion, only to share my idea) - MOA Vs Gekko (Metal Gear Solid)



Edited by Maverick_PI7
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Mewtwo and Valkyr have similar origins.  Both we either created or manipulated in labs to be used against their will, both broke free and were survivors with a tortured past. I felt like the corpus setting was well fitted due to Valkyr being held up by Alad V.  Similar to how Mewtwo broke free of Giovanni's lab on the island. 




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Its always fun to throw on a pair of red gloves and run around one hitting Grineer. Especially when its dressed as my favorite superhero Onepunch Man.


Also I think we need a good old cape syandana.

Edited by LocasMaxis
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