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New Contest: Warframe Doppelganger!


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I've been going with a Megaman gimmick for my frames' looks, so have some Shadowman.




I went more for abilities than what looked similar to the robot masters. The Shuriken on Ash in particular sealed the deal in Shadowman's case.

For a better look at him:




And hey, lookitdat Protoman a bit before me. I'm liking that, nice job man.

Edited by A_mooing_dragon
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Tali Zorah vas Normandy! Teh ultimate Mass Effect waifu.



Mag is pretty much a Quarian with Biotics.


As you can see, I'm hovering over the colours >_> Been waiting for a 75% off for a while, but RNGeezus isn't giving me anything

Edited by MaaYuu
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Warning: Minor spoiler for the anime/manga Bleach ahead (only people who have watched/will watch Bleach will get what the spoiler is, so don't worry if you don't plan on watching it).


Volt as Ulquiorra Schiffer


My Entry:



Reference Picture:


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This is from the cartoon Wile E. Coyote and The Roadrunner!

Obviously this is Wile, the Coyote chasing The Roadrunner. (Need some fusion cores to max Rush and we're all good)

Reason he's on Phobos is because the cartoon goes on in a landscape that looks exactly like Phobos!

Here is the picture!


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