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New Contest: Warframe Doppelganger!


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From a distance, he probably looks like the default palette. I took inspiration from an existing character, though, and that is Jedah form the Darkstalkers series.














Look, he even has a Desecrate winpose! And Undertow, I guess.


With the light blue as "skin" and the dark blue as the coat/armor. This was surprisingly easy to work out compared to coloring my other frames. I just fiddled with a few of the colors and got what I have here. I could probably make the armor a little more purple-y to match the sprite, but some of his official artwork shows him as having more of the deep blue I have here.




The only color I'm not able to get working on him is the light golden hair, which simply doesn't fit anywhere on his body. Oh well, it looks fine without it.


Oddly enough, one of Jedah's alternate palettes IS default Nekros (bottom right):






As for Nekros' weaponry... I don't usually match the color schemes of my weapons directly to the frames that use them. But I make an exception for Nekros. I almost exclusively use Infested weapons with him not only because the Synapse/Phage can easily net a lot of kills for Desecrate, but also because they embody the theme of the necromancer.


The necromancer does not simply deal with death. Rather, he occupies an in-between state between life and death, manipulating its boundaries to his will.  As such, my Nekros uses weapons that are neither living nor dead. They are organic and enact organic processes when fired, but they do not have a will of their own. They, too, exist in that limbo between life and death. Furthermore, the "flesh"-colored portions of these weapons match the "flesh" of Nekros' color set, and the armored portions match his armor. It is as if Nekros himself sacrificed a piece of his own being, or his own flesh and blood (technocyte suit?), to create these weapons. So my choice of weaponry is a reflection of the willingness of the necromancer to explore the median spaces present in all living beings.


Plus, he gets some nice loot out of it.




This was originally going to be a palette resembling Lord Raptor/Zabel from the same series, but unfortunately, the chest color is tied to the leg coloring.




What could have been.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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                                                                         Valkyr as Fluttershy



                                                            Hysteria Mode/You're Going To Love Me Mode



Im surpised there were no Fluttershy ones so i made one XD

also can anypony tell how to resize the image cause it is a little to big for my liking.


I figured it out......i think

Edited by (PS4)TheShinigamiGod
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It's just too bad I can't keep the red lights with blue ability effects; it'd match the actual cloaking VFX perfectly.

On second notes it's also too bad I can't submit more than one. My Nekros looks like a certain Geth and my alt Ash scheme looks like a Civil Protection.

Edited by dukarriope
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Saryn as Poison Ivy, enjoying and defending the plants and forests of earth while hunting down those who tried to kill her plants!





Background: I was originally gonna go with a green color for Energy but chose pink to reference Poison ivy liking flowers and I thought it added more dynamics to the pic.

I was originally gonna go wtih Tysis for pistol bc it has a more plantish look, but went with the Acrid bc its needles reminded me of the old school poison ivy dart weapon (see reference pics), its a toxin weapon, and since poison ivy is know for harvesting poison from plants, the canister/reload reminded me of that. 

Even though its hard to see, I also equipped the Scoliac bc it looks like a vine/plant weapon

Also brought along Djinn because of its Fatal Attraction, just fit too perfect.

Also build all three items for the contest

I was hoping an infestation on earth would break out so i could get a pic with a toxin ancient in the background bc they kinda look like plant minions, but Rng said no :'(

You'll notice infestation pics in Other pics, because thats the first thing i thought of for representing poison ivy, but reading how the Grineer kept getting thwarted by plants on earth fit too well.


Other Reference Pics



Other cool pics that didnt make the cut




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