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Wraith, Vandal, Dex Weapons Tradeable.


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You are the only one that gets my point, thank you for understanding.


Understanding can go both ways, it's only a matter of whats the right thing to do. The negative effect is more powerful then the positive here. So essentially, what they can do now is just leave it as it is. For now. 

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"You didn't try hard and participate in the event means you don't deserve the items that were given. "

"I'm not gonna cry over people with snipertron and its vandal as much as I want it."

Just keep in mind that Primed Chamber was given to those who were in the top 100, these items were given to all players that participate in the Events, also i have many of these "Exclusive" weapons, also as i said before, if people doesn't want to sell them, they just don't sell them, i was talking about the Trade Option, i am not saying people must sell them if they don't want.

I forgot to mention that Event mods are Tradeable. Event weapons are the same.

"You didn't try hard and participate in the event means you don't deserve the items that were given. "

PS: Read before posting.

Event mods aren't the same as event weapons... You don't see brakk and detron being traded do you?

Primed Chamber? Who cares?? it's the one mod that was pretty much an accident. It will eventually be tweaked and re-released like natural talent and get debuffed. No one with the right brains would spend 5k plat through trade as I see people never buying it from seller. Assuming people interested in buying it knows what it is and where it came from.

No I've read your "post" and trading essentially would ruin:

1.) it's exclusivity. Making it less special then it already is

2.) its value. Making the event itself invaluable to a point that someone could say"oh, screw the event weapon, I'll just trade it later" which would potentially destroy participation with the event if this was the case.. As I for one worked hard for wraith machete, it would be depressing seeing it through trade knowing that it took forever to get.

Forget the "option" as that in itself is a terrible idea as I said before, re-releasing them through another event is reasonable. If you weren't there to do it, "tough titties" wait till DE re-releases it at another time.

Edited by Magnagar
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Event mods aren't the same as event weapons... You don't see brakk and detron being traded do you?

Primed Chamber? Who cares?? it's the one mod that was pretty much an accident. It will eventually be tweaked and re-released like natural talent and get debuffed. No one with the right brains would spend 5k plat through trade as I see people never buying it from seller. Assuming people interested in buying it knows what it is and where it came from.

No I've read your "post" and trading essentially would ruin:

1.) it's exclusivity. Making it less special then it already is

2.) its value. Making the event itself invaluable to a point that someone could say"oh, screw the event weapon, I'll just trade it later" which would potentially destroy participation with the event if this was the case.. As I for one worked hard for wraith machete, it would be depressing seeing it through trade knowing that it took forever to get.

Forget the "option" as that in itself is a terrible idea as I said before, re-releasing them through another event is reasonable. If you weren't there to do it, "tough titties" wait till DE re-releases it at another time.

I seem to remember Prime Trading being fought in the exact same way. Now it's here, and the market is so shanked it's stupid.

Edited by -Revan-
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It would be nice to see more items be tradable.


I've got a bunch of blueprints and parts that I got for friends, but can't give to them (eg Gorgon & Seer).


On the flip side, I totally get how the trade channel could become unusable if everything was tradable.


What about if more things could be traded (all BPs, parts, assembled items), but only between clan members?

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What if the weapons are already ranked? so many peeps only want them for mastery, and not because they are interesting to play with. Trading these weps should never happen, even though I would love to have all the ones that i missed because i hadnt started playing at that point

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I wouldn't feel special if they're tradeable, having all the Vandal weapons made me think that I'm actually a "Pro" in Warframe, or at least according to everyone else.

As i said before, if you doesn't want to trade them, just don't to it, easy as that.

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Event mods aren't the same as event weapons... You don't see brakk and detron being traded do you?

Primed Chamber? Who cares?? it's the one mod that was pretty much an accident. It will eventually be tweaked and re-released like natural talent and get debuffed. No one with the right brains would spend 5k plat through trade as I see people never buying it from seller. Assuming people interested in buying it knows what it is and where it came from.

No I've read your "post" and trading essentially would ruin:

1.) it's exclusivity. Making it less special then it already is

2.) its value. Making the event itself invaluable to a point that someone could say"oh, screw the event weapon, I'll just trade it later" which would potentially destroy participation with the event if this was the case.. As I for one worked hard for wraith machete, it would be depressing seeing it through trade knowing that it took forever to get.

Forget the "option" as that in itself is a terrible idea as I said before, re-releasing them through another event is reasonable. If you weren't there to do it, "tough titties" wait till DE re-releases it at another time.

I wasn't thinking about forcing people to sell their weapons, if people don't want to sell them, they just don't sell them, very simple.

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i would move the "missed things" all into alert-missions


i enjoy my finds there like a lill kid in its sandbox


i really get lots of things out of alert missions which i was thinking "where to get them farmed" :-)


and it feels really good to do some alert-missions and getting gifted here and there ...

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Guest Tehnoobshow

What about all the ranks and formae people put into them? You would have to make forma tradable too if you want the weapons to keep them. But if you reset everything then people could "rent" weapons for mastery, potentially allowing an entire clan to get mastery from a single weapon.

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I wouldn't feel special if they're tradeable, having all the Vandal weapons made me think that I'm actually a "Pro" in Warframe, or at least according to everyone else.

Hopefully you weren't referring to me somehow lol, but if you were, I was saying how the items themselves are special.

I seem to remember Prime Trading being fought in the exact same way. Now it's here, and the market is so shanked it's stupid.

But it's not the same. Primes parts are obtained in varies void and derelict missions, vandals and wraiths are not(the only "exclusive primes" are Founders and Prime Access cosmetics). Not only that, but the vandals and wraiths weren't delivered as parts and blueprints needing to build when they were given as a whole gun and slot.

You can't trade anything but parts and bps. Arcane helmets and certain keys like Vay Hek are now an acceptation. The ONLY built items that are tradable.

You must understand that these items only were available through past events in-game. Not a place to buy them with platinum or real money. Not a donation of a kick starter of some kind. An in-game event given to players who participated. You can be a player that hasn't spend a dime and obtain these items if you were there.

I wasn't thinking about forcing people to sell their weapons, if people don't want to sell them, they just don't sell them, very simple.

I understand, but its still the option. The option to trade strun wraith, a very desirable weapon that I'd love to have would tarnish its reputation making them more in the pile of generic weapons then exclusives. Plus, the pricing to them wouldn't fluctuate properly as its a 1 of a kind item.


I do believe the trading system needs a better approach. An AH of some kind would be nice. More items that are possible to trade, But exclusives is a whole other thing. It would defeat the purpose of those past and upcoming events that giving players who never got the chance to have them by enabling to pay ahead for when they aren't primes or anything obtainable through your daily grind.

It would be a terrible trend :/

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Not sure how mastery and level of the weapon would work.

If someone buys a snipetron vandal that is level 30, would it remain at 30?

Also if built exclusive weapons became tradeable, then sooner or later everyone will have had their hands on them and there won't be any exclusive items.


Nay to trading exclusive weapons 

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I dont think that those exclusive weapons should go into alert missions because that would be adding more of them into the game. I do think that those event weapons should become tradable. When the weapon is traded it would lose the forma, all of the rank and it would come with its weapon slot because it did in the first place. Additionally I think that there has to be a system to prevent level 0's from getting a snipetron vandal, so for example you could only trade them if you are level 10 or above.

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Not sure how mastery and level of the weapon would work.

If someone buys a snipetron vandal that is level 30, would it remain at 30?

Also if built exclusive weapons became tradeable, then sooner or later everyone will have had their hands on them and there won't be any exclusive items.


Nay to trading exclusive weapons 

There wouldn't be any more exclusive items it would just let everyone use and experience them.

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