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Survivals - Enemy Spawn Locations Are Too Random


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Due to my old PC, I am mostly playing solo because otherwise I have a lot of host migration, loosing my teammates or loosing connection and being dropped back to the menue.


But I still want some of the items that are only available by completing survival missions, which I don`t like very much at all.

My main problem is, that survival missions are just so random.

One time you are lucky and the rooms, where the capsules will spawn (not the first 2 capsules, but the capsules that spawn after them) are sometimes close to the enemy spawn locations, which makes it easy to kill enough of them and find enough of enemy dropped life support.


But often those rooms (where more of the caspsules will spawn) are far away from the enemy spawn locations, which makes it hard to survive long enough as a solo player to get the good rewards.


I have been in the capsule rooms, activating three caspules in a row just waiting for enemies and seen none, while they spawned a lot in other areas far away from those capsules, which makes it very hard to reach and activate the capsules  (especially when you play with a slower Warframe like Rhino or Frost) before you are running out of air or just wasting all capsules that have spawned so far without being able to kill more enemies between activating them.


Also some of the tilesets are not helpful to complete survivals successfully, like on Earth, Jupiter or Ceres.

They are way too confusing and there are too many obstacles where you can get stuck for a few seconds easily, fall out of the map (which wastes Rhino`s Iron Skin) or just get lost too easily.


So, I would really appreciate a more simpler structure of those survival missions, like a limited number of bigger rooms (where the capsules will spawn) and closer enemy spawn locations and the exits not showing up on the other side of the whole map.

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I think a major problem with survivals - why some are great and others at the same planet and node are poor - is largely due to AI pathing. I dont know how many times I have seen very large or sometimes medium or small groups get stuck away from all players. Because maps are randomly generated, some maps the AI pathing will be ok, but other maps require you to go hunt-and-destroy constantly rather than try to fight for your life. Sometimes I think of survival missions as'we are here to seek-and-find the enemies, which may be hiding.' If some enemies are hidden, the max spawn capacity of the map will make the number of enemies that find you a lot lower.. If you dont go after them, you are lowering your chances of survival. I cant say I am a huge fan of this to be honest. I would prefer that we can hang out anywhere we like, and as long as we dont die and are killing enemies, enough life support should drop from the enemies. Sadly, on the best of map nodes I feel like this is a dice roll as to whether that will occur.

Edited by j4mes
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