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Nova, Ogris, Solar System


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Nova carrying an invisible weapon in the Dojo.




Ogris missle passes through objects; no interaction resulting in no explosion/damage. (Tried to "capture" this one but it's kinda useless.)



This is how the Solar System looks like after some completed missions. It's impossible to interact with it / click on anything with the "Log Out" button being an exception. A re-log is required to return it to normal.




EDIT: Got carried away and I apologize for posting all of these bugs here. Not all of them belong in the "Art & Animation Bugs" section.

Edited by Syphe
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That's nova's idle pose, so really none of the actual bugs are in the right place, and you've taken two ordinary pictures of an unarmed nova

On top of that, any star chart bug will be fixed in a few hours when update 14 hits and we don't have a star chart any more.

As for the ogris, well I've noticed this myself on occasion.

Edited by Coatduck
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