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Starter Warframe Blueprints


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I just started the game and for reasons I've already filed a complaint about, I'm stuck with a Loki. As the Devs have decided to not offer resets and may possibly not condust a wipe at the end of Closed Beta, it looks like I may be stuck with a Loki permanently.

The support page claims that they aren't offering resets because you can purchase another warframe at the ingame market. What it doesn't mention is that the in-game market has no option to purchase any of the other starter Warframes with ingame cash. They can only be bought with RL money.

Eye-twiching aside, is there a means/place to obtain the blueprints for Excalibur or Volt? I don't see them in the market either.

Edited by Ryme
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tbh the starting three frames should be buyable with credits.... not the blueprints the actual frame, this means that a player isent punished to early by accidently chooing a warframe he does not like which inturn might turn them off from the game completely, iv had mates who went for the Loki also and now want to try either the excalibur or volt, and while one has thrown down cash to test the volt the other will not throw down cash to test the excalibur and its not like he wont buy stuff, hes spent plenty of planetside 2, this is simply something that needs to be adressed as if he likes anouther frame he might be convinced to buy something like the ember or ash.

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My complaint was actually that I didn't choose the Loki, the game somehow just decided to assign it to me without confirming a choice. They said it would look into it and closed the report.

But I agree that I would very much appreciate either a reset or being able to buy either of the other two with credit. As it stands, I don't know if I should just abandon the account and try to make another. Normally, I would just wait for a reset. But seeing as how the game somehow decided to open cash transactions while still in Closed Beta, it seems like I may be stuck on my own looking for a resolution.

Back to the question at hand, is there a way to obtain an Exalibur or Volt blueprint from somewhere?

Edited by Ryme
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not currently.... if you want a similair playstyle to excalibur I would suggest farming Rhino parts although it will take about 4 days to craft (12 hours for each part and then 3 days for the suit) as for volt the next closest is really the ember, now the loki's not a bad frame I would say the abilties are more of a Gimic and you use em to get out of tight spots, so its perfectly fine to rank it up and farm parts using it.... just you might not have as much fun doing it as you would say..... flying through 12 enemies in a row and having them exsplode (Excalibur) or just killing everything full stop within 3 rooms (volt)

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Now that I think of it, the choice was pretty horrible in the start. One says good for beginners, another says good for advanced players. Both can only be selected at the start and you cant change your choice without paying platinium. Naturally most players will pick Excalibur because player hasn't played the game yet, he cant be advanced player because it's the start of the game! You've literally only just tried ONE skill on one Warframe!

At the very least tooltips should be changed to be bit more informative and less "PICK THIS IF YOU'RE NOOB". Imo the skills doesn't seem to be complicated at all on the "advanced" warframes, at least complicated enough to be said that they're for advanced players.

But on the specifics on the OP's issue: it was a bug and you have to deal with it now :(

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Now that I think of it, the choice was pretty horrible in the start. One says good for beginners, another says good for advanced players. Both can only be selected at the start and you cant change your choice without paying platinium. Naturally most players will pick Excalibur because player hasn't played the game yet, he cant be advanced player because it's the start of the game! You've literally only just tried ONE skill on one Warframe!

At the very least tooltips should be changed to be bit more informative and less "PICK THIS IF YOU'RE NOOB". Imo the skills doesn't seem to be complicated at all on the "advanced" warframes, at least complicated enough to be said that they're for advanced players.

But on the specifics on the OP's issue: it was a bug and you have to deal with it now :(

I was mousing over each frame for more info and it just gave me Loki. It never asked me to confirm a choice. Everything else in the menus and even settings asks you to confirm choice or changes. I don't know how the heck it happened.

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tbh the starting three frames should be buyable with credits.... not the blueprints the actual frame, this means that a player isent punished to early by accidently chooing a warframe he does not like which inturn might turn them off from the game completely

Actually, isn't it a bigger issue with frames (and other equipment) bought for real money? Players are supposed to pay real money for something that will or will not improve their experience - and it's the experience of paying real money for something they don't like that might turn them off from the game (or from paying - but that's almost as bad from the developer's perspective).

In comparison to that, the starting choice isn't bad at all. It was difficult for me - but only because all options looked good. I chose Loki. ;) And it turned out to be very, very cool. So when someone complains that he got "stuck with a Loki" - without paying anything - I don't really understand the negativity.

Maybe they should just give you Excalibur instead of three options.

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I was mousing over each frame for more info and it just gave me Loki. It never asked me to confirm a choice. Everything else in the menus and even settings asks you to confirm choice or changes. I don't know how the heck it happened.

Like those arcade fighting games that give you like 10 seconds to chose a character, and you're still looking through them and then all of a sudden BAM the one you were looking at gets selected and you're locked to it for that play session? Wow.

Maybe they should just give you Excalibur instead of three options.

One does wonder why the "Beginner" and "Advanced" frames are only available to select at the beginning of the game, or spend real money for...

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One does wonder why the "Beginner" and "Advanced" frames are only available to select at the beginning of the game, or spend real money for...

The term "Advanced" may imply gaming in general, not necessarily this particular game. Loki doesn't actually require any game-specific skills, so there's nothing wrong with offering it at the beginning of the game. What it's made for is the ability to "manipulate the battlefield", and for that you need to be thinking more tactically, as an advanced player would.

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The term "Advanced" may imply gaming in general, not necessarily this particular game. Loki doesn't actually require any game-specific skills, so there's nothing wrong with offering it at the beginning of the game. What it's made for is the ability to "manipulate the battlefield", and for that you need to be thinking more tactically, as an advanced player would.

I would love to be able to use Loki tactically, but the only two abilities I've found a use for is Decoy and Invisibility. I use them because I have to, not because I want to. Both abilities I use because I have no offensive skills to fall back on if I run low/out of bullets. They both serve as "get the F*" out poppers at the cost of any drops and exp I would've gotten for killing the mobs. On missions where I don't run out of bullets, I end up never touching any of my abilities, because it's always more straight forward to just kill the enemy.

I would love to be able to use Swap Teleport tactically, but there is no tactical application in its current incarnation. The range is too short to move across a large room. In the small areas, the distance you move is so short, you may as well just have jumped over the enemy. If there's supposed to be some sort of disorientation or stun effect, I'm not seeing it. I have tried teleporting enemies into patches of fire on the ground, but it seems to do nothing. Short of moving them next to an exploding barrel, I can find no other environmental hazards to use against enemies.

Grineer Commanders on the other hand, are brilliant with the ability. They are constantly dropping me into the middle of groups of shotgun and melee enemies, where I'm swarmed and killed. They also seem to be able to hit me with it without line of sight when I'm hiding in a closet. I'm not sure if that's intended, as I don't seem to be able to use it to get past locked doors in a similar fashion.

The jist of Loki seems to be that he excels at situations where you don't want to fight, which would probably be in the endgame when you are trying for speed runs and boss farming, and don't really care about exp or random drops from normal mobs.

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Decoy and Invisibility help me move across the battlefield, flank the foes, then attack them from two sides. Invisibility in particular lets you move across a room full of enemies, slice a few of them with your sword, then kill the rest of them with your rifle as your teammates attack from the other side. It definitely works.

Short of moving them next to an exploding barrel, I can find no other environmental hazards to use against enemies.

What about your teammates? You teleport one of the enemies to your teammates and attack the rest of them on your own - even using invisibility, if necessary.

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How about if they added a small simulation where you test out the frames before you actually make your decision. For instance, you pick Excalibur and have an option that pops up that says 'Test' or 'Finalize', click test and it'll send you to a different room with holograph enemies for you to test out his skills. Don't like him? interact with a console that is in the middle of the room to reselect a frame to test out. Once you've decided on your frame, interact with the console and select the finalize option to continue to the next part of the game.

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How about if they added a small simulation where you test out the frames before you actually make your decision. For instance, you pick Excalibur and have an option that pops up that says 'Test' or 'Finalize', click test and it'll send you to a different room with holograph enemies for you to test out his skills. Don't like him? interact with a console that is in the middle of the room to reselect a frame to test out. Once you've decided on your frame, interact with the console and select the finalize option to continue to the next part of the game.

That would also have been a very good option. In general, the game is still lacking in the intro and tutorial sections. A quick video clip of each of the frames in action would've helped also.

At the very least make the menu confirm the selection, instead of just slapping you into one without warning.

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