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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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I know I just posted something about mission nodes, but I also found that in my clan Dojo, my trading post, treasury and some decorations are sunk halfway through the floor. It wasn't like that before the update. Please fix it. Also, just wanted to say that despite the few bugs that remain, i am enjoying the update quite a bit. You guys did a pretty good job.

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My quest has dissapear! its say find mercury navigation from vor but the quest is not on any planet




I'm having problems with the nav segment and the confront Vor stuff in the Vor's Prize quest like many others. Below I have put a breakdown of what I did up to the point where I am at right now:

I built the asaric negator after doing the resource collection mission, then did the mission to get the nav segment. I installed it and then I was told to "Confront Vor" but no marker was available. So I though it may have one of those minor problems and relogged. It didn't show "Confront Vor" anymore. Instead it went back and told me to get the nav segment again. But there is no marker. I have relogged and restarted the game numerous times.Would it be likely due to me doing the sabotage thing in the nav segment mission the first time that I did it (shooting the cylinderical stuff from the sphere that comes from some pillar like structure)?


Thank you for the assistance


I'm having a similar problem.

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A bunch of miscellany for you;

Kills with Mirage's mirrors will not contribute to personal missions; First noticed this with a personal mission to get 20 pistol kills. Pistol kills from the mirrors were attributed to me in the mission debrief, but they were not classified as pistol kills (Presumably counted as ability kills, instead).

Infested Ancients still crash defense missions; Tested on Earth/Coba (DSD), Pluto/Sechura (DSD), and Eris/Xini (Infested Defense). 

The "Hide Maxed Mods" option will carry over to the "My Collection" screen; There is no way to change this from the "My Collection" screen.

And some which are supported by images;

When entering the arsenal from the menu, your current Warframe will not face outwards 2YzAtVr.png

The first row of the Fusion screen will often be gray


It is possible for your Warframe to hide up to half of the various mod screens

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I have bugs.


It seems the Lotus and whatever the ship AI is called are one step behind the quest progress - every time I go back to the ship, they tell me how to accomplish the stage I'd just done.


And now I finally have a kubrow egg incubating, after killing enough feral kubrows that I could have made a coat for my spaceship out of their skin, every time I enter the cockpit, the ship AI (Ordis? Is that what it's called?) does the same three quotes about the kubrow; it's incubating, it's going to leak and smear everywhere, it's got a cute nose.


And the matchmaking system is far more difficult to engage with now.


And why isn't there a ship system to access email?

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I just claimed a Nova that was baking in the foundry since before update and did not get Molecular Prime in my mods. I had to relog to get the mod to show up. Also auto-installing installed an aura with the wrong polarity, I am not sure this is relevant to U14 but just saying.

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After finishing one of the new prologue missions and returning to the ship I am unable to select navigation, even if I select it through the escape menu. I had to exit the game and restart in order to be able to choose a mission once more. It occurred again after finishing the next mission i selected as well. The arsenal node, the only other node I have unlocked, was unaffected by this I was still able to use it manually and through the menu.

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Quest Bug: 

Vor's Prise, Obtain Mercury Nav Point

No way to continue the quest.  Not marked on map stuck mid chain.


Relogging doesn't solve like with previous quests glitches next chain not appearing.  cannot progress.


Tis the same here... however, i killed Vor, got the Segment, installed it, then.... nothing..... i now have 3 extra Mecury segments....

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Currently if you kill the Mutalist Ospreys, there is about a 50/50 chance of their explosion leaving a permanent particle effect on the map. While initially it's rather dim and doesn't do much, if a lot of Mutalist Ospreys spawn (in say, a MD), then they can stack up and seriously cripple your frame rate.

I tested out killing them during their attack cycles, and the chance of the particle effect spawning seems to increase if you kill them mid-attack or at the end of the attack. Don't know if regular Ospreys leave this effect, will test that out in a tic.


EDIT: Yep, Regular Ospreys do it as well, though not as common since they don't have attack animations.

EDIT 2: Picture of what the particle effect looks like after a Mobile Defense wave.


Edited by Shanicus
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Hi...i cannot max out the Hall of mirrors mod on Mirage. It is stuck on rank 2. Even if i uninstall it from the frame & select it from the mods section it doesnt seem to work.

You need to click a mod or fusion core manually, it's a bug with auto fusion. Not just on mirage either.



On another note, Ancients are still crashing the game, impossible to do infested missions once ancients come out.

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apparently if you keep spamming e and space you can glitch the kubrow out of the incubator...


then if you walk to the incubator and press e your warframe proceeds to to a german suplex on the kubrow that has grown X3 its size and it cuts to a scene where you pat its head etc....





unfortunately i have not been able to take a vid of when i commit kubrocide......


ok did it, had to stand behind the poor thing to do it



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