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Mercury Nav Segment



I've completed the missions where I obtain the mercury nav segment.

However, aboard my ship I have a waypoint that leads to my foundry, I am unsure what to do at this point. I have searched for new blueprints, something to craft with this new component and have found nothing. 

Not sure if this is a bug, or I just can't figure it out.

Assistance would be lovely. 

PS. I've tried going to navigation, but when I do my screen goes dark and I revert back to the ship...

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Try killing the Jackal, it'll give you the option to start the Kubrow missions, after you start the line segment for the questline it gives you the option to start the Vor's Prize questline again, its possible itll let you re-start it at that point.

tried it...did not fix it...

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Try killing the Jackal, it'll give you the option to start the Kubrow missions, after you start the line segment for the questline it gives you the option to start the Vor's Prize questline again, its possible itll let you re-start it at that point.

Didn't help me at all. Now I have a problem where I'm told I have an egg for the kubrow but I don't.

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None of the suggested solutions fix the problem. You *can* kill the Jackal to get the next segment, and you *can* start the Kubrow mission, but you still cannot install the next segment, so you can't progress.

Edited by R0mpa
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Same thing here, killign jackall solves nothing.

However this is what happened to me in detail:


1- DId the resourse mission

2- Did the mercury mission again, but I didnt pick up the segment, but my partner. He then did the sabotage mission.

3- I still had that quest pending so I went and did it again. This time I grabbed the mercury nav segment and got the sabotage quest and vor messing with my shoelds. This didn't happen when I did not grab the nav myself.

4- Finished the mission.

5- Installed mercury nav segment. Got stucked.

6- Went to kill jackall. Got new mission.

7- Did kubrow survival mission. Did not get unstucked.

Also, I picked an egg from kubron den, but it is not showing on my inventory.

Edited by Agua
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The Nav segments are random drops in missions. i just kicked Vor's @$$ and got a venus nav segment. It's on mercury somewhere. Keep fighting til you get it. try playing the new missions as well.

Edited by Suguru-Kaira
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I don't know why, but I have a feeling it's based on the old system map.  In the old map, finishing the connecting mission to the next planet unlocked the next planet.  I suspect that doing the last mission of Earth as though you'd never finished that planet will give you yhe Nav Segment of the next planet, in this case Earth to Mercury.


I'm testing it now.  I'll let you know.

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I don't know why, but I have a feeling it's based on the old system map.  In the old map, finishing the connecting mission to the next planet unlocked the next planet.  I suspect that doing the last mission of Earth as though you'd never finished that planet will give you yhe Nav Segment of the next planet, in this case Earth to Mercury.


I'm testing it now.  I'll let you know.


well I've tried killing Vor and still nothing happens..

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Daaaaym. I wish I read this BEFORE I built the damn thing before going for the resourses mission. Now I'm stuck too.

This needs a hotfix ASAP!

 I did not make the De-wormer before doing the resource mission. However, i am having the same issue as the others. The mercury Nav segment mission is bot marked on my solar map. One person in region chat suggested doing a particular survival mission on Jupiter to make the nav segment drop but it didn't the nav segment isn't there. I have killed Vor on Mercury about 6 times now and always got the venus nav point. I have also killed the jackal, but only on nightmare mode. it did not open the Kurbow quests.


note: is this a problem for the new accounts? it appears that most of the posters are vet players so if it is only an issue for the vet accounts playing the prologue and not the new players that are forced to play the prologue and there fore will be a fresh account without the other planets unlocked do they lack the mission? if this is the case the mission scripting for the navigation panel will be different.

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im stuck in "vor prize quest" and if you stuck too, you can go to "kubrow quest" by kill "jackal" and go to "codex" and open "quest tab" and chose "howl of the kubrow" and it should have "begin button" beside "back button" just klik begin and now you already start kubrow quest

i hope this helpful

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Same issue here. I'm a "vet," I made the Vor Ascaris Negator before the quest, now I can't progress. No hints, no quest log, nobody knows what to do.


This is the most confusing quest progression I've ever had to deal with in an RPG. I mean really, how do you mess up a simple quest line?

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pfft I go to start the merc nav cord mission, I get matched with some newb, who abruptly dcs from the mission, booting me back to the planet select mission screen because my connection to host was terminated. Now the mission is gone. Its reverted back to a survival mission, and I tried relogging and that didnt help. what mission is it that you find the merc nav in? I tried the vor assasination mission, and doing that mission gives you the venus nav cord, not the mercury nav. Which it is still saying I need....great...now what?!

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