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Male And Female Warframes


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How do male Tenno grow breasts when simply switching an exosuit? How do female Tenno grow more masculine?


It's not logical. Therefore, it makes sense to have gender options.



there doesnt need to be logic in this case. Scott doesnt want it. He wants them to be "heroes" with a specific gender. Deal with it....

besides that. Cant you actually see that there might be a reason for not adding gender selection?

Edited by Venarge
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Atra255, on 12 Apr 2013 - 11:23 AM, said:

Excalibur -> ??? (I'd simply go with the name of another mythical weapon here.. just can't find any female-sounding names)

You could go with Excalibur's original name, Caliburn. Sounds like a really hot female Excalibur.

And I like your idea.

Edited by Kohira
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How do male Tenno grow breasts when simply switching an exosuit? How do female Tenno grow more masculine?


It's not logical. Therefore, it makes sense to have gender options.


It is logical if you remind there are woman they can look like man and man that can look like a woman right dressed. And so remind pls of the hostage do you resque. If they are tanno it will match because the tanno is much smaler as a tanno in a warframe.


It make no sense and use for this kind of option. It is just a "i dont like male or female charakter" thing overall in this discusion.

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But only if it's like Excalibur-Nyx, in that they are physically similar, but have different powers. Excalibur is direct-damage dealing type, and Nyx is indirect, which would suggest that they're of the same 'aspect', but opposites. Physical damage = mental damage. Physical direct damage = psychic wave burst thingy.


For example, FemFrost (Advect? From Advection Frost) could be buff-based, freezing the moisture around her to create a layer of frozen armour or encasing her melee weapon with a 3/5/9 hit super-damaging ice shell which breaks after said amount of hits, as opposed to Frost using directly damaging blast/wave/whirling-death-tornado of ice.

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I'm new to this game, so I'm not sure if there's a lore-related reason why there can't be male/female versions of a particular frame.  Frankly, I don't care.  When I play a game, even a shooter, I like to be able to identify at least somewhat with my character.  Right now, that means I don't consider half the available frames an option.  And those I do consider an option might not suit my playstyle.


A friend of mine already stopped playing because she hated her character.  I'm not ready to give up just yet, but this is my number one issue with the game right now.  Different names with equivalent abilities I could deal with, as long as there were a choice.

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I'm in the same boat. I just plain don't want to bother with the male frames.

I don't get the talk of the frames being individual heroes. The only personality they have comes from the player's custom colour scheme and it's fairly common to end up playing with four of the same Frame. Sure seem like one of a kind characters to me (sarcasm)

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First of, Venarge, i have seen you pop up alot this topic without providing any form of discussion, all you do is say "No" and "Scott doesn't want it".

Scott isn't the only developer. The team appears to be as unsure of the subject as the players.

I like the idea of each warframe being a suit and it doesn't matter what is on the inside, i have often thought of the Tenno as being gender-less anyway(or at least as far as they don't really have a sexuality anymore as their training and job is their life.)

Despite this, i clearly understand why people would want a different gender suit, i know some female players who dont enjoy playing the male suits because they are so clearly masculine, and i know males who have the same problem.

As has been suggested many times before new warframes with similar abilities to those already available, just the opposit gender would be cool. Another option is to create new skins, this would take alot less work as only an animation and model will need to be made, and to be honest depending on the design of the new skin, a new animation might not be needed at all. These new skins can do the same sort of thing as weapon skins, for example, a female rhino is faster than the male but has slightly lower health or a male ember could deal less damage in abilities but they have a higher range. This would also provide another customization option to go along side the helmets.

If gender really isn't an issue then i don't see a problem with the skin idea as you just use the skin that has an ability that matches your play-style.

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First of, Venarge, i have seen you pop up alot this topic without providing any form of discussion, all you do is say "No" and "Scott doesn't want it". Scott isn't the only developer. The team appears to be as unsure of the subject as the players. I like the idea of each warframe being a suit and it doesn't matter what is on the inside, i have often thought of the Tenno as being gender-less anyway(or at least as far as they don't really have a sexuality anymore as their training and job is their life.) Despite this, i clearly understand why people would want a different gender suit, i know some female players who dont enjoy playing the male suits because they are so clearly masculine, and i know males who have the same problem. As has been suggested many times before new warframes with similar abilities to those already available, just the opposit gender would be cool. Another option is to create new skins, this would take alot less work as only an animation and model will need to be made, and to be honest depending on the design of the new skin, a new animation might not be needed at all. These new skins can do the same sort of thing as weapon skins, for example, a female rhino is faster than the male but has slightly lower health or a male ember could deal less damage in abilities but they have a higher range. This would also provide another customization option to go along side the helmets. If gender really isn't an issue then i don't see a problem with the skin idea as you just use the skin that has an ability that matches your play-style.


A simple skin? It seems you dont have any idea of how much work something like that would be. Of course you would have to create a complete new character for them. You just cant add a simple "skin" The skeleton under the mesh needs tweaking as well since the bodies arent the same. Maybe you guys simply cant understand that there might be a reason for this. Since you have no idea about the story, you just cant assume it would simply go well with both genders.....

They already said that, if they think it should be ingame, they will add it. And that should actually make clear that they dont want gender swap right now. Maybe in the far future or whatever. But not now.

Edited by Venarge
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A simple skin? It seems you dont have any idea of how much work something like that would be. Of course you would have to create a complete new character for them. You just cant add a simple "skin" The skeleton under the mesh needs tweaking as well since the bodies arent the same. Maybe you guys simply cant understand that there might be a reason for this. Since you have no idea about the story, you just cant assume it would simply go well with both genders.....

They already said that, if they think it should be ingame, they will add it. And that should actually make clear that they dont want gender swap right now. Maybe in the far future or whatever. But not now.


I think, none of us has a idea on how much work that would take. So, don't be negative from the start on that one.


Also, gender swapping ... This formulation is not precise at all, look at our current playflow.

Lets say we choose Excal, and after a mission or two, we swap to Nyx.... -> Genderswap, badumts.

So please, can you clarify, what do you exactly think with "they don't want gender swap right now"?


There are a lot off conflicts between current "lore" (lets face it, its not a real lore, without real manifestation/"official wiki"), "future" lore (which is still wip) and the technical implementation, which need a lot of work, so we can expect some things to change. How that's done is totally open..


And I agree, I don't want to see any progress on this, before all other more important problems were fixed, or improvements were implemented.


Maybe after a month or two there will be enough warframe- and "gender-diversity" so this concern would disappear as fast as it came...


Let's hope that it will be something in a similiar way as in lol, speaking of an amount of characters you can select ...

But that will take ages I guess, getting to more than 100 frames :D ...

Edited by calgon
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I think, none of us has a idea on how much work that would take. So, don't be negative from the start on that one.


Also, gender swapping ... This formulation is not precise at all, look at our current playflow.

Lets say we choose Excal, and after a mission or two, we swap to Nyx.... -> Genderswap, badumts.

So please, can you clarify, what do you exactly think with "they don't want gender swap right now"?




What I meant was that they dont actually want us to have both genders of one frame^^


Besides that. Unfortunatly I know how much work it is xD I am a modder and create custom content using 3ds max and such stuff. Lots of work xD But well. Maybe thats just my opinion since I work on stuff for some hours without a result sometimes >.<

I prefer male chars over female ones. But I dont see why this game makes it less satisfying just because I cant play my wonderful nyx as a male ^^

Edited by Venarge
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Now lets bring this to a new level: If you want female and male swaping so i want other genders as well. How about hermaphrodires? If you bring it to this level i want my warframe change his/her gender to Hermaphrpdite. It this okay for you? I guess not, right?


This all is just a sexual discustion about something some of you can't handle.

Edited by DrakeHyena
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I usually like the option to have the option of choosing the gender of my class, so that I can play all classes as females (ups), but with Warframe it's different. I think I've been indoctrinated into liking gender locked classes, or maybe I just got used to the gender locked classes.

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Now lets bring this to a new level: If you want female and male swaping so i want other genders as well. How about hermaphrodires? If you bring it to this level i want my warframe change his/her gender to Hermaphrpdite. It this okay for you? I guess not, right?


This all is just a sexual discustion about something some of you can't handle.


I am 100% ok with non binary sexes in video games, In a previous thread I actually suggested a slider (partially in jest) like the one from Saints Row. Also, it's Intersex, Hermaphrodite is archaic, innacurate and rude.

As for the double the cost/time/effort bunch, Jared Gerritzen of Zombie Studios went on record and said that it was very easy to rescale the models of Blacklight to make female characters, and that the returns from it far outweighed the cost.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I, like many others before me, would love a female Rhino. And male Trinity, but that's just me.


And besides, I would really like to know what's causing the vehement opposition from the playerbase. I'm quite sure that letting people have the option to pick what gender they want to appear as won't hurt anyone, right? If anything, it will provide revenue for the devs should they make it cash-only. The argument that it will take development resources away is kind of silly, as they can just do this slowly in-between developing the more important parts of the game. I'm sure that most of us who would like this feature wouldn't mind waiting until the game is out of beta.


Besides, It's hard to see the existing frames as characters when they're so shrouded in mystery (and that there are multiple copies of each frame running around at the same time), and for some people it's easier to see that a fixed player character is equipping different frames. This option will greatly increase their immersion.

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