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The Mod Drop Rate Is So Atrocious As To Beggar The Imagination


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This is bloody pathetic.


I started playing maybe a week or two ago and I got the fifty-dollar Founder's Pack because I thought I'd be paying towards a good game with proven developers, but I can't imagine what kind of inexperienced has-beens this whole lot turned out to be. I'm sitting thinking to myself why I'm paying for a game where seventy hours (I'm counting) of grinding on the hardest levels gets you around ten useful rare mods, about one of which is a freeze mod for a weapon I don't even need freeze on? Is your idea of 'fixing' a drop rate to make it utterly inaccessible to anyone who has a physical form capable of fatigue?


I've got utter incompetents at life telling me that 'rare' mods should be 'rare' and that if I don't like it I should play another game, but if it isn't the bloody Sword of a Thousand Truths I don't see why there's a thousand-hour grind to find one that isn't absolutely and utterly useless. What sort of designer struggling to be relevant in the modern world 'fixes' a drop-rate so the only thing Pluto gives you is Thief's Wit?


Now I'm hearing (heard, rather, on the livestream) that the developers are going to remove leaving after bossfights as well, which is the point at which I'm thinking I might draw the bloody line. It's taking long enough for the mods and now they're seriously contemplating making farming the apparent endgame instead of skill-based gaming (because as we know that would take more effort than the guys who seriously don't want global trade because of the trade spam instead of considering a trading channel or a platinum-bought merchant pass are willing to shoulder) - are the mod drop rates going to be fixed or have I donated my money to charity?


I can't even well bloody well care if this gets me banned, because it's not a great deal of money in any case and it would certainly be more of a service to me than it would be to you.


What an utter farce this whole enterprise turned out to be.


(In case you're planning to ask: yes, I'm mad. I can only imagine what kind of person doesn't get a little miffed over having wasted more time on something than God on Earth.)

Edited by Hashul
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I get your frustration with the drop rates - I do. But, a few points here.

1. This is still in beta. So keep in mind, drop tables and many other aspects of Warframe are fair game for tweaking until all the details are working right. A number of others have also complained about the drop rates since the last patch, so the issue is quite likely going to be looked at again in the near future.

2. The devs are planning on implementing Clans, which allow one clan member to give stuff to another. If this is expanded with mods, this would also help to alleviate the issue, as long as you're part of a Clan you reasonably like.

3. The devs have been close-lipped about their final plans for Warframe. We get small hints here and there, and we can make inferences from those hints - but the bottom line is that assumptions in this case would be dangerous.

It's obvious you like this game, or you wouldn't have spent this much time writing up an angry rant about the drop rates for it. Don't let this one thing sour your experience, since from inference, you still enjoy the rest of the game.(EDIT: Added breaks, since the forum kept dropping carriage returns)

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RNG is a blessing and a curse as I am wont to say.


Now as for mod drops, where you play doesn't mean squat from what I have seen. You can get rare drops in Mercury with the same % as you do in Pluto. Now take into consideration that you might get on average 3-4 mods dropped in a run. And I am just spit balling the odds here but say 75% odds for a common. 20% for uncommon and 5% for a rare. That means than in those 4 drops you have a 5% chance PER DROP to get a rare. The more runs you do the better the chances of getting a rare but not exactly the ones YOU want. It is not set in stone that you WILL get a rare it is a random chance. Plus they are working on trading later in the game where people can trade mods so that will help people get the ones they want. Until then all you can do is pray the gods of RNG smile upon you.


The game is good, not solid but they are well on their way and they are trying. I myself have gotten frustrated over the server instability but they are trying. That is why it is still in beta.


If you are bound and determined to be all angry and rage about something that everyone else has to deal with too then well, guess you need to find another game.

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(I'm not sure how to get the quotes working; trust DE to screw a forum up, since apparently anything on the internet is new and exciting to them.)


I get your frustration with the drop rates - I do. But, a few points here.

1. This is still in beta. So keep in mind, drop tables and many other aspects of Warframe are fair game for tweaking until all the details are working right. A number of others have also complained about the drop rates since the last patch, so the issue is quite likely going to be looked at again in the near future.

2. The devs are planning on implementing Clans, which allow one clan member to give stuff to another. If this is expanded with mods, this would also help to alleviate the issue, as long as you're part of a Clan you reasonably like.


The bottom line is that they've already looked at it and apparently one of their idiot programmers thought that this was anywhere near reasonable, because apparently none of them have played their own game except some tosser who shows off his skill fighting level eight Corpus with maxed-out weapons.



3. The devs have been close-lipped about their final plans for Warframe. We get small hints here and there, and we can make inferences from those hints - but the bottom line is that assumptions in this case would be dangerous.

It's obvious you like this game, or you wouldn't have spent this much time writing up an angry rant about the drop rates for it. Don't let this one thing sour your experience, since from inference, you still enjoy the rest of the game.(EDIT: Added breaks, since the forum kept dropping carriage returns)



This isn't 'one thing': it's indicative of an overall apathy towards the player. The developers appear to think that they're incredibly cute - well, I'd give the pink shorts one a handie at the very least he's really quite attractive but that's not what I mean - asking for an entire community of sugar daddies without being willing to divulge when they're going to let their pants down. It's beyond pathetic: it's an utter disgrace to the online gaming community that they're taking what should be an enjoyable experience and corrupting it with their utter and complete disregard for the playerbase's real issues, focusing instead on their little self-congratulatory 'oho I've finally got clans working' nonsense as if they think they're Apple and can tell the players what they want.


RNG is a blessing and a curse as I am wont to say.


Now as for mod drops, where you play doesn't mean squat from what I have seen. You can get rare drops in Mercury with the same % as you do in Pluto. Now take into consideration that you might get on average 3-4 mods dropped in a run. And I am just spit balling the odds here but say 75% odds for a common. 20% for uncommon and 5% for a rare. That means than in those 4 drops you have a 5% chance PER DROP to get a rare. The more runs you do the better the chances of getting a rare but not exactly the ones YOU want. It is not set in stone that you WILL get a rare it is a random chance. Plus they are working on trading later in the game where people can trade mods so that will help people get the ones they want. Until then all you can do is pray the gods of RNG smile upon you.


The game is good, not solid but they are well on their way and they are trying. I myself have gotten frustrated over the server instability but they are trying. That is why it is still in beta.


If you are bound and determined to be all angry and rage about something that everyone else has to deal with too then well, guess you need to find another game.


They are not bloody well trying if they can't get a simple drop rate right. If you're going to pull the 'everyone has to deal with this' card, I'd suggest you consider what I'm trying to do here. I know it hurts to think for more than a few seconds, but consider for the tiniest fraction of just one - I know that's a slight migrane, but keep with me here - that what I'm suggesting is that they fix the mod drop rates first because it's the result of a 'fix' that already has been made, and I'm not bloody well playing for another minute with the constant reminder that I'm not even accomplishing my own entertainment.

Edited by Hashul
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Upvoted OP because to a point, I agree. However, really only one or the other is needed, though both would, of course, be preferable.


If drop rate is fixed, trading becomes less necessary (outside of things such as rubedo/galium/alloy plates/blah blah blah)


If trading (and I mean full no limits trading) is added, then farming for credits would become the new thing, rather than farming for mods.



So I do agree to a point, but I would like to say to you personally, don't give up on the game yet. Maybe take a break for a little while until DE rectifies this situation. If they do not, you can move on your way. There is no reason to expedite your departure from the game.


Commas added to keep everything spaced. For whatever reason, it keeps contracting my post.

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Sorry, it's just I read your post, and the only thing I hear is whine whine whine, disguised with big-boy thesaurus words.


You're thinking in the terms of a single player game. If this was a single player game, then you'd be right, and having to run the same mission half a trillion times to get the one thing that drops there sometimes would be BS, but it's NOT a single player game. This is an Online, Multi-player game with a lot of mission that are clearly designed to be tackled by squads of two or more Tenno.


Low drop rates are important for online games. If all of the best stuff drops regularly, what you're going to end up with is a game where a lot of people wind up sitting around at max level with all the best gear. At that point, what's left in the game for them? Showing off their peen is bound to get old after a while, so they'll quit and move on. Obviously, if 90% of the player base does this, then, well, we don't have a game anymore. That would be okay for a box title that you'd buy at the store and sell back to gamestop for 10% of what you paid, but it's a big deal when an online multiplayer game like this goes down. That's lost money for the company, and lost time and possibly invested money for the customers, so no one wins.


And as far as the bosses go, no, you shouldn't be allowed to just quit out of a match and still keep the boss loot. I can't think of a single game, on or offline, that lets you do that.


You can get incensed all you want about it. You're wrong.

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Sorry, it's just I read your post, and the only thing I hear is whine whine whine, disguised with big-boy thesaurus words.


You're thinking in the terms of a single player game. If this was a single player game, then you'd be right, and having to run the same mission half a trillion times to get the one thing that drops there sometimes would be BS, but it's NOT a single player game. This is an Online, Multi-player game with a lot of mission that are clearly designed to be tackled by squads of two or more Tenno.


Low drop rates are important for online games. If all of the best stuff drops regularly, what you're going to end up with is a game where a lot of people wind up sitting around at max level with all the best gear. At that point, what's left in the game for them? Showing off their peen is bound to get old after a while, so they'll quit and move on. Obviously, if 90% of the player base does this, then, well, we don't have a game anymore. That would be okay for a box title that you'd buy at the store and sell back to gamestop for 10% of what you paid, but it's a big deal when an online multiplayer game like this goes down. That's lost money for the company, and lost time and possibly invested money for the customers, so no one wins.


And as far as the bosses go, no, you shouldn't be allowed to just quit out of a match and still keep the boss loot. I can't think of a single game, on or offline, that lets you do that.


You can get incensed all you want about it. You're wrong.


That's why it's an online game with microtransactions. Successful MMOs thrive on getting updated content. I'm not sure how to explain this to you without speaking how you'd like me to speak (maybe I should take a few courses in American Redneck so as to soothe your itching?), but you're defending developer laziness in creating artificial gameplay time and espousing a stopgap measure as the endgame.


How dense can you possibly to actually believe that you're right?

Edited by Hashul
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@ woolytop - Every game is like that. once the boss dies and you get the loot you can shut off your computer if you want. At least that is how the games I've played that use boss drops work.

@ op - Bottomline is the devs use rarity to try and keep people engaged, which says something about the game itself. It can't stand on it's own without a carrot. I understand this in mmo's, but in a game where the main fun should be in the shooting/challenge there really is no need for excessive carrots.

All my opinion of course.

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You make a valid point that the RNG should be tweaked, but your rhetoric hurts your message. If you think adding in some angry words is going to get your argument seen in a better light, then you are wrong.


Playing up the problem as an affront to the entire online community and all the other nonsense is just as silly. Blowing the problem out of proportions is not getting the discussion anywhere.


Loot tables will be adjusted as time goes on and new mod sets are added. Eventually they will switch from mods being sorted primarily by the enemy's level to their faction. If we have to farm, at least we can focus our farming on a specific faction to get what we want.


Yeah, things could be better, but you don't have to lose your cool on an internet forum to get your point across. If you were more civil in how you structured your argument, I would have been more inclined to agree with you. I'm sure you don't really care if people agree or disagree as you seem to take this problem personally, but the truth is that you came here on a forum where others are going to comment on what you say.


Being rude to the other users isn't the right way to get your point across. Same can be said for directing your harsh words at the developers. Even if you don't agree with their mechanics implementation doesn't mean you have to use those kinds of words in your posts.

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That's why it's an online game with microtransactions. Successful MMOs thrive on getting updated content. I'm not sure how to explain this to you without speaking how you'd like me to speak (maybe I should take a few courses in American Redneck so as to soothe your itching?), but you're defending developer laziness in creating artificial gameplay time and espousing a stopgap measure as the endgame.


How dense can you possibly to actually believe that you're right?

So you want a pay to win, then? You're an idiot if you think that's a good strategy. Think of this from the perspective of someone who can't afford to spend money on the game. Why would you keep playing at all, when someone who's willing to drop 200$ on it comes along and makes you look like a scrub with the over-powered gear they bought, regardless of whether they're actually *better* at the game than you or not.

And you're even more of an idiot if you think this game's not getting any content updates. Did you not see the word "Beta" plastered all over everything when you downloaded it? Did you not listen to the rest of the livestream after you determined that you that you were smarter than the people who probably spent the majority of thier adult lives learning how to make good games, and market them well?


@ woolytop - Every game is like that. once the boss dies and you get the loot you can shut off your computer if you want. At least that is how the games I've played that use boss drops work. @ op - Bottomline is the devs use rarity to try and keep people engaged, which says something about the game itself. It can't stand on it's own without a carrot. I understand this in mmo's, but in a game where the main fun should be in the shooting/challenge there really is no need for excessive carrots. All my opinion of course.

I suppose, but in most games I've played there isn't usually more level after the boss, which kind of threw me in this game. (spend two minutes getting to and killing the boss, spend ten fighting your way out). As far as the mechanics of the carrot go, if there were no mods at all, would you play regularly once you'd cleared all the missions? Sure, you may boot it up once in a while for a fun time, but a game like this needs to have a lot of concurrent players to make keeping the servers up worth the money for the company.

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The mod rarity does appear wonky right now - I too found Warframe a lot more entertaining in Update 6, with its mod system and skill trees. As it is right now players are strapped for credits while at the same time unable to find sufficient mods to level even elementary Warframe skills, let alone upgrade 10 or more levels of some mods, such as +%damage for each weapon.

However, if it's one thing Digital Extremes have proven by this it is their willingness to experiment and make changes to the system, so I'd sit this one out and see if it gets any better.

Edit: OP makes a fair point, writes with a good amount of wit, and cuts to the chase. That's a lot more that what I can say for some of the other posters in this thread.

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So you want a pay to win, then? You're an idiot if you think that's a good strategy. Think of this from the perspective of someone who can't afford to spend money on the game. Why would you keep playing at all, when someone who's willing to drop 200$ on it comes along and makes you look like a scrub with the over-powered gear they bought, regardless of whether they're actually *better* at the game than you or not.

And you're even more of an idiot if you think this game's not getting any content updates. Did you not see the word "Beta" plastered all over everything when you downloaded it?


Oh my God. I can see why you think the words I'm using are from a thesaurus.


I'm sorry that fifty dollars is a great deal of money to you (and I'm beginning to see why), but that's not my focus - I certainly want platinum to be cheaper, given that their pricing strategy appears to have been derived from 'I heard companies are making millions from online games, I wanna get in on that!'. What I want is reasonable drop rates, and that has nothing to do with 'pay to win'.


Please feel free not to lecture me on game development as a freeloader bitter about your income.




Did you not listen to the rest of the livestream after you determined that you that you were smarter than the people who probably spent the majority of thier adult lives learning how to make good games, and market them well?


Do you know who spent years on their trade? (You don't, but let's use this bit of figurative speech for illustration.)


Arctic icebreakers.


You don't see a lot of ice delivery trucks around nowadays, do you? That's because when refrigerators were invented they went on to do something else with their boats - this is what DE is trying to do, except now they're trying to catch fish with their sail rigging.

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You know you can say what you want about rarity, loot tables, and game balancing, I have a ton of "Rare" mods that I can't use because I don't own the frame yet... I don't complain for a multitude of reasons.  The bottom line, however, is that you have worked yourself up into a frenzy about this game which at it's core is still a work in progress but a MUCH better one than some of the others that I am involved with.  You feel jilted and are essentially claiming that this "Affront to all gamers" must be rectified not only immediately BUT that your basically going to hold your breath until they do fix it (i.e.  "I'm not bloody well playing for another minute with the constant reminder that I'm not even accomplishing my own entertainment." 


Sir, You have come to a public forum and you have very eloquently voiced your outrage in a very grown up temper tantrum. You have insulted your fellow gamers, the ones that you are apparently voicing your opinion in defense of, and get further outraged when people disagree with you.  The facts are that your opinion is just that, and by all accounts your outrage is understood, agreed with to a degree, and disagreed with to a degree and most everyone has been very cordial towards you.  You have voiced your opinion, lashed out at those who respond to you and will most likely lash out at me. So I would ask that you take a breath and calm down a little bit before responding further.  


They say you will catch more flies with honey than vinigar or something to that effect and this is one of those times.  I suggest that before bashing your fellow gamers for disagreeing with your "defense of there entertainment time" that you realize that in a forum you will receive responses that are from both ends of the spectrum and that while they, much like you have the right to their own opinions.  That there is absolutly no reason for anyone to insult anyone else, this type of behavior will only stand to detract from your feedback, which from what I have seen these developers are trying to take seriously so as to build a better game.


P.S. This forum is a little hinkey, I had to get back on my computer to respond because it was doing weird things from my android device and still does weird things from the computer.  But to be honest, I rather the dev's spend money/time working on the game than on the forums... but that's just one man's opinion

Edited by Stephen_Pershaw
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Is the game able to stand on it's own without the carrot?

What exactly is the purpose of having to do 100 missions to get one rare card drop that you want?

have we all just come to expect this from games?

I never expected those days I spent sitting around a table with a bunch of friends rolling Xsided dice, and killing orcs would end up screwing me forever.

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You have insulted your fellow gamers, the ones that you are apparently voicing your opinion in defense of, and get further outraged when people disagree with you.

I've insulted people - wait, no, a single person - who appears to have decided to initiate his side of the debate with a 'no you're just whining they don't need to release new content you're a pay to win scumbag'. I'm not sure where you're getting this supposed pattern of abuse from; to everyone else I have been nothing but buddy-buddy.

In other words: I ain't ever crossed a man who didn't deserve it - he be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of.

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You know when I read your post just thinking about how much I've farmed xini for the mods I need that never drop kind of enrages me... Either way I agree with op drop rate is meh they need to tune it for rares to drop more frequently from the end game zones (not sure if they already do or not).

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@Hashul:Not one single thing you replied to my post with was in any way, shape, or form a rebuttal, or a point made. It was more complaining because you're mad. Fine, you're mad. We get it. It's obvious.

Posting an angry, ranting screed solves absolutely nothing, and makes you look petty. Moreover, if your every single assumption about snickering, evil devs was right, then how would your post help? If you were completely right about the devs and their personalities, they'd probably print your post out and put it on their wall in a frame.

So, try to decide what it is you want. Do you want the issues in the game fixed? Then become part of the solution - file bug reports, post suggestions, and ask questions.

Do you simply want to scream and complain about how horribly evil the devs are for not fixing certain aspects of the game to your exact specifications immediately? Okay, but doing so makes you look bad, not the devs here.

Posting something like "THE GAME IS BROKEN AND THE DEVS FEAST ON THE TEARS AND SUFFERING OF THEIR PLAYERS" doesn't solve a single thing, and instead wastes everyone's time. I'm sure you felt better after typing all of that out, but you're not the nobly suffering martyr here, calling the people far and wide to see your horrible wounds. You're someone who isn't satisfied with a free game (that's STILL IN BETA, I feel compelled to point out) and is complaining that the devs hate you and want to kick your dog.

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@Hashul:Not one single thing you replied to my post with was in any way, shape, or form a rebuttal, or a point made. It was more complaining because you're mad. Fine, you're mad. We get it. It's obvious.

Posting an angry, ranting screed solves absolutely nothing, and makes you look petty. Moreover, if your every single assumption about snickering, evil devs was right, then how would your post help? If you were completely right about the devs and their personalities, they'd probably print your post out and put it on their wall in a frame.

So, try to decide what it is you want. Do you want the issues in the game fixed? Then become part of the solution - file bug reports, post suggestions, and ask questions.

Do you simply want to scream and complain about how horribly evil the devs are for not fixing certain aspects of the game to your exact specifications immediately? Okay, but doing so makes you look bad, not the devs here.

Posting something like "THE GAME IS BROKEN AND THE DEVS FEAST ON THE TEARS AND SUFFERING OF THEIR PLAYERS" doesn't solve a single thing, and instead wastes everyone's time. I'm sure you felt better after typing all of that out, but you're not the nobly suffering martyr here, calling the people far and wide to see your horrible wounds. You're someone who isn't satisfied with a free game (that's STILL IN BETA, I feel compelled to point out) and is complaining that the devs hate you and want to kick your dog.


You really ought to retry English, since the only thing other than miseducation that could explain your post is that you appear to have forgotten halfway through it that I only ever said that the devs were incompetent, not malicious.


Is the distinction really so difficult to make? If you speak another language as your first, I'd be more than glad to retype my post in it for you.

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