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Excalibur (Prime) And Polarity



Excalibur Prime (and i assume the standard Excalibur as well) have 2 "V" polarity slots.

As for as I know (and the wiki can tell me) there are only 2 "V" mods: power strength and power duration.


Now power strength is helpful. But I believe power duration only buffs the stun of radial blind, which is almost useless (don't get me wrong, blind is very helpful but is incredibly situational and equipping a mod just for that seems kinda pointless in the grand scheme of possible mods)


Is there something I'm missing? Is there another "V" mod? does power duration do more than just buff radial blind?


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Nope, only the Prime has 2 V slots.

And yes, there is only power strength and power duration.

Power duration buffs also the duration of the dash.. which is "kinda useful"..

But still meh .. What we can expect are more v mods... which will happen shortly I guess and hope... Or maybe a change to that one V-Slot, like a temporary switch to a D-Slot, or something else ... but the chances for this are low I guess...

Edit: textformatting, yay /.<.br>

Edited by calgon
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I agree, the additional V Slot is not that great. i would rather have a blank Slot so i don't get the penalty when i put a mod like Sprintspeed etc in it.

Power Strength and Duration are both usefull for Excalibur tho. And don't underestimate Radial Blind. It is amazing against hard hitting Bosses.

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yeah I only use the one V slot and eat the penalty on the other. If you place a mod that is 5 points or less in there its only a single point penalty, more than made up by the half cost ability power mod.


I'm having the same problem with Ash, only using duration and not sure if strength is worth it.

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