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Make Silent Weapon & Warframe. Male Female Warframe


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First Abaout Silent Weapon.

1. I Suggest Make A Sillent Weapon Not The Main Weapon But Like Pistol, Throw Dagger, More Unique Bow.

2. Make A More SIlent Mode Warframe.

Second About Male And Female

1. Why we can change ? like male warframe can be female warframe and female warframe can be male warframe.

2. More Many Option.

That's All From Me I'm Sorry If There's Wrong Or Bad Suggestion From my Topic (Just read and comment if you want). Wassalamualaikum Wr, Wb.

Edited by bima031
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First Abaout Silent Weapon.

1. I Suggest Make A Sillent Weapon Not The Main Weapon But Like Pistol, Throw Dagger, More Unique Bow.

2. Make A More SIlent Mode Warframe.



I'm not trashing your opinion but hoping to point you in the direction some features that should already resolve some of your issues.


1) They have stated they are definately working on thrown weapons, i imagine them to be silent but i would urge you to keep an eye on updates.


More unique bows would probably come in the form of skins. Alternate weapons could be crossbows or (i would like) a bow/crossbow that notched multiple arrows at once.


2) Several frames have invisibility and banshee has the silence ability reducing enemy perceptions. You could try these if you want, if that isn't enough i guess you'll have to wait for more, they confirmed on the livestream they are working on another one could be what you are after.

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1. Why we can change ? like male warframe can be female warframe and female warframe can be male warframe.




I don't understand why people would want this. Honestly I don't. It's no different than playing games like Metroid or Tomb Raider, nobody complained about Samus or Lara being a girl or asked to be able to change themselves to a male character.


If you can explain what the problem is with playing a female character, calmly and logically please, feel free to do so. I'd really like to know.

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I don't understand why people would want this. Honestly I don't. It's no different than playing games like Metroid or Tomb Raider, nobody complained about Samus or Lara being a girl or asked to be able to change themselves to a male character.


If you can explain what the problem is with playing a female character, calmly and logically please, feel free to do so. I'd really like to know.


He actually expressed a gender-neautral opinion. As in he would like the option either way.


I always enjoyed playing as Lara...

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He actually expressed a gender-neautral opinion. As in he would like the option either way.


I always enjoyed playing as Lara...


Again the swap question comes up. Nobody wanted to change Master Chief or Snake to females. I just don't understand the whole genderswap thing.

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I was about to suggest allowing players to choose gender, then all their warframes would be that gender. It's a suit, yes, but that doesn't mean you can't have the warframes locked to a particular gender.


The idea is that maybe in the future they'd have a space for socializing without the warframes on. Basically a player hub where you can just go around, chat, (hopefully) trade in-game items, actually see at the arsenal, the market, and the foundry as actual places. Maybe even role play a bit. 


edit: bumped it up, but it's better than starting a new topic.

Edited by TonyWong
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TonyWong, on 17 Apr 2013 - 09:22 AM, said:

I was about to suggest allowing players to choose gender, then all their warframes would be that gender. It's a suit, yes, but that doesn't mean you can't have the warframes locked to a particular gender.

The idea is that maybe in the future they'd have a space for socializing without the warframes on. Basically a player hub where you can just go around, chat, (hopefully) trade in-game items, actually see at the arsenal, the market, and the foundry as actual places. Maybe even role play a bit.

edit: bumped it up, but it's better than starting a new topic.

Tenno are elite space ninjas who think nothing of assaulting a heavily defended enemy compound by ourselves. I can't really see them getting together for a bagel and late in their downtime!

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To be honest the inability to change the gender of our Warframes concerns me a bit as well. Not to a crippling extent, but I do have a somewhat particular reason to want the option of swapping the gender of my Warframe. Example. My starting frame is Loki. I like my Loki. I maxed out his level, I gathered resources, I made him somewhat combat capable (enemies around level 20 don't seem to be a problem, but anyway). But say I want another Warframe now, just for kicks. And it turns out my selection is, in a way, halved because I can't associate the wearer of my Loki suit with a female Warframe. It creates a discrepancy of sorts, because I'd like to think I'm still playing the same character or am the same character. So it's a bit of a shame in my opinion that awesome-looking frames like the Mag don't have a male version. It's not like I'm going to bleed from the eyes just because the gender of my character is different from my own, but still. Matter of feeling invested in your character and having a chance to better associate with him/her I think. 


A good suggestion I've seen in the forums is simply to bolster the Warframe roster with additional frames that are sort of like "siblings" of opposite gender. That way the uniqueness of each suit isn't compromised, but at least if I want a sound-controlling Warframe like the Banshee I don't have to disassociate it with the male character I initially picked. So that alternative would be really nice too. Still, I realize it'll probably take a lot of time and what the devs are doing so far I really like, so it's not a pressing matter to me personally. Still I join those who want to see some solution to the fixed gender issue at some point in the future. 

Edited by V0lk0v
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To be honest the inability to change the gender of our Warframes concerns me a bit as well. Not to a crippling extent, but I do have a somewhat particular reason to want the option of swapping the gender of my Warframe. Example. My starting frame is Loki. I like my Loki. I maxed out his level, I gathered resources, I made him somewhat combat capable (enemies around level 20 don't seem to be a problem, but anyway). But say I want another Warframe now, just for kicks. And it turns out my selection is, in a way, halved because I can't associate the wearer of my Loki suit with a female Warframe. It creates a discrepancy of sorts, because I'd like to think I'm still playing the same character or am the same character. So it's a bit of a shame in my opinion that awesome-looking frames like the Mag don't have a male version. It's not like I'm going to bleed from the eyes just because the gender of my character is different from my own, but still. Matter of feeling invested in your character and having a chance to better associate with him/her I think. 


A good suggestion I've seen in the forums is simply to bolster the Warframe roster with additional frames that are sort of like "siblings" of opposite gender. That way the uniqueness of each suit isn't compromised, but at least if I want a sound-controlling Warframe like the Banshee I don't have to disassociate it with the male character I initially picked. So that alternative would be really nice too. Still, I realize it'll probably take a lot of time and what the devs are doing so far I really like, so it's not a pressing matter to me personally. Still I join those who want to see some solution to the fixed gender issue at some point in the future. 


There are a few theories (that may or may not have been debunked by now) that the warframes don't actually encompass people.  That they're remote-operated machines of death, and that the faction that is "awakening" them (that we know little about, except that Lotus works for them) is really both recruiting pilots and warframes for their war.  At least in that case your warframe would be disconnected from your gender identity.

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I don't think most people who want choosable genders are ashamed to play as the opposite sex, more that they want to connect with a character they see as an extension of themselves. I can and will play as Excalibur, but I want to feel more like the frame is mine. 

At no point in the current fluff/gameplay is the idea that each frame is unique or special supported, so why the heck not?

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There are a few theories (that may or may not have been debunked by now) that the warframes don't actually encompass people.  That they're remote-operated machines of death, and that the faction that is "awakening" them (that we know little about, except that Lotus works for them) is really both recruiting pilots and warframes for their war.  At least in that case your warframe would be disconnected from your gender identity.

I for one dislike that theory to tell you the truth. The Tenno were described in what little fluff is given as ancient warriors who have mastered the use of Warframe exo-armor, meaning it is, after all, a piece of equipment. And one way or other feeling disconnected from your character in a game for whatever reason takes away from the experience a bit. At least for those who want to be immersed. 


I don't think most people who want choosable genders are ashamed to play as the opposite sex, more that they want to connect with a character they see as an extension of themselves. I can and will play as Excalibur, but I want to feel more like the frame is mine. 

At no point in the current fluff/gameplay is the idea that each frame is unique or special supported, so why the heck not?


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Possibly 1 on 1 in the dojo?


PvP really doesn't seem a likely avenue for this game to go down, based on the information given previously and the devs reluctance to even acknowledge it in the livestream.


Part of your desire could probably be fulfilled with this new dojo system but i doubt there will be a global hub for socialising, trading etc. like a typical MMO.

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This old chestnut of a request. I think I read somewhere on these very forums that someone (Probably the devs) likened the Warframes to the playable characters in League of Legends. The warframes are not blank slates for the player to project themselves onto, they are preset characters with their own personality. You immerse yourself by putting yourself in the shoes of an already defined character.


EG: Master Chief, Samus, Lara Croft, Captain Olimar.


In short, doubtful that gender swapping will -ever- be realized.

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