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100 Kubro Runs



 i have been farming this damn egg for 3 days now and i cant get one egg to Drop....  no i dont have one and yes i have all the correct things to get it. i can not afford to buy it with play seeing as i have none.... whats the deal?  anyone have any idea on why i cant just get one to drop?  its just a go in and kill everything and break the nests right? everyone else has one of these damn things.... and i cant even get the egg.... 

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You can't afford 10p? That's like 2 prime pieces sold in trading...


I got my first egg pretty quick, i got my second end in the last kubrow quest mission, and for my third one i searched for a couple of days and i finally just ended up buying one cause i made some good cash selling the prints of the first two.


I know some folks dont like paying for stuff but 10 is really cheap. Two mods can get you 10p, do a couple of Derelict missions and sell those for two for 10p. That's mad cheap as well so people will go for it.

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Thats the point you genius. The droprates are so friggin low that you HAVE to buy it with plat. See what's wrong there?

You don't HAVE too, you're just too impatient to keep trying. PLENTY of people have found eggs, it's called RNG. 


Jeez do you even play Warframe, genius?

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I found one on my first day, but only when I went solo. It seems to be easier that way. My friend did it solo and found it on his second try. 

I recommend you keep trying. The drop rate isn't all that bad. If you want a bit of platinum, just sell a Nightmare mod into trading, or something of the sort. It's pretty easy actually.


I'm more worried about the RNG of what our Kubrows look like. But after the color update last night, mine doesn't appear plain white, it's actually gray with brownish spots, so I'm actually more satisfied. Woohoo.



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You don't HAVE too, you're just too impatient to keep trying. PLENTY of people have found eggs, it's called RNG. 


Jeez do you even play Warframe, genius?

When some drop 4 eggs a day and some hunt for them 3 days straight and never see one then your beloved RNG is flawed beyond repair.


Do you even play Warframe? There are more players than just you, who are equally important and a lot of them have problems with RNG.

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