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(Week 2) Great Philosophical Questions


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apologies for missing last week i was not botherd to go on my computer.


i think we all know what this is. again there are no wrong answers. just diffrent mindsets.

(if you dont know id ask that you follow this link; https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/260787-great-philosophical-questions/#entry3029025


take a look at this picture.




is the glass half full or half empty? why?


relsults: nobody voted any specific comment up but it sems everyone agrees that "being full" is the consensus

Edited by slykidd
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It is entirely full.


The illusion of nothing being in the top half of the glass is due to the significant difference in density of H20 and assorted atmospheric gasses in a strong gravitational field causing a separation into two distinct regions.


Not optimism, just observations. Personally, I think that looks more like peroxide than water. Why don't you have a taste?

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It can depend on the context of the phrase you use it in: I drank the glass half empty, I filled the glass until it was half full.


If you wanna emphasize the lack of water you use half empty, if you want to emphasize that theres water in it, its half full.

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Logistically, half full, as there are no marks or dirt on the glass to indicate someone has drank the other half from it, indicating it was never full to begin with, therefore whoever filled it, must have only filled it half way. Half full. If someone was to fill it to the top, then drink from it, it would be half empty, as it had been depleted by half.


Im assuming you're trying to gauge weather people are optimists or pessimists, but im a realist.

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IMO, it's half-full. The glass is merely a container, and in it's natural state is empty unless filled with something or nothing.

Even then, it is technically always full. Either it is full with air, or any volume of anything combined with air.

Philisophically, it's always full (not half full, full full). Everything can be potentially looked at an optimistic view. But because humans are somewhat selfish, pessimism arises and most people naturally look at things at a half full/ half empty kind of way, according to whatever situation. There's nothing wrong with this, as selfish acts can be put to benefit others (ie, I want someone to be happy, I want to give my child my food, I want to do the right thing).

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