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UI Suggestion


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Hi I don't know if someone already suggested this already, but instead of having the health and shield and all the other things in a square box on the top right, how about make it appear as your helmet's hud display around the center of the camera or something like that, that would make it kind of futuristic.

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I see what you mean, Kind of the way dead space shows health on a suit? I dont really look at the health though tbh, the animations for when your shield has left, when its repleneshing and the effect when your low health is probably enough. Disabling some of the UI might be a good feature though.

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I see what you mean, Kind of the way dead space shows health on a suit? I dont really look at the health though tbh, the animations for when your shield has left, when its repleneshing and the effect when your low health is probably enough. Disabling some of the UI might be a good feature though.

Yea exactly! Like dead space, but yea I don't look at my health either, all i know is if my shield is up then I'm good, and if I see my screen flashing red then I'm out of there.

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that right, i always die because i haven't seen my shield was broken and my health was low, and i UI like in dead space could be very uesful

There's a red effect on your character once your shields die, and a blue one once you start charging them back. Look better ^_^
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There's a red effect on your character once your shields die, and a blue one once you start charging them back. Look better ^_^

While that's true, knowing that your shields have just broken right when you're surrounded or in the middle of enemies is very VERY inconvenient. What people are wanting is the ability to see your their health and shields to prevent them from getting broken in the first place, see the problem here? The UI isn't the worst I've ever seen, but it needs a few tweaks to be more acceptable for everyone.

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Yeah, the borders of the screen are blue when your shield is hit, red when you take health damage.

I do think there's an easier way to see your health and shield values, like something on the bottom of the screen (I've always loved how in Skyrim, those bars fade and disappear when full, so they don't obscure the screen until you actually take damage).

As far as having to look at a tiny part of the armor to tell how much shield and health my guy has, I wouldn't enjoy that. I shouldn't need to squint to know how much shield/health I have. It should be something I can see with my peripheral vision so I can focus on what's in front of me while I run for cover, instead of focusing on a small bar or number to try and figure out if I need to take cover or not.

Lastly, I think a sound or animation to indicate the shield being broken would be excellent. It shouldn't scream at me, but maybe little sparks I'd see with my peripheral vision, or a slight blue tint covers the screen, then quickly cracks and falls away to show me my shield is broken without being distracting. It could be a simple fracture that splits a slightly blue screen, then falls away until another audio/visual cue indicates my shields are recharging.

My main focus is that it should be something I can see without looking at and focusing on; Peripheral. If it is something that stares me in the face, light the blue tint fracturing, it shouldn't be obscuring, lingering, or impair my ability to see guys shooting at me and obstacles I can get behind.

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