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Sexier Male Warframes


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And the whole "female=softer" thing...these tropes just make it more clear that many people still ascribe to caveman levels of gender discourse.

Eh, well, sexual dimorphism is a real thing, and depicting human females as "softer" than human males will always be an accurate and reasonable representation of any setting that features human beings.

My problem with the trope is that males aren't "harder" than females because of some ethereal essence, but because they are larger, stronger, faster, more physically aggressive and assertive, etc. My problem with "strong" females is that almost every depiction of them seem to forget that strong males are strong not because they're male, but because they have all those other traits.

When "strong" females are then presented as somehow being strong without possessing any of these traits it doesn't make sense in-universe... even if it does make sense as a design choice, the purpose of which is to appeal to the audience not look "realistic".

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Zero suit... oink-oink.

Also it was a joke from first game 



"The famous scene of Samus' reveal to be female at the end of 1986's Metroid, described as the original "jaw-dropping moment" by UGO. It was also called the greatest twist in video games by Game Informer in 2007 and the greatest moment in Nintendo's history by GameDaily in 2008."


So the whole point was that you was not able to tell her gender till the end of SAMUS STORY. In warframe it is YOUR story, and I gues I wont like to play as something with "not sure if boy or girl" apearance, since a frame that will have some sort of duality in it's look will just make more flamewars about what gender should it be.


Also if you brought Samus argument - I guees Frost and Rhino will suit here. They have so much fuking armor and other stuff on top of frame user that you can easly pretend that those two are unisex models.




This is basically a real life Rhino suit for example. 



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I like the male Frames current muscular build. they remind me of classic Spider-Man. Not buff at all, but extremely strong. I mean they've got some muscle and that's ok. We don't need Vin Diesel Rhino and the size'em-up crew running around causing trouble in the galaxy. besides Ninja are usually sleek and durable than super buff and defined. it's a balance between strength and speed, not just indomitable force. Like Frost, he's sleek because he looks cool(no pun intended) with his coat and stuff.


The female have definition to make them seem different from each other because females are different from each other. just my opinion, but hear me out: I think guys are harder to define in shape than women, but they aren't necessarily all the same build. It's false similarity; you could almost immediately tell the difference between two women of nearly similar mass than two guy who look almost the same. so, to have all the guy nearly at the same build(except Rhino) seems to make some sense rather than have all the females look like Ember. Again just my thoughts.

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The female have definition to make them seem different from each other because females are different from each other. just my opinion, but hear me out: I think guys are harder to define in shape than women, but they aren't necessarily all the same build. It's false similarity; you could almost immediately tell the difference between two women of nearly similar mass than two guy who look almost the same. so, to have all the guy nearly at the same build(except Rhino) seems to make some sense rather than have all the females look like Ember. Again just my thoughts.


I honestly have no idea what this sentence is supposed to mean. I'm warning you, if I figure it out I may have to be offended :P

What I think you're saying is that men have more possible body types than women which is total BS. Look at all these, and this is just athletes.



Edited by ValhaHazred
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I honestly have no idea what this sentence is supposed to mean. I'm warning you, if I figure it out I may have to be offended :P

What I think you're saying is that men have more possible body types than women which is total BS. Look at all these, and this is just athletes.



No, hahaha. I'm not trying to offend. But what I'm saying is that women have more "noticeable" body types than men.

out of that image you showed me, can you not fullyor clearly tell the differences between each type just by looking at them? I can almost prompted point out what's different about each one of their body types. Men are no different, however, even with as many variants as the one you showed for women, male bodies are not too easily distinguishable when the type is so close to the last. For example, I'm a average built guy. If a guy was just about 25% more built than I am and you put him not to me, I doubt you'd be able to tell the differences so easily.




Look at that. Clearly the are all different body types as listed. But to the unkeen eye, can you truly see much of a gran difference between athletic and bodybuider? or skinny and average? what about built-fat and bear-mode? I know they are different and I can see the minor differences. But honestly, I can't see a grand difference in them like I do in female body types. I hope this doesn't sound confusing.

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No, hahaha. I'm not trying to offend. But what I'm saying is that women have more "noticeable" body types than men.


Ah, you worded it so oddly I thought you where saying the opposite. That said I disagree. Men have just as many different body types as women. The bodies of the men in your example are very easily differentiated. Heck the beefcakes in the post above this one have some very different bodies. Compare far right and kneeling middle.

Maybe I can see it better because I'm an artist, I practiced long and hard (and drew a lot of naked people) to avoid giving my characters the same body.

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Ah, you worded it so oddly I thought you where saying the opposite. That said I disagree. Men have just as many different body types as women. The bodies of the men in your example are very easily differentiated. Heck the beefcakes in the post above this one have some very different bodies. Compare far right and kneeling middle.

Maybe I can see it better because I'm an artist, I practiced long and hard (and drew a lot of naked people) to avoid giving my characters the same body.

I too am an artist, but visually these bodies carry very little weight depth than each to me. I can still draw them in their differences but their differences aren't very much grander than the last. Beefcakes left end and left kneeling both have different bicep and pectoral muscular definition. but the definition of them isn't so defined that I can honestly say they are too completely different builds. it's just a slight change more-so than a huge jump like it is for the guy far right and the guy kneeling middle . maybe it's just me.

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Won't those tight shorts strangle his babies? I'm just wondering. >.>


Anyway back to the topic. I understand wanting to add muscle lines into the suits themselves and I quite like the middle image in the OPs first post link. I wouldn't mind having a slight change, but with the way the suits are done in the game and the implied thickness of the material it would purely be for aesthetics. Personally I won't be upset if they don't add it and I won't be upset if they do. As long as the warframe still look like they can wipeout a whole platoon of enemies all by themselves is all I'm interested in. I could go into the whole male/female thing but this isn't the worst sexualization I've seen in a multiplayer game. It's pretty tame in my opinion. If you had to compare here and Aion or Tera where even the males look ultra sexy and calendar model-like and the females look like they never have enough material for armor, you will understand why I don't feel that the design for the current warframes are that bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Relevant:  http://www.bestinfographics.info/img/Drawing-Muscles-1.jpg


The second half of this info-graphic is especially relevant to the conversation at hand, but the whole thing's pretty good.

This is Fantastic, im all about abs now,

i agree about the fact that more defenition would be better, in cetain specific (less armored or more flexible)area, and that they need to have masculine approch in general


and did you ever see a ninja witout his garb, there guys are ripped to the bone!!!, their training are hyper intense and it show

on a totally not serious side note, more defenition on the upper body part of female warframe is alawas a plus. these are super tight armor we are taking about afther all, (men have to be men)

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