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Is This Game Pay To Win?


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I'm not sure that your trade system is good, being able to purchase play with resources, i think that it wouldn't work, but a good way to make players pay even a little bit would be restricting the trade system to only people who have paid, even a very small amount. I think it is a pretty good ideea.

I don't think I explained it all that clearly. And a strict "copy" of the eve system wouldn't work anyway


But consider this..


I have bought some plat (because I can) And all I want in the whole wide world is a Shotgun spaz mod.


You have a shotgun spaz mod that you don't use, and all you want is another frame slot.


I buy the mod from you,in-game, with plat.

You buy a frame slot.


You get your frame, I get my mod, and DE get's the cash from my plat purchase.


Again, don't know if it would work...However it does allow for completely free play for those who have time but no funds. And a simplified game for those who have funds but little time. Either way, as the only source of plat, DE get the money. 

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Anyone who is complaining about this game being P2W, has never played a real P2W game.


This is not a P2W game, the only thing you  can't get ingame is more weapon slots, more frame slots, and colors.... thats it...


none of those are neccessary either, nor do they give you an advantage, once your in a mission, none of that matters.


Go play DnD stormreach to cap level, you'll be pissed about how much content you arent allowed to do without paying.


Go play Swtor, its more of a freaking demo than f2p.

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pay to win? XD Yeah for sure. I dont see why people always see it from the whining side.

Guys, you get a game that normally would cost 60 bucks, for free. You get all the content for free, and you still want more, for actually nothing...

I don't think you game co apologists understand the reason for free 2 play games.


It's because a small handful of people would play $60 for this game, it would have a small community and then it would die or be forced to go free to play.


It's not because they're generous it's because f2p is the only way to get customers these days because there's so many other games vying for not only your money but your TIME.


This is where it comes down to first, is the game worth my TIME? If it's worth my time and I intend to play it for a long time because I enjoy it then it's worth my MONEY and I'm more likely to buy aesthetic things that make me enjoy the game more. This is how most people approach free to play games.


If your mindset is "I'm not enjoying this game but if I paid for it maybe I would" you're going about it all wrong. 


That said the game has fun to offer but I currently see myself getting bored of it because it is monotonous and dead ended at this point. 

-What I would like to see if more map variety (open outdoorsy maps, maybe caverns, woods, various planetary surfaces) 

-More interesting bosses that don't just involve melee stunlock, like the Jackal

-More randomness in the game, I like that not every run of the same mission is the same map, sometimes different enemies show up on the same run, I'd like to see more of this, maybe something similar to L4D tank, where occasionally mini bosses show up and need defeating without warning


I haven't yet seen Pluto which to my understanding is more difficult and I look forward to seeing it for myself. 

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Play diablo 3 right now, use $10 to skip all the grind in the game by buying the most powerful items in the game. That's pretty much how spending plat on weapons and warframes functions right now due to actual stat+potatoed stat+slot advantages compared to their blueprint counterparts.

Warframe IS currently P2W and the only real solution to this is to make purchasable items not give stat bonuses. F2P games like Path of Exile and LoL have opted for only purchaseable cosmetics, although the upgrade in stash space in PoE does give an unnoticeable crafting advantage. DE has already stated that they don't agree with profits completely dependent on cosmetics so yeah, their business model currently supports being P2W.

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If i have 4 warframes i can't get a new one unless i sell one of the old ones, so i am being denied that warframe and all the others. So i have no acces unless i sell one of them. Wouldn't it be better to just make 3 accounts and have all the slots for weapons and warframes that i want?

Yes it will and i just realised that this is the biggest flaw of the system. Unlike other PvP games wher you keep your stats for kills/wins etc. and that they kinda matter, in this game they don't and other than a few weapons that you can get only if you advance in level you are better off just making new accounts and leveling just one account so that you can get those weapons.



I dont think there is a game out there that doesnt have a limit on slot whether it's free or pay to play.

So this isn't some unique argument to this game.

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This game is pay to win, of course. Explain me how can I get Orokin catalysts for my weapons without paying money. By farming alerts? No thanks, 'cause I'm a casual gamer. So it's my fault if I don't give enough time to the game, of course. While if you pay, you skip the time intensive part of the game. In my case, yes, it's pay to win.


I completely disagree. Just because it takes a lot of effort to get those catalysts and reactors doesn't mean its impossible for a casual gamer, infact if you have twitter you don't even need to farm alerts since it tells you exactly what the ? reward is for every alert that pops up.


This game is FAR from pay2win and your definition of pay2win is grossly wrong. Pay2win = the best gear is only obtainable by spending a lot of money.

Edited by DarkDestiny
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well if ure gonna play the game for a long time and u want too get all the weapons and gear YES u will have too pay


is it alot NO ? its not 


would i like too see it changed into rank/credits   probably but the  company still has too make money so  



for 20 $  u can probably buy everything u need 


and people who say omg i dont have that money ......

i wonder how you pay  for your internet anyways  

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well if ure gonna play the game for a long time and u want too get all the weapons and gear YES u will have too pay


is it alot NO ? its not 


would i like too see it changed into rank/credits   probably but the  company still has too make money so  



for 20 $  u can probably buy everything u need 


and people who say omg i dont have that money ......

i wonder how you pay  for your internet anyways  


less than that if you ask me even with 5 bucks you can unlock a lot of slots (IMO are more important than potatoes)

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Game is very easy to pick up. Doesn't take long to master at all.


Definitely not pay to win. I would HIGHLY suggest picking up at least the 20$ founder pack though, so you can get a sentinel (SUPER useful), and it will give you some plat to get some slots for more frames, I wouldn't worry about getting too many weapon slots.


Honestly there is only maybe about a half dozen weapons worth even owning in the game, at least imo.


No way, gotta catch'em all!

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I'd just like to add that multi accounting actually sets back progress as far as being "denied" several hard to craft items/gear, since you will be splitting your pool of available mods, which in the current system means less high ranked mods. As well as the added time leveling and farming mods for the starting equipment to be able to handle the higher level planets for warframes and materials. Also you can buy every weapon and warframe in the game, if you don't play and gather a decent collection of mods you'll still be worse off than the guy with zero supercharged items but decent mods in his rank 30 gear.

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I completely disagree. Just because it takes a lot of effort to get those catalysts and reactors doesn't mean its impossible for a casual gamer, infact if you have twitter you don't even need to farm alerts since it tells you exactly what the ? reward is for every alert that pops up.


The thing is, that's not effort, that's luck. You can't be at the computer 24/7, so if you aren't there for that 30-50 minute window, you miss your chance. Too bad, so sad. That "effort" you spent on watching for alerts doesn't pay off because you weren't there for that tiny window. If you wish to still call it effort, it's effort with an incredibly unreliable reward that your effort has no bearing on. Perhaps we have different definitions of "casual" but having to pay attention to something at all times does not seem like a "casual" investment.

Edited by TheChaffeemancer
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it's pay to play, you need to buy slots for warframes/weapons with real life money


Pay to play? Nonsense. You can easily sell one frame to buy another. besides that. You dont have to pay anything to play the game....

And your 50 start plat is enough to buy 2 additonal frame slots.....

Edited by Venarge
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lool why would you sell the stuff you grinded so much for?


I like the game very much but let's not kid ourselves here, it's not F2P. You need to spent money on it if you want to play it for more than a few hours.


Thats simply not true. like I said: Start plat.

I sitll play the game over and over with my mainframe. Sure, I have 5 others. But most time I go with ash. You can have all the stuff. If you want all the stuff at once, you have to pay. And 5 bucks arent really the world....

Besides that. This whole debating is simply useless. They already stated that they are aware of the slot thing and work on it. In the end, you will most likely get slots every two mastery ranks or something. Everyone is happy....

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this game is not pay to win, its pay 4 convience as many have stated.


if you don't have time or money, then yes your going to take a while, but why do you feel you can demand more than that? Why do you deserve to be handed an easymode catalyst? Why even have them if they would be easy to get?


there is an age old saying: "Time is money."


if you don't have money, you'll need time. if you don't have time, you'll need money. If money only replaces time in your game, it is pay for convinenence. Pay to win can ONLY be made to describe games that have game impacting purchases that are only for real life cash. at this point as far as I'm aware that is only the omni ammo pack and color pallets.

Edited by Phlyn
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I simply don't understand how people can say that Warframe is p2w game. That is so ridiculous. You can play comfortable without spent a cent. Everything can be found or craft without paying. For me is even better to buy blueprint (for in game currency), find materials, and than build in foundy weapon (or warframe or something else), than buying wapon for real money, because it's more challenging. We all should be gratefull to Digital Extremes for this great FREE game. I play a lot of "free to play" and almost every of them is p2w, Warframe is one of the few really free games. In Warframe buying platinum (spending real money) isn't tool of winning but our reward for the developers. They really deserv this. Thank you DE, Warframe is the best.

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