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Ps4 U14 [Megathread]


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Devstream 34 will have Pablo and Dorian from UI team as the guests, I don't think they can answer your question.


In any case, you can ask that question in chat and hope that Rebecca has an update. Thread title edited for clarity and moved to the proper section.

Oh yeah I forgot, oh well. An thanks I didnt know where to put this.

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I don't know how many times we have to tell you console peasants PS4 Players, but DE is not in full control in releasing the new updates. It isn't like DE is a jerk and doesn't like you PS4 players, it is that unlike PC where they can pump out their releases willy nilly, in PS4 they have to go through a middle man, Sony. Sony has to approve of their updates before they can release them, and because you console peasants PS4 players are still running on "next Gen technology" that is still significantly weaker than the PC, they might have to compress the files. This is the same reason why the console community has been left out in the dark in Payday 2, as the Devs claimed it was too expensive, the game was too big, and they had to go through a middleman, whereas the PC version is still getting updates to this day.

Although I agree that this "when are we gonna get the new update" thread has been kicked mercilessly like a dead Kubrow, your elitist PC attitude regarding PS4 players is disgusting (yes we can read your crossed out derogatory comments).

You sir, need to take your toxic punk mentality to PC Specific Feedback and STAY there.

Edited by (PS4)kcarpe2007
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Starting an argument over a simple question, and from PC players nonetheless....

Weather it's still "buggy" or it requires a lot of moeny and time for the update, that shouldn't mean we don't get updates... we are paying costumers as well so I hate to think that my $200+ would go to waste, because ever since I bought the Loki prime access I haven't been playing WF waiting for U14 (hype long gone for me) and  it's completely obvious that the PS4 doesn't get 1/4th the attention PC version does... and I'm not just talking about U14, previous releases as well, so PC players are the last people I want to hear this sh*t from

Edited by (PS4)TD-TheTwins
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Rebecca just mentioned on the devstream that "Mid August" is the target for sending U14 for certification.  


and Steve sounded a bit more optimistic in that he said he hopes to submit to SONY cert next week, and I would assume he has more hands-on info than Rebecca, but still I would wager on "mid-August"



also, if they submit next week and SONY takes 1.5 weeks to approve due to the size of the build that would technically take us into "mid-August"

Edited by (PS4)yamikeigo
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so September then?

also why is my emblem rhino prime when in game I have changed it to loki prime?


Probably like Aug 20-something it will be active if they aren't delayed by anything. I want it too, trust me on that.


DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH!!  I will be very surprised if we see this in August. They will submit it to cert , but i don't think we will see it till September.The last update took about two weeks in cert so this is one going to take just as long or longer.

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same, but I'll still show WF a bit of love


Diablo 3 and then Destiny? Doubt i have the time for Warframe ... I have a  feeling both games with keep me going a long long time, i had D3 on PS3 and played it for ages. Unfortunately , even though warframe is a good game, it does not have anything to hold me to it. RNG is doing my head it and the constantly lagging behind PC (unnecessary)  is just pissing me off. Loki is my favourite Warframe but I haven't arsed getting Loki Prime purely due to RNG. 

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Did they ever fix solar map progress being ruined? Where extractors would become undeployable?

And I wonder why Strun Wraith event mentioned in the stream failed to materialize.


Also, did they really think bundling breeding grounds with U14 was a good idea? I think anyone could see this being a terrible idea from a mile away while bound and blinded... God...




The day after Diablo 3 is released. I know where I will be :)

I'm thinking about it too. Although I'll more interested in Bullet Girls on Vita, comes out around the same time.


I'm honestly losing patience with them. Diablo 3 gives you unique dungeon with Last of Us enemies, PS exclusive. Warframe not only never offered us excalibur, lato and skana primes, they haven't properly removed them form the game. Exclusives? A lazy syandana, 5 minutes of work in photoshop on it's texture. To compensate for a version of Excalibur for void missions and a lato that is actually usable?

I know a lot of people like me are still in it because we spend a lot before we realized what was going on, but really, at some point you have to let stuff fail to serve as an example.

Say what you will, with Destiny and Diablo 3 we are treated as preferred customers. With Warframe we're being spit at. You can apologize all you want, only thing that matters is what you do.

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If they still need two weeks before they ship u14 to cert, they should just ship Breeding grounds to cert today


Yup, this is what i meant with unnecessary lagging behind. They could submit smaller intermediate updates to PS4 but simply won't. Cert does not take that long and with these smaller build with new content it keeps players happy and going until the next major update. 

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Diablo 3 and then Destiny? Doubt i have the time for Warframe ... I have a  feeling both games with keep me going a long long time, i had D3 on PS3 and played it for ages. Unfortunately , even though warframe is a good game, it does not have anything to hold me to it. RNG is doing my head it and the constantly lagging behind PC (unnecessary)  is just &!$$ing me off. Loki is my favourite Warframe but I haven't arsed getting Loki Prime purely due to RNG. 


unfortunately WF will see a mass exodus when the AAA titles launch. That's just a fact. Gamers will be spread thin for time with so many options for games. I love this game, but it suffers a bit in the replayability aspect. It's almost as if those things that make it unique also hold it back so much aka the MOD system. It's such a cool concept, but balancing it out for PvP (replayability) is no easy task.

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Yup, this is what i meant with unnecessary lagging behind. They could submit smaller intermediate updates to PS4 but simply won't. Cert does not take that long and with these smaller build with new content it keeps players happy and going until the next major update. 

yep,pc players are always happy with new content,while ps4 players watch it on twitch and just feel jaded,but its a losing battle.....,they waited to long to listen to ps4 players,now the blockbusters are coming.....

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unfortunately WF will see a mass exodus when the AAA titles launch. That's just a fact. Gamers will be spread thin for time with so many options for games. I love this game, but it suffers a bit in the replayability aspect. It's almost as if those things that make it unique also hold it back so much aka the MOD system. It's such a cool concept, but balancing it out for PvP (replayability) is no easy task.


Not just AAA, i'm currently playing Sniper 3 and Resogun to keep me busy. I log onto Warframe now and then to see if I have the stomach to grind (RNG) for Loki Prime which ends in me closing the game and play said above games.


My friends have stopped playing it because of this as well. It was fun while it lasted, unfortunately PC is the favourite child here and PS4 is being left behind and personally I'm no waiting around to see what happens and as said, neither are my friends. 

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Yup, this is what i meant with unnecessary lagging behind. They could submit smaller intermediate updates to PS4 but simply won't. Cert does not take that long and with these smaller build with new content it keeps players happy and going until the next major update. 


Unfortunately the matter is not clear on this. IF Sony charges developers for certification, which has been implied many times on this forum, then submitting numerous builds does not make sense for DE. IF Sonye DOES NOT charge, then obviously the onus is on DE to submit a more steady steam of builds.


However, I don't think anyone outside of the devs and Sony is explicitly clear on whether SONY charges for cert or not

Edited by (PS4)yamikeigo
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