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Please Take Out The Stasis Cooldown Mechanic.


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    After looking over this post can I just make the point that if the wait time is to stop us from exploiting the decay rate, then maybe make the process of either storing the Kuberow or withdrawing it be punishable with DNA degradation instad of a wait time? It's not exactly that hard of a concept, and there's a few better ways to implement it. Maybe I have let's say Valkyr with a solo fighting Kuberow, because she doesn't need any support. I have fun with her for a couple runs before I wanna switch to a stealthier frame. Call me crazy but I might want to swap to a stealthier Kuberow. Then who knows? after that run I might wanna run yet another frame! and that frame will likely have different needs.


    My point being I am a very much so an End game Vet player, I have so many credits that the current state of DNA degradation doesn't bother me. I happily bought 60 stabilizers without a care. However I also have a life, I don't farm void gear, and I don't feel I should have to pay for swapping my Kuberows out for each other.


    I love DE, I think their the best damn developers I've ever seen, but kuberows had a lot of really dangerous marketing schemes backing them. I will buy Master packs, prime access pack, and every single cosmetic they come out with. Because I love this game and this company. But I am completely against buying a random chance of _____. and I am against paying to swap gear.


    I don't feel I have the right to demand things of DE as a company, and I don't feel I have the right to tell people how to play this game. Both things kinda annoy the hell outa me. So this is my feedback, Until the stasis cooldown changes significantly, I'm going to enjoy my one Kuberow, I'll grind up three more for mastery, but once I do It's back to the one I can use on pretty much any frame. It's not worth it to me to pay plat regardless how little, and I don't plan on changing the way I play so I can work around a 3 hour cooldown.

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