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This Has To Stop.

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To add to that, every five waves is guaranteed to get paid out to you.  If you get past wave 5 but your team bails at wave 7 and you have to leave, you get everything you've earned up to wave 5 at least.   The same for wave 10, 15, 20, etc.

But you do not get Xp, now do you?

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But you do not get Xp, now do you?

No, but you should.  That's the point, everything you've gained up to that checkmark wave should be rewarded to you if you decide to leave before the next checkmark.  I hate the idea of getting to wave 10 and having it contain 3 times as many enemies as wave 9, with most of them being healer ancients so no one is taking damage.  I'd rather cut my losses and take what I earned up to wave 5 than lose it all because the game decided to randomly spawn way more ancients than in the last mission.

Edited by Aramanth
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How about just adding time (e.g. 5 seconds) to the timer every time someone changes a vote from stay to leave, or from leave to stay. Of course, this would have to be capped at 15 seconds or so to prevent trolls from just adding infinite time to the timer.

fantastic idea we could also add a cap to the number of switches, to keep them from constantly switching and keeping the time at 15 seconds. And also when everyone have made the same choice either to "battle" or "leave" the timer should automatically drop to a 5 seconds countdown.

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How about just adding time (e.g. 5 seconds) to the timer every time someone changes a vote from stay to leave, or from leave to stay. Of course, this would have to be capped at 15 seconds or so to prevent trolls from just adding infinite time to the timer.


This guy knows what he is talking about. Everyone listen to him.

(I'm serious)

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I'm just tired of people jumping out after wave 5....I mean wth wave 5?! Even if, I mean even IF you are an unranked Tenno the other players are going to help you. I understand if you have work you need to get to but I'd rather a defense mission like the alert Defense where it's 10 waves no matter what and you can't backout unless you quit. 

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I'm just tired of people jumping out after wave 5....I mean wth wave 5?! Even if, I mean even IF you are an unranked Tenno the other players are going to help you. I understand if you have work you need to get to but I'd rather a defense mission like the alert Defense where it's 10 waves no matter what and you can't backout unless you quit. 


Yeah! Ruk you for having a busy schedule and only having time to play this game for so long you absolute nub.

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No, but you should.  That's the point, everything you've gained up to that checkmark wave should be rewarded to you if you decide to leave before the next checkmark.  I hate the idea of getting to wave 10 and having it contain 3 times as many enemies as wave 9, with most of them being healer ancients so no one is taking damage.  I'd rather cut my losses and take what I earned up to wave 5 than lose it all because the game decided to randomly spawn way more ancients than in the last mission.

So leave or fail mission...Leaving from what I read gets you nothing, failing however, gets you all but Xp.

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So leave or fail mission...Leaving from what I read gets you nothing, failing however, gets you all but Xp.


Sorry, I guess I'm bad at explaining things. :(


What I'm proposing is a system where instead of risking everything on one more wave, you're guaranteed to keep the rewards you've obtained up to a "checkmark" wave.  When I say checkmark, I mean waves 5, 10, 15, etc.  Waves you'd normally leave at, basically.  All XP and items (mods, blueprints, equipment pieces, resources, etc.) obtained up to and on a checkmark wave are guaranteed to be given to you should you leave early.  Let's say I get to wave 8 but I'm about to lose.  If I choose to leave early, I gain everything I've obtained on wave 5 and earlier, but everything from 6,7, and 8 will be lost.  If the pod is destroyed, however, everything is lost.  The player has to choose to abandon before it's too late.  This means if players bail at the last second on checkpoint waves and leave players against waves they can't handle alone, the abandoned player can choose to leave when it gets too difficult and keep everything they've earned up to that checkpoint wave.  Failing the mission (the pod dies) gets you no rewards, not even xp for your weapons.  Leaving before you fail gets you everything you earned up to the checkpoint mission.


Is that a little clearler?

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The complete opposite exists now but you must fail and deal with getting no XP. Leaving gets you nothing. 


So you want this reversed with getting XP...


It's not just about the XP, it's a way to deal with trolls who trick you at the last second.  At least this way you're free to leave without worry of losing everything just because some guy decided to bait-and-switch you.

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So troll will just switch a few times to hit the cap, then quit at last second.


What about:

- 10 seconds to decide on the start,

- 5 additional seconds if someone changes mind before last 5 seconds are over,

- you can "change your mind during last 5 seconds" only once.




- if you loose the round, you loose only bonus exp and loot you got from that last round, not the whole game


That would solve everyones problems.

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I just did ODD with a Nova, he did this to the whole group and all went down the drain, we managed to survive 2 round after he left.

 It's so easy to abuse this thing it's not even funny lol, because of this I always have my mouse ready to click on leave in case some dude decides to troll the entire party.


Ha, you were lucky that he wasn't a host of that ODD. Because if he was, you would fail automatically... that's the "beauty" of ODD.

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Heh, rough idea came to mind.


Every time a player leaves the defense mission, the defense difficulty is cut by a 1/4, until one player remains, at this point the mission pretty much completely resets. So assuming a group of four players reaches wave 20:


1 players leaves - Defense scaling drops to as if wave 15

2 players leaves - Defense scaling drops to as if wave 10

3 players leaves - Defense scaling resets, room is open to join again


Though at some point, if too much players come and go, endless defense should no longer become endless.

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Easy solution.  If after the vote, and you are the only one left to do the mission, you get an emergency (troll) vote to leave that lasts 10 seconds to stay or go.  Pressing either button will make the choice go instantly since it is now single player.  If the group is two or more, there is no emergency vote.

You good sir just made my day.

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