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Thoughts On Codvanced Warfare?


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So MP reveal was today. It doesn't include that hasn't been done before, many elements from crysis2-3 and titanfall were taken, as well as it being more close to Black Ops 2 in means of loadout. However titanfall and crysis never reached their target and were at some point really bad applications of the good ideas. Hopefully codvanced warfare gonna make it simpler and better applied.

Btw I have bougt a cod and played first time in my life last week, when warframe chat servers were down and man it's awesome. It's BO 2 on ps3, just casually playing for hours and sitting in couch, I gotta admit it has a nice niche, while i see why the hate is, it is an overall very good product, besides too much dlc. When I am tired playing pc games all day I play cod to relax and rest

What are your thoughts on CoD AW and this Mp reveal? Btw no cod hate n stuff please try to be objective, I am not fanboy of anything and I am not defending anything about cod and nor do I argue it being the same game every year etc.

Edit: except I am a fan of crysis 1 and warhead, which has nothing to do with topic but I wanted to say

Edited by Cemges
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If this game does not meet up with the Hype expectations, CoD will be taking an even worse hit than when the Ghosts Hypetrain crashed and burned.


Honestly not looking forward to it. To distracted waiting for September 9th.

Yeah well Destiny may sell more than MW3 if it releases a pc version too. It's also activision though, activision is the winnere here.

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The only CoD game I ever bought was CoD Black Ops 2 as well, it's fun but gets old really fast. I've also played Titanfall quite a bit and gotta say I'm utterly disappointed as someone who hates MOBA style games no matter how innovative they try to make it, had its moments and a lot of "meh" at the end (balance issues, lack of variety in titans/weapons/gamemodes, really short rounds, 6 v 6 v horrid AI). CoD:AW looks like it might be a good alternative to both with it's bland generic fast-paced action and mixture of elements from both games. And personally I think it's nice that you can customise and have a female soldier for a change (just like Ghosts).


Worth a try I guess, but nothing to be excited about in my opinion. If you've played a CoD game, you've played them all :P



Edit: Just so I don't sound so self-contradicting, only game I "bought" was Black Ops 2, but I'd tried others as well, if you know what I mean, wink wink.

Edited by CapricaSix
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