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Vaubaugn---Hope Its Worth It


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I really don't like Vauban. I got him just because I got all the pieces, but I wasn't actively looking for him.


I think all his skills are awful, except Bastille. In my opinion, both Frost and Volt have more damage and more CC. Vortex just isn't worth using at all, it does so little damage, it might as well be 0, and makes targets hard to hit, but Bastille locks them down, and tidily lines them up for me to hit them easily. Even though Bastille is nice, its not going to save 3 other terrible skills, and a bad looking frame. Ill be sticking with something more potent.

Edited by ArgonTheFox
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I really don't like Vauban. I got him just because I got all the pieces, but I wasn't actively looking for him.


I think all his skills are awful, except Bastille. In my opinion, both Frost and Volt have more damage and more CC. Vortex just isn't worth using at all, it does so little damage, it might as well be 0, and makes targets hard to hit, but Bastille locks them down, and tidily lines them up for me to hit them easily. Even though Bastille is nice, its not going to save 3 other terrible skills, and a bad looking frame. Ill be sticking with something more potent.

Mod him with Fleeting Expertise. You can spam Vortexes everywhere and a bunch of Teslas (costing only 6 energy each) can oneshot everything on Sechura. Get a speed Nova and you can clear the waves in no time.


Not to mention, that when you throw a bunch of Bounces on the pod the Infested can't reach it, or when you stick them to the consoles in Interception enemies can't even approach them. Plus it procs Magnetism, which disables their shields.


Booben is a great frame, you just need to know how to use him correctly. he is not made for roflstomping enemies, he is made to protect the objective and he does that great.

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Mod him with Fleeting Expertise. You can spam Vortexes everywhere and a bunch of Teslas (costing only 6 energy each) can oneshot everything on Sechura. Get a speed Nova and you can clear the waves in no time.


Not to mention, that when you throw a bunch of Bounces on the pod the Infested can't reach it, or when you stick them to the consoles in Interception enemies can't even approach them. Plus it procs Magnetism, which disables their shields.


Booben is a great frame, you just need to know how to use him correctly. he is not made for roflstomping enemies, he is made to protect the objective and he does that great.


In my opinion, Vauban is like one of those low-end air fresheners, he only hides the problem, but he doesn't get rid of it. Sure, he can protect junk, but he doesn't actually do anything besides that. I'd rather use Volt, because Overload and Shock will lock enemies down, while killing them, the same with Frost's Ice Wave. and Frost has Snow Globe which is always my friend in non-infested defence.


I get self conscious while playing Vauban because im not actually killing a lot of things. I sit there thinking. "Nice, Vortex is down...do they think im an utter prat because nothing is actually happening...?"


Sure, there are a handful of people out there who can make Vauban manifest into some form of existence, but hes not for me. and even if his skills did suit my playstyle, he just looks way too terrible to be worth using. No colour scheme can save him. At least Vauban makes an effort by painting his nails.

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Vauban is a support frame, he is not meant to deal damage, he is meant to lock enemies in place to allow your teammates to deal with the easier. You can score easy headshots on enemies in Bastille, you can wipe out whole waves by shooting the enemies stuck in Vortex and so on and so forth.


If you are looking for a pure, roflstomping damage dealer, or a DD with a bit of utility, then I agree - Vauban is not a frame for you.


However, if you can and want to deal with the lack of "press 4 to win" and you like to support your team efforts, get him. He is worth it.

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